require 'sparkle_formation' class SparkleFormation module Provider # Azure specific implementation module Azure # @return [String] Type string for Azure Resource Manager stack resource def stack_resource_type 'Microsoft.Resources/deployments' end # Generate policy for stack # # @return [Hash] def generate_policy {} end # Set the current compile_state into the # compiled result # # @param compiled [AttributeStruct] # @return [AttributeStruct] def set_compiled_state(compiled) super compiled.outputs.compile_state.type 'String' compiled end # Apply deeply nested stacks. This is the new nesting approach and # does not bubble parameters up to the root stack. Parameters are # isolated to the stack resource itself and output mapping is # automatically applied. # # @yieldparam stack [SparkleFormation] stack instance # @yieldparam resource [AttributeStruct] the stack resource # @yieldparam s_name [String] stack resource name # @yieldreturn [Hash] key/values to be merged into resource properties # @return [SparkleFormation::SparkleStruct] compiled structure def apply_deep_nesting(*args, &block) outputs = collect_outputs nested_stacks(:with_resource).each do |stack, resource| unless(stack.nested_stacks.empty?) stack.apply_deep_nesting(*args) end unless(stack.root?) stack.compile.parameters.keys!.each do |parameter_name| next if stack.compile.parameters.set!(parameter_name).stack_unique == true if(!![parameter_name].nil?)!(parameter_name, resource.ref!(parameter_name)) elsif(output_name = output_matched?(parameter_name, outputs.keys)) next if outputs[output_name] == stack stack_output = stack.make_output_available(output_name, outputs)!(parameter_name, stack_output) end end end end if(block_given?) extract_templates(&block) end compile end # Apply shallow nesting. This style of nesting will bubble # parameters up to the root stack. This type of nesting is the # original and now deprecated, but remains for compat issues so any # existing usage won't be automatically busted. # # @yieldparam resource_name [String] name of stack resource # @yieldparam stack [SparkleFormation] nested stack # @yieldreturn [String] Remote URL storage for template # @return [SparkleFormation::SparkleStruct] compiled structure def apply_shallow_nesting(*args, &block) parameters = compile.parameters output_map = {} nested_stacks(:with_resource, :with_name).each do |_stack, stack_resource, stack_name| remap_nested_parameters(compile, parameters, stack_name, stack_resource, output_map) end extract_templates(&block) if(args.include?(:bubble_outputs)) output_map.each do |o_name, o_val| compile.outputs._set(o_name).value compile._stack_output(*o_val) end end compile end # Extract output to make available for stack parameter usage at the # current depth # # @param output_name [String] name of output # @param outputs [Hash] listing of outputs # @reutrn [Hash] reference to output value (used for setting parameter) def make_output_available(output_name, outputs) bubble_path = outputs[output_name].root_path - root_path drip_path = root_path - outputs[output_name].root_path bubble_path.each_slice(2) do |base_sparkle, ref_sparkle| next unless ref_sparkle base_sparkle.compile.outputs._set(output_name)._set( :value, base_sparkle.compile._stack_output(, output_name ) ) end if(bubble_path.empty?) if(drip_path.size == 1) parent = drip_path.first.parent if(parent && !parent.compile.parameters._set(output_name).nil?) return compile.parameter!(output_name) end end raise "Failed to detect available bubbling path for output `#{output_name}`. " << 'This may be due to a circular dependency! ' << "(Output Path: #{outputs[output_name]' > ')} " << "Requester Path: #{' > ')})" end result = compile._stack_output(, output_name) if(drip_path.size > 1) parent = drip_path.first.parent drip_path.unshift(parent) if parent drip_path.each_slice(2) do |base_sparkle, ref_sparkle| next unless ref_sparkle base_sparkle.compile.resources[].properties.parameters.value._set(output_name, result) ref_sparkle.compile.parameters._set(output_name).type 'string' # TODO: <<<<------ type check and prop result = compile._parameter(output_name) end end result end # Extract parameters from nested stacks. Check for previous nested # stack outputs that match parameter. If match, set parameter to use # output. If no match, check container stack parameters for match. # If match, set to use ref. If no match, add parameter to container # stack parameters and set to use ref. # # @param template [Hash] template being processed # @param parameters [Hash] top level parameter set being built # @param stack_name [String] name of stack resource # @param stack_resource [Hash] duplicate of stack resource contents # @param output_map [Hash] mapping of output names to required stack output access # @return [TrueClass] # @note if parameter has includes `StackUnique` a new parameter will # be added to container stack and it will not use outputs def remap_nested_parameters(template, parameters, stack_name, stack_resource, output_map) nested_template = stack_parameters = nested_template.parameters unless(stack_parameters.nil?) stack_parameters._keys.each do |pname| pval = stack_parameters[pname] unless(pval.stack_unique.nil?) check_name = [stack_name, pname].join else check_name = pname end if(!parameters._set(check_name).nil?) template.resources._set(stack_name).properties.parameters._set(pname).value( template._parameter(check_name) ) elsif(output_map[check_name]) template.resources._set(stack_name).properties.parameters._set(pname).value( template._stack_output(*output_map[check_name]) ) else parameters._set(check_name, pval) template.resources._set(stack_name).properties.parameters._set(pname).value( template._parameter(check_name) ) end end end unless(nested_template.outputs.nil?) nested_template.outputs.keys!.each do |oname| output_map[oname] = [stack_name, oname] end end true end end end end