require "spec_helper" require 'simple_form' require 'active_enum/form_helpers/simple_form' describe ActiveEnum::FormHelpers::SimpleForm, type: :helper do include SimpleForm::ActionViewExtensions::FormHelper before do allow(controller).to receive(:action_name).and_return('new') reset_class Person do enumerate :sex do value id: 1, name: 'Male' value id: 2, name: 'Female' end enumerate :employment_status do value id: 1, name: 'Full-time', group: 'Waged' value id: 3, name: 'Part-time', group: 'Waged' value id: 4, name: 'Casual', group: 'Waged' value id: 5, name: 'Student', group: 'Un-waged' value id: 6, name: 'Retired', group: 'Un-waged' value id: 7, name: 'Unemployed', group: 'Un-waged' value id: 8, name: 'Carer', group: 'Un-waged' end end end it "should use enum input type for enumerated attribute" do output = simple_form_for(, url: people_path) do |f| concat f.input(:sex) end expect(output).to have_selector('select#person_sex') expect(output).to have_xpath('//option[@value=1]', text: 'Male') expect(output).to have_xpath('//option[@value=2]', text: 'Female') end it "should use explicit :enum input type" do output = simple_form_for(, url: people_path) do |f| concat f.input(:sex, as: :enum) end expect(output).to have_selector('select#person_sex') expect(output).to have_xpath('//option[@value=1]', text: 'Male') expect(output).to have_xpath('//option[@value=2]', text: 'Female') end it "should use explicit :grouped_enum input type" do output = simple_form_for(, url: people_path) do |f| concat f.input(:employment_status, as: :grouped_enum, group_by: :group) end expect(output).to have_selector('select#person_employment_status') expect(output).to have_xpath('//optgroup[@label="Waged"]/option[@value=1]', text: 'Full-time') expect(output).to have_xpath('//optgroup[@label="Un-waged"]/option[@value=8]', text: 'Carer') end it "should not use enum input type if :as option indicates other type" do output = simple_form_for(, url: people_path) do |f| concat f.input(:sex, as: :string) end expect(output).to have_selector('input#person_sex') end it "should raise error if attribute for enum input is not enumerated" do expect { simple_form_for(, url: people_path) do |f| f.input(:attending, as: :enum) end }.to raise_error "Attribute 'attending' has no enum class" end it "should not use enum input type if class does not support ActiveEnum" do output = simple_form_for(, as: :not_active_record, url: people_path) do |f| concat f.input(:name) end expect(output).to have_selector('input#not_active_record_name') end it "should allow non-enum fields to use default input determination" do output = simple_form_for(, url: people_path) do |f| concat f.input(:first_name) end expect(output).to have_selector('input#person_first_name') end it "should allow models without enumerated attributes to behave normally" do output = simple_form_for(, url: people_path) do |f| concat f.input(:first_name) end expect(output).to have_selector('input#no_enum_person_first_name') end def people_path '/people' end end