# Controller Each controller should inherit from `GraphqlRails::Controller`. It is handy to have `ApplicationGraphqlController`: ```ruby class ApplicationGraphqlController < GraphqlRails::Controller # write your shared code here end ``` ## *action* to specify details about each controller action, you need to call method `action` inside controller. For example: ```ruby class ApplicationGraphqlController < GraphqlRails::Controller # write your shared code here end ``` ### *permit* ```ruby class UsersController < GraphqlRails::Controller action(:create).describe('Creates user') def create User.create(params) end end ``` ### *can_return_nil* By default it is expected that each controller action returns model or array of models. `nil` is not allowed. You can change that by adding `can_return_nil` like this: ```ruby class UsersController < GraphqlRails::Controller action(:show).permit(:email).can_return_nil def show user = User.find_by(email: params[:email]) return nil if user.blank? user end end ``` ### *paginated* You can mark collection action as `paginated`. In this case controller will return relay connection type and it will be possible to return only partial results. No need to do anything on controller side (you should always return full list of items) ```ruby class UsersController < GraphqlRails::Controller action(:index).paginated def index User.all end end ``` #### *max_page_size* Allows to specify max items count per request ```ruby class UsersController < GraphqlRails::Controller action(:index).paginated(max_page_size: 10) # add max items limit def index User.all # it will render 10 users even you have more end end ``` ### *returns* By default return type is determined by controller name. When you want to return some custom object, you can specify that with `returns` method: ```ruby class UsersController < GraphqlRails::Controller action(:last_order).permit(:id).returns(Order) def last_order user = User.find(params[:id]).orders.last end end ``` ### *describe* If you want to improve graphql documentation, you can add description for each action. To do so, use `describe` method: ```ruby class UsersController < GraphqlRails::Controller action(:create).describe('Creates user') def create User.create(params) end end ``` ## *before_action* You can add `before_action` to run some filters before calling your controller action. Here is an example: ```ruby class UsersController < GraphqlRails::Controller before_action :require_auth_token def create User.create(params) end private def require_auth_token # will run before `UsersController#create` action raise 'Not authenticated' unless User.where(token: params[:token]).exist? end end ``` ### *only* and *except* option `UsersController.before_action` accepts `only` or `except` options which allows to skip filters for some actions. ```ruby class UsersController < GraphqlRails::Controller before_action :require_auth_token, except: :show before_action :require_admin_token, only: %i[update destroy] def create User.create(params) end def destroy User.create(params) end private def require_auth_token raise 'Not authenticated' unless User.where(token: params[:token]).exist? end def require_auth_token raise 'Admin not authenticated' unless Admin.where(token: params[:admin_token]).exist? end end ```