# Copyright (c) 2022 Contrast Security, Inc. See https://www.contrastsecurity.com/enduser-terms-0317a for more details. # frozen_string_literal: true require 'contrast/agent/protect/rule/base' require 'contrast/utils/timer' require 'contrast/components/logger' module Contrast module Agent module Protect module Rule # Implementation of the XXE Protect Rule used to evaluate XML calls for exploit # of unsafe external entity resolution. class Xxe < Contrast::Agent::Protect::Rule::Base include Contrast::Components::Logger::InstanceMethods INPUT_NAME = 'XML Prolog' NAME = 'xxe' BLOCK_MESSAGE = 'XXE rule triggered. Response blocked.' EXTERNAL_ENTITY_PATTERN = /<!ENTITY\s+[a-zA-Z0-f]+\s+(?:SYSTEM|PUBLIC)\s+(.*?)>/.cs__freeze class << self # @param attack_sample [Contrast::Api::Dtm::RaspRuleSample] # @return [Hash] the details for this specific rule def extract_details attack_sample { xml: attack_sample.xxe.xml, declaredEntities: attack_sample.xxe.declared_entities.map do |entity| { start: entity.start_idx, end: entity.end_idx } end, entitiesResolved: attack_sample.xxe.entities_resolved.map do |entity| { systemId: entity.system_id, publicId: entity.public_id } end } end end def rule_name NAME end # Given an xml, evaluate it for an XXE attack. There's no return here # as this method handles appending the evaluation to the request # context, connecting it to the reporting mechanism at request end. # # @param context [Contrast::Agent::RequestContext] the context of the # request in which this input is evaluated. # @param framework [Object] the name of the Parser being used. # @param xml [Object] the container of the XML to be checked. # @raise [Contrast::SecurityException] Security exception if an XXE # attack is found and the rule is in block mode. def infilter context, framework, xml result = find_attacker(context, xml, framework: framework) return unless result append_to_activity(context, result) return unless blocked? cef_logging(result, :successful_attack, xml) raise(Contrast::SecurityException.new(self, BLOCK_MESSAGE)) end protected # Given an XML, find any externally resolved entities and create an # Attack Result for them # # @param context [Contrast::Agent::RequestContext] the context of the # request in which this input is evaluated. # @param xml [String] the literal value of the XML being checked for # external entity resolution # @param _kwargs [Hash] # @return [Contrast::Api::Dtm::AttackResult, nil] the determination # as to whether or not this XML has an XXE attack in it. def find_attacker context, xml, **_kwargs return unless xml return if protect_excluded_by_code? xxe_details = build_details(xml) return unless xxe_details ia_result = build_evaluation(xxe_details.xml) build_attack_with_match(context, ia_result, nil, nil, details: xxe_details) end # Given an XML determined to be unsafe, build out the details of the # attack. The details will include a substring of the given XML up to # the end of the prolog, where the external entities are declared. # # @param xml [String] the literal value of the XML being checked for # external entity resolution # @return [Contrast::Api::Dtm::XxeDetails] The details of # the XXE attack and the index of the last entity discovered def build_details xml last_idx = 0 ss = StringScanner.new(xml) while ss.scan_until(EXTERNAL_ENTITY_PATTERN) last_idx = ss.pos entity_wrapper = Contrast::Agent::Protect::Rule::Xxe::EntityWrapper.new(ss.matched) next unless entity_wrapper.external_entity? xxe_details ||= Contrast::Api::Dtm::XxeDetails.new xxe_details.declared_entities << build_match(ss) xxe_details.entities_resolved << build_wrapper(entity_wrapper) end # For our definition, the prolog goes from the start of the XML # string to the end of the last entity declaration. xxe_details.xml = Contrast::Utils::StringUtils.protobuf_safe_string(xml[0, last_idx]) if xxe_details xxe_details end def build_sample context, ia_result, _url, **kwargs sample = build_base_sample(context, ia_result) sample.user_input = build_user_input(ia_result) sample.xxe = kwargs[:details] sample end def build_user_input ia_result input = Contrast::Api::Dtm::UserInput.new input.key = INPUT_NAME input.input_type = :UNKNOWN input.document_type = :XML input.value = ia_result.value input end private # We know that this attack happened, so the result is always matched # and the level is always critical. Only variable is the XML value # supplied by the attacker. def build_evaluation xml ia_result = Contrast::Api::Settings::InputAnalysisResult.new ia_result.rule_id = rule_name ia_result.input_type = :UNKNOWN ia_result.value = Contrast::Utils::StringUtils.protobuf_safe_string(xml) ia_result end def build_match string_scanner match = Contrast::Api::Dtm::XxeMatch.new match.end_idx = string_scanner.pos.to_i match.start_idx = match.end_idx - string_scanner.matched_size match end def build_wrapper entity_wrapper wrapper = Contrast::Api::Dtm::XxeWrapper.new wrapper.system_id = Contrast::Utils::StringUtils.protobuf_safe_string(entity_wrapper.system_id) wrapper.public_id = Contrast::Utils::StringUtils.protobuf_safe_string(entity_wrapper.public_id) wrapper end end end end end end