require 'archetype/functions/helpers'
require 'archetype/version'
require 'compass/version'
require 'sass/version'
# This module provides an interface for testing against various framework version
module Archetype::SassExtensions::Version
# :stopdoc:
COMPARATOR_PATTERN = /(\s[neqglt]+\s|[><=!]+)/
VERSION_PATTERN = /\d+(\.\d+)*(\.[x|\*])?/
# :startdoc:
# get the current version or test against a framework version
# *Parameters*:
# - $test {String} the test to evalutate
# *Returns*:
# - {String|Boolean} if no test or test is just a lookup of a framework, it returns the version of that framework, otherwise it returns the result of the test
def archetype_version(test = nil)
test = test.nil? ? 'archetype' : helpers.to_str(test, ' ', :quotes).downcase
lib = ''
if test.include?('compass')
lib = Compass::VERSION
elsif test.include?('sass')
lib = Sass::VERSION
lib = Archetype::VERSION
# strip off any non-official versioning (e.g. pre/alpha/rc)
lib = lib.match(VERSION_PATTERN)[0]
result = compare_version(lib, test.match(VERSION_PATTERN), test.match(COMPARATOR_PATTERN))
return if result.nil?
def helpers
@helpers ||= Archetype::Functions::Helpers
# compare a version of a framework
# *Parameters*:
# - $lib {String} the library (framework) to compare
# - $version {String} the version to compare against
# - $comparator {String} the type of comparison to perform
# *Returns*:
# - {Boolean} compare the current framework version against the provided version
def compare_version(lib, version, comparator)
return nil if version.nil?
result = nil
lib = lib.split('.')
version = version[0].gsub(/\*/, 'x').split('.')
# check for wild cards
wild = version.index('x')
# check the comparison
comparator = ((comparator || [])[0] || 'eq').strip
eq = comparator =~ /(e|=)/
lt = comparator =~ /(l|<)/
gt = comparator =~ /(g|>)/
# if it was wild, substitute it
version[wild] = lib[wild].to_i + (eq ? 0 : gt ? -1 : 1) if not wild.nil?
diff = version_value(lib) - version_value(version)
# check for the version difference
result = diff > 0 if gt
result = diff < 0 if lt
result = diff == 0 if eq and not result
# if the comparator had an `n` in it, it's a negation
result = (not result) if comparator =~ /(n|!)/
return result
# convert a SemVer string into a numeric value, representing it's weight (lateness)
# *Parameters*:
# - $version {String} the version string
# *Returns*:
# - {Number} a weighted number representing the the version
def version_value(version)
sum = 0
version.each_with_index do |v, i|
break if v.nil?
sum += (1000 ** (3 - i)) * v.to_i
return sum