# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'test_helper' require 'hexapdf/content/operator' require 'hexapdf/content/processor' require 'hexapdf/serializer' require 'ostruct' describe HexaPDF::Content::Operator::BaseOperator do before do @op = HexaPDF::Content::Operator::BaseOperator.new('name') end it "takes a name on initialization and can return it" do assert_equal('name', @op.name) assert(@op.name.frozen?) end it "responds to invoke" do assert_respond_to(@op, :invoke) end it "can serialize any operator with its operands" do serializer = HexaPDF::Serializer.new assert_equal("5.0 5 /Name name\n", @op.serialize(serializer, 5.0, 5, :Name)) end end describe HexaPDF::Content::Operator::NoArgumentOperator do it "provides a special serialize method" do op = HexaPDF::Content::Operator::NoArgumentOperator.new('name') assert_equal("name\n", op.serialize(nil)) end end describe HexaPDF::Content::Operator::SingleNumericArgumentOperator do it "provides a special serialize method" do op = HexaPDF::Content::Operator::SingleNumericArgumentOperator.new('name') serializer = HexaPDF::Serializer.new assert_equal("5 name\n", op.serialize(serializer, 5)) assert_equal("5.45 name\n", op.serialize(serializer, 5.45)) end end module CommonOperatorTests extend Minitest::Spec::DSL before do resources = {} resources.define_singleton_method(:color_space) do |name| HexaPDF::GlobalConfiguration.constantize('color_space.map', name).new end resources.define_singleton_method(:ext_gstate) do |name| self[:ExtGState] && self[:ExtGState][name] || raise(HexaPDF::Error, "missing") end @processor = HexaPDF::Content::Processor.new(resources) @serializer = HexaPDF::Serializer.new end # calls the method of the operator with the operands def call(method, *operands) HexaPDF::Content::Operator::DEFAULT_OPERATORS[@name].send(method, *operands) end # calls the invoke method on the operator def invoke(*operands) call(:invoke, @processor, *operands) end it "is associated with the correct operator name in the default mapping" do assert_equal(@name, call(:name).to_sym) end it "is not the base operator implementation" do refute_equal(HexaPDF::Content::Operator::BaseOperator, call(:class)) end def assert_serialized(*operands) op = HexaPDF::Content::Operator::BaseOperator.new(@name.to_s) assert_equal(op.serialize(@serializer, *operands), call(:serialize, @serializer, *operands)) end end def describe_operator(name, symbol, &block) klass_name = "HexaPDF::Content::Operator::#{name}" klass = describe(klass_name, &block) klass.send(:include, CommonOperatorTests) one_time_module = Module.new one_time_module.send(:define_method, :setup) do super() @name = symbol end one_time_module.send(:define_method, :test_class_name) do assert_equal(klass_name, call(:class).name) end klass.send(:include, one_time_module) klass end describe_operator :SaveGraphicsState, :q do it "saves the graphics state" do width = @processor.graphics_state.line_width invoke @processor.graphics_state.line_width = 10 @processor.graphics_state.restore assert_equal(width, @processor.graphics_state.line_width) end end describe_operator :RestoreGraphicsState, :Q do it "restores the graphics state" do width = @processor.graphics_state.line_width @processor.graphics_state.save @processor.graphics_state.line_width = 10 invoke assert_equal(width, @processor.graphics_state.line_width) end end describe_operator :ConcatenateMatrix, :cm do it "concatenates the ctm by pre-multiplication" do invoke(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) invoke(6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) assert_equal(21, @processor.graphics_state.ctm.a) assert_equal(32, @processor.graphics_state.ctm.b) assert_equal(13, @processor.graphics_state.ctm.c) assert_equal(20, @processor.graphics_state.ctm.d) assert_equal(10, @processor.graphics_state.ctm.e) assert_equal(14, @processor.graphics_state.ctm.f) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) end end describe_operator :SetLineWidth, :w do it "sets the line width" do invoke(10) assert_equal(10, @processor.graphics_state.line_width) end end describe_operator :SetLineCapStyle, :J do it "sets the line cap" do invoke(HexaPDF::Content::LineCapStyle::ROUND_CAP) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Content::LineCapStyle::ROUND_CAP, @processor.graphics_state.line_cap_style) end