require 'stache/view' module Stache # From HAML, thanks a bunch, guys! # In Rails 3.1+, template handlers don't inherit from anything. In <= 3.0, they do. # To avoid messy logic figuring this out, we just inherit from whatever the ERB handler does. class Handler < Stache::Util.av_template_class(:Handlers)::ERB.superclass if Stache::Util.needs_compilable? include Stache::Util.av_template_class(:Handlers)::Compilable end # Thanks to Mustache::Rails3 for getting us most of the way home here def compile(template) # # get a custom Mustache, or the default Stache::View mustache_class = mustache_class_from_template(template) # Return a string that will be eval'd in the context of the ActionView, ugly, but it works. <<-MUSTACHE mustache = ::#{mustache_class}.new mustache.view = self mustache.template = '#{template.source.gsub(/'/, "\\\\'")}' mustache.virtual_path = '#{template.virtual_path.to_s}' mustache[:yield] = content_for(:layout) mustache.context.update(local_assigns) variables = controller.instance_variable_names variables -= %w[@template] if controller.respond_to?(:protected_instance_variables) variables -= controller.protected_instance_variables end variables.each do |name| mustache.instance_variable_set(name, controller.instance_variable_get(name)) end # Declaring an +attr_reader+ for each instance variable in the # Stache::View subclass makes them available to your templates. mustache.class.class_eval do attr_reader * { |name| name.sub(/^@/, '').to_sym } end mustache.render.html_safe MUSTACHE end # In Rails 3.1+, #call takes the place of #compile def new.compile(template) end # suss out a constant name for the given template def mustache_class_from_template(template) const_name = ActiveSupport::Inflector.camelize(template.virtual_path.to_s) begin const_name.constantize rescue NameError, LoadError Stache::View end end end end