Concrete.UI.SearchReplaceDialog = Class.create(Concrete.UI.AbstractDialog, {
initialize: function($super, options) {
var dialogElement = this._createDomElement();
$super(dialogElement, options);
this.propertyInput = dialogElement.down(".property_input");
Element.insert(this.propertyInput, { after:
this.propertyOptions = [];
new Autocompleter.Local(this.propertyInput,, this.propertyOptions, {
partialSearch: true, fullSearch: true, minChars: 0, partialChars: 0, choices: 100 })
this.searchInput = dialogElement.down(".search_input");
this.replaceInput = dialogElement.down(".replace_input");
this.findButton = dialogElement.down(".find_button");
this.replaceButton = dialogElement.down(".replace_button");
this.replaceFindButton = dialogElement.down(".replace_find_button");
this.replaceAllButton = dialogElement.down(".replace_all_button");
this.regexpBox = dialogElement.down(".regular_expression_box");
this.statusOutput = dialogElement.down(".status_output");
this.lastNodeFound = undefined;
_createDomElement: function() {
if ($('ct_search_replace_dialog')) return $('ct_search_replace_dialog');
Element.insert($$('body').first(), { bottom:
"" });
return $('ct_search_replace_dialog');
_buttonPressed: function(element) {
var featureDesc = this.propertyInput.value.strip();
if (/^(\w*|\*|\w+#\*|\w+#\w+)$/.match(featureDesc)) {
if (featureDesc.include("#")) {
var className = featureDesc.split("#")[0];
var featureName = featureDesc.split("#")[1];
else {
var featureName = featureDesc;
else {
this._setStatus("Invalid feature description: specify , #, #*, * or leave empty");
var searchPattern = this.searchInput.value;
if (this.regexpBox.checked) {
try {
searchPattern = new RegExp(searchPattern);
catch(e) {
this._setStatus("Invalid regular expression");
var replaceText = this.replaceInput.value;
if (element == this.findButton) {
this._findCommand(className, featureName, searchPattern);
else if (element == this.replaceButton) {
this._replaceCommand(searchPattern, replaceText);
else if (element == this.replaceFindButton) {
this._replaceCommand(searchPattern, replaceText);
this._findCommand(className, featureName, searchPattern);
else if (element == this.replaceAllButton) {
this._replaceAllCommand(className, featureName, searchPattern, replaceText);
_findCommand: function(className, featureName, searchPattern) {
this._defer(function() {
if (this._selectNextMatch(className, featureName, searchPattern)) {
this._setStatus("Found next occurance");
else {
this._setStatus("Pattern not found");
_replaceCommand: function(searchPattern, replaceText) {
if (this.lastNodeFound && this.lastSearchPattern.toString() == searchPattern.toString() && this.editor.selector.selected == this.lastNodeFound) {
this._defer(function() {
if (this._replaceMatch(this.lastNodeFound, searchPattern, replaceText)) {
this._setStatus("Replaced 1 occurance");
else {
this._setStatus("Nothing replaced");
else {
this._setStatus("Use find before replace");
_replaceAllCommand: function(className, featureName, searchPattern, replaceText) {
this._defer(function() {
var numReplaced = this._replaceAll(className, featureName, searchPattern, replaceText);
this._setStatus("Replaced "+numReplaced+" occurances");
// this is a special defer which is necessary, since Prototype's defer doesn't seem to yield
// the current process in a way that UI redrawing can take place
_defer: function(func) {
func = func.bind(this);
window.setTimeout(function() {
window.setTimeout(func, 0);
}, 0);
_selectNextMatch: function(className, featureName, searchPattern) {
var startLoc = this._findLocation(this.editor.selector.selected);
if (!startLoc) return false;
var nextLoc = this.findNext(startLoc[0], startLoc[1], startLoc[2], className, featureName, searchPattern);
if (nextLoc) {
var node = nextLoc[0].features[nextLoc[1]].slot.childElements()[nextLoc[2]];
if (node.ancestors().any(function(a) {return !a.visible();})) {
this.lastNodeFound = node;
this.lastSearchPattern = searchPattern;
return (nextLoc != false);
_replaceAll: function(className, featureName, searchPattern, replaceText) {
