require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe "Stache::Config" do describe "attributes" do before do Stache.send(:instance_variable_set, :@template_base_path, nil) end [:template_base_path, :template_extension, :shared_path].each do |attr| it "sets up an attribute named #{attr.to_s}" do Stache.should respond_to(attr) Stache.should respond_to("#{attr}=") end it "sets up a default value for #{attr}" do Stache.send(attr).should_not be_nil Stache.send(attr).should == if attr == :template_base_path ::Rails.root.join('app', 'templates') elsif attr == :template_extension "html.mustache" elsif attr == :shared_path ::Rails.root.join('app', 'templates', 'shared') end end end end describe ".configure" do it "yields self to the block as a convienence to future refactoring" do Stache.configure do |config| config.template_base_path = "/dev/null" end Stache.template_base_path.should == "/dev/null" end end end