3.1.12 (Brainy Betty) 25389093d63e9028612489fe22cebe3f6e10d02b o:Sass::Tree::RootNode : @options{:@has_childrenT:@templateI" // Hides html text and replaces it with an image. // If you use this on an inline element, you will need to change the display to block or inline-block. // Also, if the size of the image differs significantly from the font size, you'll need to set the width and/or height. // // Parameters: // // * `img` -- the relative path from the project image directory to the image. // * `x` -- the x position of the background image. // * `y` -- the y position of the background image. @mixin replace-text($img, $x: 50%, $y: 50%) { @include hide-text; background: { image: image-url($img); repeat: no-repeat; position: $x $y; }; } // Like the `replace-text` mixin, but also sets the width // and height of the element according the dimensions of the image. @mixin replace-text-with-dimensions($img, $x: 50%, $y: 50%) { @include replace-text($img, $x, $y); width: image-width($img); height: image-height($img); } // Hides text in an element so you can see the background. @mixin hide-text { $approximate_em_value: 12px / 1em; $wider_than_any_screen: -9999em; text-indent: $wider_than_any_screen * $approximate_em_value; overflow: hidden; text-align: left; } :ET:@children[ o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"ß/* Hides html text and replaces it with an image. * If you use this on an inline element, you will need to change the display to block or inline-block. * Also, if the size of the image differs significantly from the font size, you'll need to set the width and/or height. * * Parameters: * * * `img` -- the relative path from the project image directory to the image. * * `x` -- the x position of the background image. * * `y` -- the y position of the background image. */; T: @linei: @loud0: @silenti;@; [o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ; i: @args[[o:Sass::Script::Variable:@underscored_nameI"img; T: @nameI"img; T;@0[o;;I"x; T;I"x; T;@o:Sass::Script::Number ; i7:@numerator_units[I"%; T:@denominator_units[; i:@originalI"50%; F;@[o;;I"y; T;I"y; T;@o; ; i7;[I"%; T;[; i;I"50%; F;@;I"replace-text; T;@;T; [o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ; i;[:@keywords{;I"hide-text; T;@; [o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ; o:Sass::Script::String; I"; F: @type:identifier;@: @tabsi; i:@prop_syntax:new;[I"background; T;@; [o; ; o:Sass::Script::Funcall ; i;[o; ; i;I"img; T;I"img; T;@;{;I"image-url; T;@;i; i; ;!;[I" image; T;@; [o; ; o;; I"no-repeat; T;;;@;i; i; ;!;[I" repeat; T;@; [o; ; o:Sass::Script::List ; [o; ; i;I"x; T;I"x; T;@o; ; i;I"y; T;I"y; T;@; i:@separator: space;@;i; i; ;!;[I" position; T;@; [;To; ; [I"€/* Like the `replace-text` mixin, but also sets the width * and height of the element according the dimensions of the image. */; T; i;0;i;@; [o; ; i;[[o;;I"img; T;I"img; T;@0[o;;I"x; T;I"x; T;@o; ; i7;[I"%; T;[; i;I"50%; F;@[o;;I"y; T;I"y; T;@o; ; i7;[I"%; T;[; i;I"50%; F;@;I"!replace-text-with-dimensions; T;@;T; [o; ; i;[o; ; i;I"img; T;I"img; T;@o; ; i;I"x; T;I"x; T;@o; ; i;I"y; T;I"y; T;@;{;I"replace-text; T;@; [o; ; o;" ; i;[o; ; i;I"img; T;I"img; T;@;{;I"image-width; T;@;i; i; ;!;[I" width; T;@; [o; ; o;" ; i;[o; ; i;I"img; T;I"img; T;@;{;I"image-height; T;@;i; i; ;!;[I" height; T;@; [o; ; [I"B/* Hides text in an element so you can see the background. */; T; i ;0;i;@; [o; ; i!;[;I"hide-text; T;@;T; [ o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode : @guarded0; i": @expro:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o; ; i;[I"px; T;[; i";I" 12px; F;@:@operand2o; ; i;[I"em; T;[; i";I"1em; F;@:@operator:div; i";@;I"approximate_em_value; T;@; [o;& ;'0; i#;(o; ; iþñØ;[I"em; T;[; i#;I" -9999em; F;@;I"wider_than_any_screen; T;@; [o; ; o;) ;*o; ; i$;I"wider_than_any_screen; T;I"wider_than_any_screen; T;@;+o; ; i$;I"approximate_em_value; T;I"approximate_em_value; T;@;,: times; i$;@;i; i$; ;!;[I"text-indent; T;@; [o; ; o;; I" hidden; T;;;@;i; i%; ;!;[I" overflow; T;@; [o; ; o;; I" left; T;;;@;i; i&; ;!;[I"text-align; T;@; [; i