Rubocop ========== Automatically runs rubocop (or [cookstyle]( - its chef-focused brother) against your cookbooks on check and upload. This is entirely based off of the Foodcritic plugin. Gem Requirements ---------------- This plugin requires the following gems: ```ruby gem 'rubocop' gem 'cookstyle' # if you wish to use cookstyle behaviour ``` Hooks ----- - `after_check` - `before_upload` Configuration ------------- ```yaml plugins: rubocop: epic_fail: true show_name: false autocorrect: false out_file: sev_level: lint: false use_cookstyle: true ``` #### epic_fail: If set to true, `epic_fail` will prevent you from uploading a cookbook or further checks from running until rubocop passes. - Type: `Boolean` - Default: `true` #### The following options are passing command line options to rubocop. See rubocop --help for more details #### show_name: - Type: `Boolean` - Default: `false` - Rubocop command line equivilant: "-D" Shows the name of the offending rule as well as the decription and line reference. #### autocorrect: - Type: `Boolean` - Default: `false` - Rubocop command line equivilant: "--auto-correct" Automatically correct some offenses. #### out_file: - Type: `String` - file name - Default: nil - Rubocop command line equivilant: "--out " Redirects the rubocop output to a file instead of STDOUT. #### sev_level: - Type: `String` - Default: nil - Rubocop command line equivilant: "--fail-level [C|W|E]" Set the severity level at which Rubocop will fail (see rubocop --help for more). #### lint: - Type: `Boolean` - Default: `false` - Rubocop command line equivilant: "--lint" Only run linting rules. #### use_cookstyle: - Type: `Boolean` - Default: `false` - Rubocop command line equivilant: none, use `cookstyle` command instead of `rubocop` command Cookstyle is a set of rubocop configurations that are specific to cookbooks. #### Example ``` ruby chef_workstation01$ knife spork check chef-client Checking versions for cookbook chef-client... Local Version: 3.3.3 Remote Versions: (* indicates frozen) 3.3.3 3.2.0 ERROR: The version 3.3.3 exists on the server and is not frozen. Uploading will overwrite! Running rubocop against chef-client@3.3.3... /home/chef-repo/cookbooks/chef-client Inspecting 25 files ....CCCCC.CWCCCCCWCCCWCCC Offenses: chef-client/files/default/tests/minitest/config_test.rb:22:53: C: Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols. file(File.join(node['chef_client']['conf_dir'], "client.rb")).must_exist ^^^^^^^^^^^ chef-client/libraries/helpers.rb:35:72: C: Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols. Chef::Log.debug("Node has Chef Server Recipe? #{node.recipe?("chef-server")}") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ chef-client/libraries/helpers.rb:36:70: C: Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols. Chef::Log.debug("Node has Chef Server Executable? #{system("which chef-server > /dev/null 2>&1")}") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ chef-client/libraries/helpers.rb:37:74: C: Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols. Chef::Log.debug("Node has Chef Server Ctl Executable? #{system("which chef-server-ctl > /dev/null 2>&1")}") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... ```