require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Bandwidth" do before(:each) do # You will need to set the environment variable BANDWIDTH_DEVELPOR_KEY to a valid one from Bandwidth in order to run a test @bandwidth ={ :developer_key => ENV['BANDWIDTH_DEVELOPER_KEY'], :use_lab_uris => true, :log_level => :debug }) end describe "string patch" do it 'should camelize a string' do "foo_bar".camelize.should == 'FooBar' end it 'should uncapitalize a string' do "FooBar".uncapitalize.should == 'fooBar' end it 'should camelize and uncapitlize a string' do "foo_bar".camelize.uncapitalize.should == 'fooBar' end it 'should leave the ID alone' do "foobar_IDs".camelize.uncapitalize.should == 'foobarIDs' end end describe "numbers" do it "should instantiate a Bandwidth::Numbers class" do @bandwidth.instance_of?(Bandwidth).should == true end it "should raise a no method error if an unknown method is called" do begin @bandwidth.foobar rescue => error error.class.should == NoMethodError error.to_s.should == "The method foobar does not exist." end end it "should get a response when searching for area codes" do result = @bandwidth.area_code_number_search :area_code => '720', :max_quantity => 10 result[:body]['numberSearchResponse'].nil?.should == false end it "should get a response when searching for area codes when params passed as camelCase too" do result = @bandwidth.area_code_number_search :areaCode => '720', :maxQuantity => 10 result[:body]['numberSearchResponse'].nil?.should == false end it "should return the result body as a Hashie::Mash class" do result = @bandwidth.area_code_number_search :area_code => '720', :max_quantity => 10 result[:body].instance_of?(Hashie::Mash).should == true end it "should get a response when searching by area code and prefix (aka - NPA and NXX)" do result = @bandwidth.npa_nxx_number_search(:npa_nxx => '720263') result[:body][:numberSearchResponse].nil? == false end it "should get a response when searching for a toll free number" do result = @bandwidth.tollfree_number_search :max_quantity => 10 result.body.numberSearchResponse.nil?.should == false end it "should get a response when retrieving for a number order" do result = @bandwidth.get_number_order(:get_type => 'orderID', :get_value => 'C2594E54-015A-4D4E-81A8-F05B76610877') result.body.getResponse.nil?.should == false end end describe "cdrs" do it "should get a resopnse when retrieving cdrs" do result = @bandwidth.get_cdr_archive(:get_type => 'Daily', :get_value => '20110221') result['headers']['Content-Type'].should == 'application/zip' end end describe "xml builder" do it "should build a valid area code search XML document" do params = { :npa_nxx => '303', :max_quantity => '3' } result = @bandwidth.build_xml(:area_code_number_search, params) Crack::XML.parse(result).should == { "areaCodeNumberSearch" => { "developerKey" => ENV['BANDWIDTH_DEVELOPER_KEY'], "xmlns:xsd" => "", "maxQuantity" => "3", "npaNxx" => "303", "xmlns:xsi" => "", "xmlns" => "" } } end it "should build a valid basic number order document" do params = { :order_name => 'Foobar 0', :ext_ref_ID => 'Foobar 1', :number_IDs => [ { :id => '1' }, { :id => '2' }], :subscriber => 'Tropo', :end_points => { :host => '' } } result = @bandwidth.build_xml(:basic_number_order, params) Crack::XML.parse(result).should == { "basicNumberOrder" => { "developerKey" => ENV['BANDWIDTH_DEVELOPER_KEY'], "subscriber" => "Tropo", "xmlns:xsd" => "", "extRefID" => "Foobar 1", "orderName" => "Foobar 0", "numberIDs" => { "id" => [ "1", "2" ] }, "xmlns:xsi" => "", "xmlns" => "", "endPoints" => { "host" => "" } } } end end end