require "echoe"'web-service', '0.1.1') do |p| p.description = "REST client; an alternative to ActiveResource" p.url = "" = "Roman Le NĂ©grate" = "" p.ignore_pattern = "*.gemspec" p.dependencies = ["activesupport >=2.2.2", "class-inheritable-attributes"] p.development_dependencies = ["mocha", "test-unit-ext"] p.rdoc_options = %w(--main README.mdown --inline-source --line-numbers --charset UTF-8) end # Weirdly enough, Echoe's default `test' task doesn't get overridden by the one # defined below. Even weirder, `rake test' runs both tasks! The same applies to # `coverage'. Dirty workaround: %w(test coverage).each do |name| Rake.application.instance_eval("@tasks").delete(name) end task :default => :test desc "Run the test suite" task :test do all_test_files.each { |test| require test } end desc "Measure test coverage" COVERAGE_OUT = "doc/coverage" COVERAGE_CODE = %w(lib) task :coverage do rm_rf COVERAGE_OUT; mkdir_p COVERAGE_OUT sh %(rcov -I.:lib:test -x '^(?!#{COVERAGE_CODE * '|'})/' --text-summary --sort coverage --no-validator-links -o #{COVERAGE_OUT} #{all_test_files * ' '}) system %(open #{COVERAGE_OUT}/index.html) end def all_test_files Dir['test/**/*_test.rb'].sort end