Release note ================================================================================ Version 2.4.3 2015/08/31 ================================================================================ Modifications (Client only) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fix a bug that does not work correctly Join with Union record set. ================================================================================ Version 2.4.2 2015/08/31 ================================================================================ New Features -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Added a bit AND operator to queryBase and recordsetQuery. In addition to the operators of the past, you can use the '&' and '!&'. '&' operator performs the value and bit operation of the field. If the same as the specified value matches. '!&' operator performs the value and bit operation of the field. If the not same as the specified value matches. ex)flags & 8 and flags !& 16 Other Modifications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Changed method field::addAllFileds(tabledef* def) : Chnaged from protected to public. * Added method parameters writableRecord::del and writableRecord::update,added option of "bool noSeek=false". If true the noSeek, current record as an established, omit the read operation in the delete or update operation. * Added method void queryStatements::move(int from, int to) * It was fixed a bug that connection timeout does not work as configured on windows. * If there is no record to Join in HasManyJoin, Fixed a bug that may not be processed correctly. * In the Join, When the binding key is a string, Fixed a problem that may not be able to properly search. ================================================================================ Version 2.4.0 2015/06/03 ================================================================================ Upgrade Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Compatibility between server plugin and clients Upgrade from the Version 2.3 is easy. Server plugins and clients are compatible with 2.4. (However, except the new features from version 2.4) Upgrade from the older versions than 2.3, please check the previous release notes. New Features -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Transactd studio The following information API has been added to the Transactd. * Connection in use * Database in use * Table in use Table information shows the number of records which were read, updated, inserted, deleted since the table has been opened. * ActiveTable can obtain a recordset from bookmarks. You can set multiple bookmark using queryBase::addSeekBookmark. If you call table::recordCount() after setting query object to table object, you will get the number of records which match the conditions, and you also get bookmarks of them at the same time. You can access the bookmarks with table::bookmarks(). * The following methods in C ++ API were modified to allow simultaneous access from multiple threads. * table::insertBookmarks * table::moveBookmarks * table::bookmarksCount * table::bookmarks Other Modifications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fix a bug that null key detection is sometimes wrong in P.SQL compatible null key access. * Fix a bug that automatic schema generation sometimes does not work well. * Improved lock control to get the server statistics. Improve the simultaneous effectiveness at monitoring. * nsdatabase::isReconnected() method was added. It indicates whether reconnected to the server. * Support reconnection in the case of using multiple databases in single connection. * Fix a bug that useless internal null fields will be added when create table if there is a null key. * Fix invalid pointer operations that occurs when an invalid prepared query handle are received. * Fix a bug that can not coexist with the lock by SQL access sometimes. * Added methods * short dbdef::validateTableDef(short TableIndex) * ushort_td nstable::bookmarkLen() const * bookmark_td tabale::bookmarks(unsigned int index) const * recordCountFn Call back function * table::setOnRecordCount * table::onRecordCount * bool queryBase::isSeekByBookmarks() const * void queryBase::addSeekBookmark(bookmark_td& bm, ushort_td len, bool reset=false) * bool writableRecord::read(bookmark_td& bm) * Changed method names * table::setBookMarks --> table::insertBookmarks * table::moveBookmarksId --> table::moveBookmarks * table::bookMarksCount --> table::bookmarksCount * Added method parameters * void database::close(bool withDropDefaultSchema = false) * activeTable::activeTable(database* db, short tableIndex, short mode = TD_OPEN_NORMAL) * static activeTable* create(database* db, short tableIndex, short mode = TD_OPEN_NORMAL); * Change bookmark type from unsigned int to bookmark_td. ``` struct BOOKMARK { uchar_td val[MAX_BOOKMARK_SIZE]; bool empty; BOOKMARK():empty(true){ } bool isEmpty(){ return empty; } void set(uchar_td* p, int len) { memcpy(val, p, len); empty = false; } }; ``` * Changed the type of function arguments to reference of bookmark_td from bookmark_td. * openTable method in C++ convenience API supports all arguments of original openTable method. * The following functions are added to C++ convenience API. * void deleteTable(dbdef* def, short id) * void renumberTable(dbdef* def, short id, short newid) * void deleteField(dbdef* def, short tableid, short fieldNum) * void deleteKey(dbdef* def, short tableid, short keynum) * void validateTableDef(dbdef* def, short tableid) * The binaries which compiled with Embarcadero C++ Builder are no longer included in Transactd Client with SDK for Windows. If you want to use them, they are still available by building from source code. ================================================================================ Version 2.3.0 2015-03-20 ================================================================================ Upgrade Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Compatibility between server plugin and clients You have to upgrade both of the server plugin and client libraries. The protocol that is used communicating between server