end describe_operator :SetLineJoinStyle, :j do it "sets the line join" do invoke(HexaPDF::Content::LineJoinStyle::ROUND_JOIN) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Content::LineJoinStyle::ROUND_JOIN, @processor.graphics_state.line_join_style) end end describe_operator :SetMiterLimit, :M do it "sets the miter limit" do invoke(100) assert_equal(100, @processor.graphics_state.miter_limit) end end describe_operator :SetLineDashPattern, :d do it "sets the line dash pattern" do invoke([3, 4], 5) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Content::LineDashPattern.new([3, 4], 5), @processor.graphics_state.line_dash_pattern) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized([3, 4], 5) end end describe_operator :SetRenderingIntent, :ri do it "sets the rendering intent" do invoke(HexaPDF::Content::RenderingIntent::SATURATION) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Content::RenderingIntent::SATURATION, @processor.graphics_state.rendering_intent) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(HexaPDF::Content::RenderingIntent::SATURATION) end end describe_operator :SetGraphicsStateParameters, :gs do it "applies parameters from an ExtGState dictionary" do font = OpenStruct.new font.glyph_scaling_factor = 0.01 @processor.resources[:ExtGState] = {Name: {LW: 10, LC: 2, LJ: 2, ML: 2, D: [[3, 5], 2], RI: 2, SA: true, BM: :Multiply, CA: 0.5, ca: 0.5, AIS: true, TK: false, Font: [font, 10]}} @processor.resources.define_singleton_method(:document) do Object.new.tap {|obj| obj.define_singleton_method(:deref) {|o| o } } end invoke(:Name) gs = @processor.graphics_state assert_equal(10, gs.line_width) assert_equal(2, gs.line_cap_style) assert_equal(2, gs.line_join_style) assert_equal(2, gs.miter_limit) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Content::LineDashPattern.new([3, 5], 2), gs.line_dash_pattern) assert_equal(2, gs.rendering_intent) assert(gs.stroke_adjustment) assert_equal(:Multiply, gs.blend_mode) assert_equal(0.5, gs.stroke_alpha) assert_equal(0.5, gs.fill_alpha) assert(gs.alpha_source) assert_equal(font, gs.font) assert_equal(10, gs.font_size) refute(gs.text_knockout) end it "fails if the resources dictionary doesn't have an ExtGState entry" do assert_raises(HexaPDF::Error) { invoke(:Name) } end it "fails if the ExtGState resources doesn't have the specified dictionary" do @processor.resources[:ExtGState] = {} assert_raises(HexaPDF::Error) { invoke(:Name) } end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(:Name) end end describe_operator :SetStrokingColorSpace, :CS do it "sets the stroking color space" do invoke(:DeviceRGB) assert_equal(@processor.resources.color_space(:DeviceRGB), @processor.graphics_state.stroke_color_space) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(:DeviceRGB) end end describe_operator :SetNonStrokingColorSpace, :cs do it "sets the non stroking color space" do invoke(:DeviceRGB) assert_equal(@processor.resources.color_space(:DeviceRGB), @processor.graphics_state.fill_color_space) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(:DeviceRGB) end end describe_operator :SetStrokingColor, :SC do it "sets the stroking color" do invoke(0.2) assert_equal(@processor.resources.color_space(:DeviceGray).color(51), @processor.graphics_state.stroke_color) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(0.2, 0.5, 0.8) end end describe_operator :SetNonStrokingColor, :sc do it "sets the non stroking color" do invoke(0.2) assert_equal(@processor.resources.color_space(:DeviceGray).color(51), @processor.graphics_state.fill_color) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(0.2, 0.5, 0.8) end end describe_operator :SetDeviceGrayStrokingColor, :G do it "sets the DeviceGray stroking color" do invoke(0.2) assert_equal(@processor.resources.color_space(:DeviceGray).color(51), @processor.graphics_state.stroke_color) end end describe_operator :SetDeviceGrayNonStrokingColor, :g do it "sets the DeviceGray non stroking color" do invoke(0.2) assert_equal(@processor.resources.color_space(:DeviceGray).color(51), @processor.graphics_state.fill_color) end end describe_operator :SetDeviceRGBStrokingColor, :RG do it "sets the DeviceRGB stroking color" do invoke(0.2, 0, 0.2) assert_equal(@processor.resources.color_space(:DeviceRGB).color(51, 0, 