require 'test_helper' context 'Links' do test 'qualified url inline with text' do assert_xpath "//a[@href=''][text() = '']", render_string("The AsciiDoc project is located at") end test 'qualified url with label' do assert_xpath "//a[@href=''][text() = 'AsciiDoc']", render_string("We're parsing[AsciiDoc] markup") end test 'qualified url with label containing escaped right square bracket' do assert_xpath "//a[@href=''][text() = '[Ascii]Doc']", render_string("We're parsing[[Ascii\\]Doc] markup") end test 'qualified url with label using link macro' do assert_xpath "//a[@href=''][text() = 'AsciiDoc']", render_string("We're parsing link:[AsciiDoc] markup") end test 'qualified url using macro syntax with multi-line label inline with text' do assert_xpath %{//a[@href=''][text() = 'AsciiDoc\nmarkup']}, render_string("We're parsing link:[AsciiDoc\nmarkup]") end test 'qualified url surrounded by angled brackets' do assert_xpath '//a[@href=""][text()=""]', render_string(' is the project page for AsciiDoc.'), 1 end test 'qualified url surrounded by round brackets' do assert_xpath '//a[@href=""][text()=""]', render_string('( is the project page for AsciiDoc.'), 1 end test 'qualified url containing round brackets' do assert_xpath '//a[@href=""][text()="addModule() adds a Ruby module"]', render_string('[addModule() adds a Ruby module]'), 1 end test 'qualified url adjacent to text in square brackets' do assert_xpath '//a[@href=""][text()="AsciiDoc"]', render_string('][AsciiDoc] project page.'), 1 end test 'qualified url adjacent to text in round brackets' do assert_xpath '//a[@href=""][text()="AsciiDoc"]', render_string(')[AsciiDoc] project page.'), 1 end test 'qualified url using invalid link macro should not create link' do assert_xpath '//a', render_string('link: is the project page for AsciiDoc.'), 0 end test 'escaped inline qualified url should not create link' do assert_xpath '//a', render_string('\ is the project page for AsciiDoc.'), 0 end test 'escaped inline qualified url using macro syntax should not create link' do assert_xpath '//a', render_string('\[AsciiDoc] is the key to good docs.'), 0 end test 'inline qualified url followed by an endline should not include endline in link' do assert_xpath '//a[@href=""]', render_string("The source code for Asciidoctor can be found at\nwhich is a GitHub organization."), 1 end test 'qualified url divided by endline using macro syntax should not create link' do assert_xpath '//a', render_string("The source code for Asciidoctor can be found at link:\n[]which is a GitHub organization."), 0 end test 'qualified url containing whitespace using macro syntax should not create link' do assert_xpath '//a', render_string('I often need to refer to the chapter on link: references[Attribute References].'), 0 end test 'qualified url containing an encoded space using macro syntax should create a link' do assert_xpath '//a', render_string('I often need to refer to the chapter on link:[Attribute References].'), 1 end test 'inline quoted qualified url should not consume surrounding angled brackets' do assert_xpath '//a[@href=""]', render_string('Asciidoctor GitHub organization: <****>'), 1 end test 'link with quoted text should not be separated into attributes when linkattrs is set' do assert_xpath '//a[@href=""][text()="Google, Yahoo, Bing"]', render_embedded_string('["Google, Yahoo, Bing"]', :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''}), 1 end test 'role and window attributes on link are processed when linkattrs is set' do assert_xpath '//a[@href=""][@class="external"][@target="_blank"]', render_embedded_string('[Google, role="external", window="_blank"]', :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''}), 1 end test 'link text that ends in ^ should set link window to _blank' do assert_xpath '//a[@href=""][@target="_blank"]', render_embedded_string('[Google^]'), 1 end test 'inline irc link' do assert_xpath '//a[@href="irc://"][text()="irc://"]', render_embedded_string('irc://'), 1 end test 'inline irc link with text' do assert_xpath '//a[@href="irc://"][text()="Freenode IRC"]', render_embedded_string('irc://[Freenode IRC]'), 1 end test 'inline ref' do doc = document_from_string 'Here you can read about tigers.[[tigers]]' output = doc.render assert_equal '[tigers]', doc.references[:ids]['tigers'] assert_xpath '//a[@id = "tigers"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//a[@id = "tigers"]/child::text()', output, 0 end test 'inline ref with reftext' do doc = document_from_string 'Here you can read about tigers.[[tigers,Tigers]]' output = doc.render assert_equal 'Tigers', doc.references[:ids]['tigers'] assert_xpath '//a[@id = "tigers"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//a[@id = "tigers"]/child::text()', output, 0 end test 'escaped inline ref' do doc = document_from_string 'Here you can read about tigers.\[[tigers]]' output = doc.render assert !doc.references[:ids].has_key?('tigers') assert_xpath '//a[@id = "tigers"]', output, 0 end test 'xref using angled bracket syntax' do doc = document_from_string '<>' doc.references[:ids]['tigers'] = '[tigers]' assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "[tigers]"]', doc.render, 1 end test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with label' do assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "About Tigers"]', render_string('<>'), 1 end test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with quoted label' do assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "About Tigers"]', render_string('<>'), 1 end test 'xref using angled bracket syntax inline with text' do assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "about tigers"]', render_string('Want to learn <>?'), 1 end test 'xref using angled bracket syntax with multi-line label inline with text' do assert_xpath %{//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "about\ntigers"]}, render_string("Want to learn <>?"), 1 end test 'xref with escaped text' do # when \x0 was used as boundary character for passthrough, it was getting stripped # now using \e as boundary character, which resolves issue input = 'See the <> section for data about tigers' output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath %(//a[@href="#tigers"]/code[text()="[tigers]"]), output, 1 end test 'xref using macro syntax' do doc = document_from_string 'xref:tigers[]' doc.references[:ids]['tigers'] = '[tigers]' assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "[tigers]"]', doc.render, 1 end test 'xref using macro syntax with label' do assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "About Tigers"]', render_string('xref:tigers[About Tigers]'), 1 end test 'xref using macro syntax inline with text' do assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "about tigers"]', render_string('Want to learn xref:tigers[about tigers]?'), 1 end test 'xref using macro syntax with multi-line label inline with text' do assert_xpath %{//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "about\ntigers"]}, render_string("Want to learn xref:tigers[about\ntigers]?"), 1 end test 'xref using invalid macro syntax does not create link' do doc = document_from_string 'xref:tigers' doc.references[:ids]['tigers'] = '[tigers]' assert_xpath '//a', doc.render, 0 end test 'xref creates link for unknown reference' do doc = document_from_string '<>' assert_xpath '//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "[tigers]"]', doc.render, 1 end test 'xref shows label from title of target for forward and backward references in html backend' do input = <<-EOS == Section A <\<_section_b>> == Section B <\<_section_a>> EOS output = render_embedded_string input assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_a"][text()="Section A"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//a[@href="#_section_a"][text()="Section A"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//h2[@id="_section_b"][text()="Section B"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//a[@href="#_section_b"][text()="Section B"]', output, 1 end test 'anchor creates reference' do doc = document_from_string "[[tigers]]Tigers roam here." assert_equal({'tigers' => '[tigers]'}, doc.references[:ids]) end test 'anchor with label creates reference' do doc = document_from_string "[[tigers,Tigers]]Tigers roam here." assert_equal({'tigers' => 'Tigers'}, doc.references[:ids]) end test 'anchor with quoted label creates reference' do doc = document_from_string %([["tigers","Tigers roam here"]]Tigers roam here.) assert_equal({'tigers' => "Tigers roam here"}, doc.references[:ids]) end end