and client were changed for database::reconnect() method. This version of server plugin and clients have no compatibility with the past versions of them. If you access to 2.2 or older version of server plugin with this version of clients, error code SERVER_CLIENT_NOT_COMPATIBLE (3003) will be returned. * Some methods were moved. table::usePadChar() and table:: trimPadChar() were moved to fielddef structure. The setter methods of them were put together to setPadCharSettings(bool set, bool trim). By this change, these values can be saved to the schema. This affects to the field types ft_string, ft_wstring, ft_mychar and ft_mywchar. Other field types are not affected. The default value of table::usePadChar() and trimPadChar() are true. If you did not change this value, there is no changes on program behavior. If you changed the values, you have to fix program code. For example, the code `tb->setUsePadChar(false);` has to be modified like this: ``` for (int i = 0 ; i < tb->tableDef()->fieldCount ; ++i) { fielddef* fd = const_cast<fielddef*>(&tb->tableDef()->fieldDefs[i]); fd->setPadCharSettings(false/*set*/, true/*trim*/); } ``` Note: Changes in this code are volatile, and not saved on schema. Add updating schema code if you need. * openTable in transaction The error code STATUS_ALREADY_INTRANSACTION is added. If openTable is called in transaction, and binary log is enable, the server returns this error. The binary log was supported until now, but there was the problem that if openTable is called in transaction the binlog map will not be generated and replication does not go well. So that, we modified the server plugin to return error if openTable is called in transaction with enable binary log. There is no changes if binary log is disabled. New Features -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add bias parameter ROW_LOCK_S to seek and step read operations in MULTILOCK_READ_COMMITED transaction. By this, you can control lock in more detail with using shared lock. * Add limit option to finish searching to table query with queryBase. In the past, the value of limit option meant that max number of records which will be got with one operation. The clients automatically called read operation many times until the other finish conditions are met. In effect, limit was the option that save receive buffer. If you set true to queryBase::stopAtLimit(), the limit option behaves as finish condition. The default value is false, and it is same as the past behavior. * Add findContinue to enum eFindType for table::find(eFindType type). If the last find operation has been finished because of the filter conditions maxRecord or rejectCount, it is able to continue searching from next record with findContinue. To check the cause of finishing the last operation, table::statReasonOfFind() and table::lastFindDirection() which return more detail status were added. * Add ActiveTable::readMore(). It is same as above findContinue for ActiveTable. * Add first and last method to recordset grouping functions. These methods return first or last record in each group. Strings and numbers are supported. These methods are useful when use non-normalized field values to avoid JOIN for some reason. * Add case-insensitive comparison operator to filter and query. To compare strings without case sensitivity, add "i" after the normal comparison operators. ``` Case-sensitive: =, >, < , >=, <=, <> Case-insensitive: =i, >i, <i, >=i, <=i, <>i ``` When the comparison field is same as the index field which is using, setting case sensitivity same as field definition makes performance better. If case sensitivities are different between them, optimization with the indexes is disable and full scan will be needed. * Add database::reconnect() which is used to reconnect to database. You can reconnect to database with this method even if server process has been restarted unexpectedly. The reconnection contains reopening tables, recovering cursor positions and record locks. Transactions which have not been commited yet will not be recovered. You have to run it again. There is no way to change the reconnect address at present, but tdclc will support it in the future. * Add field types ft_wstring, ft_wzstring, ft_myvarbinary and ft_mywvarbinary to fielddef::lenByCharnum(). You can specify field length with number of characters. * Add connectTimeout and netTimeout to client setting file (transactd.ini or transactd.cnf). The default values are following: ``` connectTimeout = 20 netTimeout = 180 ``` connectTimeout means timeout seconds for connection. netTimeout means timeout seconds for waiting response from server in a operation. * The implementation of TCP reading and writing methods in tdclc were changed to OS native from boost library. It makes performance better and enable timeout settings. Other Modifications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fix a bug that filter works wrong for fixed-length string fields. * Fix a bug that sortFields and sortField are not in PHP and Ruby interface. * Fix a bug that Recordset::UnionRecordset() is not in ActiveX interface. * Fix a bug that the server will crash when set invalid key number to table::find operations. * Fix a bug that when the table is locked by LOCK TABLES SQL command, after a transaction with writing failed, an unlock row error will occur in retrying. * Fix a access violation that occurs in releasing database object in ActiveX interface depending on table releasing order. * Fix a problem that "localhost" alias cannot be used without DNS. * Fix a bug that i64() method always returns 0 on ft_float field. * Fix a bug that field::getFVbin() and table::getFVbin() methods can not read values on ft_string and ft_wstring fields. * Fix a bug that the default values of size of shared memory on Windows pipe connection are different between server and clients. * Fix a bug that a invalid pointer will be returned when activeTable and query reads ft_text or ft_blob fields without "select fields" filter. * The source codes of Transactd plugin supports MySQL 5.7.6. (Build-scripts do not support it yet. Have to fix cmake scripts to build.)