51), @processor.graphics_state.stroke_color) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(0.2, 0.3, 0.4) end end describe_operator :SetDeviceRGBNonStrokingColor, :rg do it "sets the DeviceRGB non stroking color" do invoke(0.2, 0, 0.2) assert_equal(@processor.resources.color_space(:DeviceRGB).color(51, 0, 51), @processor.graphics_state.fill_color) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(0.2, 0.3, 0.4) end end describe_operator :SetDeviceCMYKStrokingColor, :K do it "sets the DeviceCMYK stroking color" do invoke(0.51, 0, 0.51, 0.51) assert_equal(@processor.resources.color_space(:DeviceCMYK).color(51, 0, 51, 51), @processor.graphics_state.stroke_color) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) end end describe_operator :SetDeviceCMYKNonStrokingColor, :k do it "sets the DeviceCMYK non stroking color" do invoke(0.51, 0, 0.51, 0.51) assert_equal(@processor.resources.color_space(:DeviceCMYK).color(51, 0, 51, 51), @processor.graphics_state.fill_color) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) end end describe_operator :MoveTo, :m do it "changes the graphics object to path" do refute_equal(:path, @processor.graphics_object) invoke(128, 0) assert_equal(:path, @processor.graphics_object) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(1.54, 1.78) end end describe_operator :AppendRectangle, :re do it "changes the graphics object to path" do refute_equal(:path, @processor.graphics_object) invoke(128, 0, 10, 10) assert_equal(:path, @processor.graphics_object) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(10, 11, 1.54, 1.78) end end describe_operator :LineTo, :l do it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(1.54, 1.78) end end describe_operator :CurveTo, :c do it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(1.54, 1.78, 2, 3, 5, 6) end end describe_operator :CurveToNoFirstControlPoint, :v do it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(2, 3, 5, 6) end end describe_operator :CurveToNoSecondControlPoint, :y do it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(2, 3, 5, 6) end end [:S, :s, :f, :F, :'f*', :B, :'B*', :b, :'b*', :n].each do |sym| describe_operator :EndPath, sym do it "changes the graphics object to none" do @processor.graphics_object = :path invoke refute_equal(:path, @processor.graphics_object) end end end [:W, :'W*'].each do |sym| describe_operator :ClipPath, sym do it "changes the graphics object to clipping_path for clip path operations" do invoke assert_equal(:clipping_path, @processor.graphics_object) end end end describe_operator :InlineImage, :BI do it "serializes correctly" do assert_equal("BI\n/Name 5 /OP 6 ID\nsome dataEI\n", call(:serialize, @serializer, {Name: 5, OP: 6}, 'some data')) end end describe_operator :SetCharacterSpacing, :Tc do it "modifies the character spacing" do invoke(127) assert_equal(127, @processor.graphics_state.character_spacing) end end describe_operator :SetWordSpacing, :Tw do it "modifies the word spacing" do invoke(127) assert_equal(127, @processor.graphics_state.word_spacing) end end describe_operator :SetHorizontalScaling, :Tz do it "modifies the horizontal scaling parameter" do invoke(127) assert_equal(127, @processor.graphics_state.horizontal_scaling) end end describe_operator :SetLeading, :TL do it "modifies the leading parameter" do invoke(127) assert_equal(127, @processor.graphics_state.leading) end end describe_operator :SetFontAndSize, :Tf do it "sets the font and size correctly" do @processor.resources.define_singleton_method(:font) do |name| self[:Font] && self[:Font][name] end font = OpenStruct.new font.glyph_scaling_factor = 0.01 @processor.resources[:Font] = {F1: font} invoke(:F1, 10) assert_equal(@processor.resources.font(:F1), @processor.graphics_state.font) assert_equal(10, @processor.graphics_state.font_size) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(:Font, 1.78) end end describe_operator :SetTextRenderingMode, :Tr do it "modifies the text rendering mode" do invoke(HexaPDF::Content::TextRenderingMode::FILL_STROKE) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Content::TextRenderingMode::FILL_STROKE, @processor.graphics_state.text_rendering_mode) end end describe_operator :SetTextRise, :Ts do it "modifies the text rise" do invoke(127) assert_equal(127, @processor.graphics_state.text_rise) end end describe_operator :BeginText, :BT