# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # See also https://openstudio.net/license # ******************************************************************************* # see the URL below for information on how to write OpenStudio measures # http://openstudio.nrel.gov/openstudio-measure-writing-guide # see your EnergyPlus installation or the URL below for information on EnergyPlus objects # http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus/pdfs/inputoutputreference.pdf # see the URL below for information on using life cycle cost objects in OpenStudio # http://openstudio.nrel.gov/openstudio-life-cycle-examples # see the URL below for access to C++ documentation on workspace objects (click on "workspace" in the main window to view workspace objects) # http://openstudio.nrel.gov/sites/openstudio.nrel.gov/files/nv_data/cpp_documentation_it/utilities/html/idf_page.html # start the measure class SetEnergyPlusLightObjectsLPD < OpenStudio::Measure::EnergyPlusMeasure # define the name that a user will see, this method may be deprecated as # the display name in PAT comes from the name field in measure.xml def name return 'SetEnergyPlusLightObjectsLPD' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(workspace) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # make an argument LPD lpd = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('lpd', true) lpd.setDisplayName('Lighting Power Density (W/m^2)') lpd.setDefaultValue(10.76) args << lpd return args end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(workspace, runner, user_arguments) super(workspace, runner, user_arguments) # use the built-in error checking if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments(workspace), user_arguments) return false end # assign the user inputs to variables lpd = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('lpd', user_arguments) # check the lpd for reasonableness if (lpd < 0) || (lpd > 538) runner.registerError("A Lighting Power Density of #{lpd} W/m^2 is above the measure limit.") return false elsif lpd > 226 runner.registerWarning("A Lighting Power Density of #{lpd} W/m^2 is abnormally high.") end # get all lights in model lights = workspace.getObjectsByType('Lights'.to_IddObjectType) if lights.empty? runner.registerAsNotApplicable('The model does not contain any lights. The model will not be altered.') return true end starting_lpd_values = [] non_lpd_starting = [] final_lpd_values = [] lights.each do |light| light_name = light.getString(0) # Name light_starting_calc = light.getString(3) # Design Level Calculation Method light_starting_lpd = light.getString(5) # Watts per Zone Floor Area light.setString(3, 'Watts/Area') # Design Level Calculation Method light.setString(5, lpd.to_s) # Watts per Zone Floor Area # populate reporting arrays if light_starting_calc.to_s == 'Watts/Area' runner.registerInfo("Changing LPD of #{light_name} from #{light_starting_lpd}(W/m^2) to #{light.getString(5)}(W/m^2).") starting_lpd_values << light_starting_lpd.get.to_f final_lpd_values << light.getString(5).get.to_f else runner.registerInfo("Setting LPD of #{light_name} to #{light.getString(5)}(W/m^2). Original design level calculation method was #{light_starting_calc}.") non_lpd_starting << light_name final_lpd_values << light.getString(5).get.to_f end end # TODO: - add warning if a thermal zone has more than one lights object, as that may not result in the desired impact. # TODO: - may also want to warn or have info message for zones that dont have any lights # unique initial conditions based on if !starting_lpd_values.empty? && non_lpd_starting.empty? runner.registerInitialCondition("The building has #{lights.size} light objects, and started with LPD values ranging from #{starting_lpd_values.min} to #{starting_lpd_values.max}.") elsif !starting_lpd_values.empty? && !non_lpd_starting.empty? runner.registerInitialCondition("The building has #{lights.size} light objects, and started with LPD values ranging from #{starting_lpd_values.min} to #{starting_lpd_values.max}. #{non_lpd_starting.size} light objects did not start as Watts/Area, and are not included in the LPD range.") else runner.registerInitialCondition("The building has #{lights.size} light objects. None of the lights started as Watts/Area.") end # reporting final condition of model runner.registerFinalCondition("The building finished with LPD values ranging from #{final_lpd_values.min} to #{final_lpd_values.max}.") return true end end # this allows the measure to be use by the application SetEnergyPlusLightObjectsLPD.new.registerWithApplication