describe BubbleWrap::String do describe ::String do it 'should include BubbleWrap::String' do ::String.ancestors.member?(BubbleWrap::String).should == true end end describe 'CamelCase input' do describe '.camelize(true)' do it "doesn't change the value" do 'CamelCase'.camelize(true).should == 'CamelCase' end end describe '.camelize(false)' do it 'lower cases the first character' do 'CamelCase'.camelize(false).should == 'camelCase' end end describe '.camelize(:upper)' do it "doesn't change the value" do 'CamelCase'.camelize(:upper).should == 'CamelCase' end end describe '.camelize(:lower)' do it 'lower cases the first character' do 'CamelCase'.camelize(:lower).should == 'camelCase' end end describe '.underscore' do it 'converts it to underscores' do 'CamelCase'.underscore.should == 'camel_case' end end end describe 'camelCase input' do describe '.camelize(true)' do it "upper cases the first character" do 'camelCase'.camelize(true).should == 'CamelCase' end end describe '.camelize(false)' do it "doesn't change the value" do 'camelCase'.camelize(false).should == 'camelCase' end end describe '.camelize(:upper)' do it "upper cases the first character" do 'camelCase'.camelize(:upper).should == 'CamelCase' end end describe '.camelize(:lower)' do it "doesn't change the value" do 'camelCase'.camelize(:lower).should == 'camelCase' end end describe '.underscore' do it 'converts it to underscores' do 'camelCase'.underscore.should == 'camel_case' end end end describe 'snake_case input' do describe '.camelize(true)' do it 'converts to CamelCase' do 'snake_case'.camelize(true).should == 'SnakeCase' end end describe '.camelize(false)' do it 'converts to camelCase' do 'snake_case'.camelize(false).should == 'snakeCase' end end describe '.underscore' do it "doesn't change the value" do 'snake_case'.underscore.should == 'snake_case' end end end before do @blue_color = UIColor.blueColor @orange_color = UIColor.colorWithRed((255.0/255.0), green:(138.0/255.0), blue:(25.0/255.0), alpha:1.0) end describe "A UIColor should be created from a String with a hex color" do it "with 6 digits" do @orange_color_from_hex= '#FF8A19'.to_color @orange_color_from_hex.should == @orange_color end it "with 3 digits" do @blue_color_from_hex = '#00F'.to_color @blue_color_from_hex.should == @blue_color end it "with no # sign" do @orange_color_from_hex= 'FF8A19'.to_color @orange_color_from_hex.should == @orange_color end end describe "a string with a color keyword (blue, red, lightText)" do it "should return the corresponding color" do 'blue'.to_color.should == UIColor.blueColor end it "should accept camelCase" do 'lightText'.to_color.should == UIColor.lightTextColor end it "should accept snake_case" do 'dark_gray'.to_color.should == UIColor.darkGrayColor end end describe "A UIColor should not be created from an invalid String" do it "an invalid hex color" do should.raise( ArgumentError ) { 'XXX'.to_color } end it "a hex color with the wrong number of digits" do should.raise( ArgumentError ) { 'FFFF'.to_color } end end end