do it "changes the graphics object to text and the tm/tlm to the identity matrix" do @processor.graphics_object = :none invoke assert_equal(:text, @processor.graphics_object) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Content::TransformationMatrix.new, @processor.graphics_state.tm) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Content::TransformationMatrix.new, @processor.graphics_state.tlm) end end describe_operator :EndText, :ET do it "changes the graphics object to :none and undefines the text and text line matrices" do @processor.graphics_object = :text invoke assert_equal(:none, @processor.graphics_object) assert_nil(@processor.graphics_state.tm) assert_nil(@processor.graphics_state.tlm) end end describe_operator :MoveText, :Td do it "correctly updates the text and text line matrices" do @processor.graphics_state.tm = HexaPDF::Content::TransformationMatrix.new @processor.graphics_state.tlm = HexaPDF::Content::TransformationMatrix.new invoke(5, 10) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Content::TransformationMatrix.new(1, 0, 0, 1, 5, 10), @processor.graphics_state.tm) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Content::TransformationMatrix.new(1, 0, 0, 1, 5, 10), @processor.graphics_state.tlm) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(1.54, 1.78) end end describe_operator :MoveTextAndSetLeading, :TD do it "invokes the TL and Td operators" do tl = Minitest::Mock.new tl.expect(:invoke, nil, [@processor, -1.78]) @processor.operators[:TL] = tl td = Minitest::Mock.new td.expect(:invoke, nil, [@processor, 1.56, 1.78]) @processor.operators[:Td] = td invoke(1.56, 1.78) assert(tl.verify) assert(td.verify) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(1.54, 1.78) end end describe_operator :SetTextMatrix, :Tm do it "correctly sets the text and text line matrices" do @processor.graphics_state.tm = HexaPDF::Content::TransformationMatrix.new @processor.graphics_state.tlm = HexaPDF::Content::TransformationMatrix.new invoke(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Content::TransformationMatrix.new(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), @processor.graphics_state.tm) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Content::TransformationMatrix.new(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), @processor.graphics_state.tlm) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_serialized(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) end end describe_operator :MoveTextNextLine, :'T*' do it "invokes the Td operator" do td = Minitest::Mock.new td.expect(:invoke, nil, [@processor, 0, -1.78]) @processor.operators[:Td] = td @processor.graphics_state.leading = 1.78 invoke assert(td.verify) end end describe_operator :ShowText, :Tj do it "serializes correctly" do assert_equal("(Some Text)Tj\n", call(:serialize, @serializer, "Some Text")) end end describe_operator :MoveTextNextLineAndShowText, :"'" do it "invokes the T* and Tj operators" do text = "Some text" tstar = Minitest::Mock.new tstar.expect(:invoke, nil, [@processor]) @processor.operators[:'T*'] = tstar tj = Minitest::Mock.new tj.expect(:invoke, nil, [@processor, text]) @processor.operators[:Tj] = tj invoke(text) assert(tstar.verify) assert(tj.verify) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_equal("(Some Text)'\n", call(:serialize, @serializer, "Some Text")) end end describe_operator :SetSpacingMoveTextNextLineAndShowText, :'"' do it "invokes the Tw, Tc and ' operators" do word_spacing = 10 char_spacing = 15 text = "Some text" tw = Minitest::Mock.new tw.expect(:invoke, nil, [@processor, word_spacing]) @processor.operators[:Tw] = tw tc = Minitest::Mock.new tc.expect(:invoke, nil, [@processor, char_spacing]) @processor.operators[:Tc] = tc tapos = Minitest::Mock.new tapos.expect(:invoke, nil, [@processor, text]) @processor.operators[:"'"] = tapos invoke(word_spacing, char_spacing, text) assert(tw.verify) assert(tc.verify) assert(tapos.verify) end it "serializes correctly" do assert_equal("10 15 (Some Text)\"\n", call(:serialize, @serializer, 10, 15, "Some Text")) end end describe_operator :ShowTextWithPositioning, :TJ do it "serializes correctly" do assert_equal("[(Some Text)15(other text)20(final text)]TJ\n", call(:serialize, @serializer, ["Some Text", 15, "other text", 20, "final text"])) end end