# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*- # #-- # This file is part of HexaPDF. # # HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby # Copyright (C) 2014-2025 Thomas Leitner # # HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the # following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): # FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY # THOMAS LEITNER, THOMAS LEITNER DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON # INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. # # HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with HexaPDF. If not, see . # # The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code # versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required # under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. # # In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public # License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that # is created or manipulated using HexaPDF. # # If the GNU Affero General Public License doesn't fit your need, # commercial licenses are available at . #++ require 'geom2d/utils' module HexaPDF module Layout # Utility class for generating width specifications for TextLayouter#fit from polygons. class WidthFromPolygon include HexaPDF::Utils # Creates a new object for the given polygon (or polygon set) and immediately prepares it so # that #call can be used. # # The offset argument specifies the vertical offset from the top at which calculations # should start. def initialize(polygon, offset = 0) @polygon = polygon prepare(offset) end # Returns the width specification for the given values with respect to the wrapped polygon. def call(height, line_height) width(@max_y - height - line_height, @max_y - height) end private # Calculates the width specification for the area between the horizontal lines at y1 < y2. # # The following algorithm is used: Given y1 < y2 as the horizontal lines between which text # should be layed out, and a polygon set p that is not self-intersecting but may have # arbitrarily nested holes: # # * Get all segments of the polygon set in sequence, removing the horizontal segments in the # process (done in #prepare). # # * Make sure that the first segment represents a left-most outside-inside transition, # rotate array of segments (separate for each polygon) if necessary. (done in #prepare) # # * For the segments of each polygon do separately: # # * Ignore all segments except those with min_y < y2 and max_y > y1. # # * Determine the min_x and max_x of the segment within y1 <= y2. # # * If the segment crosses both, y1 and y2, store min_x/max_x and this segment is # finished. Otherwise traverse the segments in-order to find the next crossing, updating # min_x/max_x in the process. If it crosses the other line, the result is the same as if # a single segment had crossed both lines. Otherwise the result depends on whether the # segment sequence represents an outside-inside transition (it is ignored) or # inside-outside transition (store two pairs min_x/min_x and max_x/max_x). # # * Order stored x-values. # # * For each pair [a_min, a_max], [b_min, b_max] # - if inside (index is even): calculate width = b_min - a_max # - if outside: calculate offset = b_max - a_min # # * Prepend a0_max for first offset and remove all offset-width pairs where width is zero. def width(y1, y2) result = [] @polygon_segments.each do |segments| temp_result = [] status = if float_compare(segments.first[0].start_point.y, y2) >= 0 || float_compare(segments.first[0].start_point.y, y1) <= 0 :outside else :inside end segments.each do |_segment, miny, maxy, minyx, maxyx, vertical, slope, intercept| next unless float_compare(miny, y2) < 0 && float_compare(maxy, y1) > 0 if vertical min_x = max_x = minyx else min_x = (miny <= y1 ? (y1 - intercept) / slope : (miny <= y2 ? minyx : maxyx)) max_x = (maxy >= y2 ? (y2 - intercept) / slope : (miny >= y1 ? minyx : maxyx)) min_x, max_x = max_x, min_x if min_x > max_x end if float_compare(miny, y1) <= 0 && float_compare(maxy, y2) >= 0 # segment crosses both lines temp_result << [min_x, max_x, :crossed_both] elsif float_compare(miny, y1) <= 0 # segment crosses bottom line if status == :outside temp_result << [min_x, max_x, :crossed_bottom] status = :inside elsif temp_result.last temp_result.last[0] = min_x if temp_result.last[0] > min_x temp_result.last[1] = max_x if temp_result.last[1] < max_x temp_result.last[2] = :crossed_both if temp_result.last[2] == :crossed_top temp_result.last[2] = :crossed_bottom if temp_result.last[2] == :crossed_none status = :outside else temp_result << [min_x, max_x, :crossed_bottom] status = :outside end elsif float_compare(maxy, y2) >= 0 # segment crosses top line if status == :outside temp_result << [min_x, max_x, :crossed_top] status = :inside elsif temp_result.last temp_result.last[0] = min_x if temp_result.last[0] > min_x temp_result.last[1] = max_x if temp_result.last[1] < max_x temp_result.last[2] = :crossed_both if temp_result.last[2] == :crossed_bottom temp_result.last[2] = :crossed_top if temp_result.last[2] == :crossed_none status = :outside else temp_result << [min_x, max_x, :crossed_top] status = :outside end elsif status == :inside && temp_result.last # segment crosses no line temp_result.last[0] = min_x if temp_result.last[0] > min_x temp_result.last[1] = max_x if temp_result.last[1] < max_x else # first segment completely inside temp_result << [min_x, max_x, :crossed_none] end end if temp_result.empty? # Ignore degenerate results next elsif temp_result.size == 1 # either polygon completely inside or just the top/bottom part, handle the same temp_result[0][2] = :crossed_top elsif temp_result[0][2] != :crossed_both && temp_result[-1][2] != :crossed_both # Handle case where first and last segments only crosses one line temp_result[0][0] = temp_result[-1][0] if temp_result[0][0] > temp_result[-1][0] temp_result[0][1] = temp_result[-1][1] if temp_result[0][1] < temp_result[-1][1] temp_result[0][2] = :crossed_both if temp_result[0][2] != temp_result[-1][2] temp_result.pop end result.concat(temp_result) end temp_result = result outside = true temp_result.sort!.map! do |min, max, stat| if stat == :crossed_both outside = !outside [min, max] elsif outside [] else [min, min, max, max] end end.flatten! temp_result.unshift(0, 0) i = 0 result = [] while i < temp_result.size - 2 if i % 4 == 2 # inside the polygon, i.e. width (min2 - max1) if (width = temp_result[i + 2] - temp_result[i + 1]) > 0 result << width else result.pop # remove last offset and don't add width end else # outside the polygon, i.e. offset (max2 - min1) result << temp_result[i + 3] - temp_result[i + 0] end i += 2 end result.empty? ? [0, 0] : result end # Prepare the segments and other data for later use. def prepare(offset) @max_y = @polygon.bbox.max_y - offset @polygon_segments = if @polygon.respond_to?(:polygons) @polygon.polygons.map {|polygon| process_polygon(polygon) } else [process_polygon(@polygon)] end end # Processes the given polygon segment by segment and returns an array with the following # processing information for each segment of the polygon: # # * the segment itself # * minimum y-value # * maximum y-value # * x-value corresponding to the minimum y-value # * x-value corresponding to the maximum y-value # * whether the segment is vertical # * for non-vertical segments: slope and y-intercept of the segment # # Additionally, the returned array is rotated sothat the data for the segment with the # minimum x-value is the first item (without changing the order). def process_polygon(polygon) rotate_nr = 0 min_x = Float::INFINITY segments = polygon.each_segment.reject(&:horizontal?) segments.map!.with_index do |segment, index| (rotate_nr = index; min_x = segment.min.x) if segment.min.x < min_x data = [segment] if segment.start_point.y < segment.end_point.y data.push(segment.start_point.y, segment.end_point.y, segment.start_point.x, segment.end_point.x) else data.push(segment.end_point.y, segment.start_point.y, segment.end_point.x, segment.start_point.x) end data.push(segment.vertical?) unless segment.vertical? data.push(segment.slope) data.push((segment.start_point.y - segment.slope * segment.start_point.x).to_f) end data end segments.rotate!(rotate_nr) end end end end