
Interface Summary
LocalServiceTestConfig Config for a local service that can be set up and torn down.

Class Summary
LocalAppIdentityServiceTestConfig Config for accessing the local app identity service in tests.
LocalBlobstoreServiceTestConfig Config for accessing the local blobstore service in tests.
LocalCapabilitiesServiceTestConfig Config for accessing the local capabilities service in tests.
LocalDatastoreServiceTestConfig Config for accessing the local datastore service in tests.
LocalFileServiceTestConfig Config for accessing the local file service in tests.
LocalImagesServiceTestConfig Config for accessing the local images service in tests.
LocalMailServiceTestConfig Config for accessing the local mail service in tests.
LocalMemcacheServiceTestConfig Config for accessing the local memcache service in tests.
LocalRdbmsServiceTestConfig Config for accessing the local RDBMS service in tests.
LocalServiceTestHelper Helper class for testing against local app engine services.
LocalTaskQueueTestConfig Config for accessing the local task queue in tests.
LocalTaskQueueTestConfig.DeferredTaskCallback A LocalTaskQueueCallback implementation that automatically detects and runs tasks with a DeferredTask payload.
LocalTaskQueueTestConfig.TaskCountDownLatch A CountDownLatch extension that can be reset.
LocalURLFetchServiceTestConfig Config for accessing the local url fetch service in tests.
LocalUserServiceTestConfig Config for accessing the local user service in tests.
LocalXMPPServiceTestConfig Config for accessing the local xmpp service in tests.

Enum Summary