var startLoc = this._findLocation(this.editor.selector.selected);
if (!startLoc) return 0;
var firstMatch = this.findNext(startLoc[0], startLoc[1], startLoc[2], className, featureName, searchPattern);
var nextMatch = firstMatch;
var matches = [];
while (nextMatch) {
nextMatch = this.findNext(nextMatch[0], nextMatch[1], nextMatch[2], className, featureName, searchPattern);
if (nextMatch[0] == firstMatch[0] && nextMatch[1] == firstMatch[1] && nextMatch[2] == firstMatch[2]) {
var numReplaced = 0;
matches.each(function(match) {
var node = match[0].features[match[1]].slot.childElements()[match[2]];
if (this._replaceMatch(node, searchPattern, replaceText)) {
}, this);
return numReplaced;
_replaceMatch: function(node, searchPattern, replaceText) {
if (Object.isString(searchPattern) && (searchPattern.empty() || searchPattern.strip() == "*")) {
if (replaceText.empty()) {
else {
var newValue = replaceText;
else {
var newValue = node.value.replace(searchPattern, replaceText);
if (newValue) {
this.editor.modelInterface.changeValue(node, newValue);
return true;
else {
return false;
// finds the next value starting from +element+, feature index +fIndex+, value index +vIndex+
// when the last model element has been checked, the search will continue with the first element
// the search will stop after the starting point has been reached and checked
findNext: function(element, fIndex, vIndex, className, featureName, searchPattern) {
var startElement = element;
var startFIndex = fIndex;
var startVIndex = vIndex;
var containmentStack = [];
var wrapAround = 0;
while (true) {
var feature = element.features[fIndex];
var values = feature && element.featureValues(;
if (feature && (vIndex < values.size()-1)) {
// next value
if (feature.mmFeature.isContainment()) {
// go down to child element
element = values[vIndex];
fIndex = 0;
vIndex = -1;
else {
// found a value
if ((!className || className == "*" || == className) &&
(!featureName || featureName == "*" || == featureName) &&
(!searchPattern ||
(Object.isString(searchPattern) && (searchPattern == "*" || (""+values[vIndex]).include(searchPattern))) ||
(!Object.isString(searchPattern) && searchPattern.match(""+values[vIndex])))) {
return [element, fIndex, vIndex];
else if (fIndex < element.features.size()-1) {
// next feature
vIndex = -1;
else {
var parentFeature = containmentStack.pop() || element.up(".ct_containment");
if (parentFeature) {
// go up to parent
var parentElement = containmentStack.pop() || parentFeature.up(".ct_element");
fIndex = parentElement.features.indexOf(parentFeature);
vIndex = parentFeature.slot.childElements().indexOf(element);
element = parentElement;
else if ( {
// next on root level
element =;
fIndex = 0;
vIndex = -1;
else {
// first on root level, wrap around
element = element.up(".ct_root").childElements().first();
fIndex = 0;
vIndex = -1;
if ((element == startElement && fIndex == startFIndex && vIndex == startVIndex) || wrapAround > 1) {
// reached starting point, or wrapped around more than once (safety check to avoid endless loop)
return false;
_setStatus: function(text) {
this.statusOutput.textContent = text;
_findLocation: function(node) {
if (node.mmClass) {
return [node, 0, -1];
else if (node.hasClassName("ct_empty")) {
var feature = node.findAncestor(["ct_containment", "ct_reference", "ct_attribute"]);
if (feature) {
var element = feature.up(".ct_element");
return [element, element.features.indexOf(feature), -1];
else {
// empty element on root level
return false;
else {
var feature = node.findAncestor(["ct_containment", "ct_reference", "ct_attribute"]);
var element = feature.up(".ct_element");
return [element, element.features.indexOf(feature), feature.slot.childElements().indexOf(node)];
open: function($super, editor) {
this.editor = editor;
this.lastNodeFound = undefined;
this.statusOutput.innerHTML = " ";
var featureNames = [];
this.options.metamodelProvider.metaclasses.each(function(c) {
c.allFeatures().each(function(f) {
}, this);
}, this);
featureNames.uniq().reverse().each(function(fn) {
}, this);