/* ** string.c - String class ** ** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h */ #ifdef _MSC_VER # define _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE #endif #ifndef MRB_NO_FLOAT #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct mrb_shared_string { int refcnt; mrb_ssize capa; char *ptr; } mrb_shared_string; const char mrb_digitmap[] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; #define mrb_obj_alloc_string(mrb) ((struct RString*)mrb_obj_alloc((mrb), MRB_TT_STRING, (mrb)->string_class)) static struct RString* str_init_normal_capa(mrb_state *mrb, struct RString *s, const char *p, size_t len, size_t capa) { char *dst = (char *)mrb_malloc(mrb, capa + 1); if (p) memcpy(dst, p, len); dst[len] = '\0'; s->as.heap.ptr = dst; s->as.heap.len = (mrb_ssize)len; s->as.heap.aux.capa = (mrb_ssize)capa; RSTR_UNSET_TYPE_FLAG(s); return s; } static struct RString* str_init_normal(mrb_state *mrb, struct RString *s, const char *p, size_t len) { return str_init_normal_capa(mrb, s, p, len, len); } static struct RString* str_init_embed(struct RString *s, const char *p, size_t len) { if (p) memcpy(RSTR_EMBED_PTR(s), p, len); RSTR_EMBED_PTR(s)[len] = '\0'; RSTR_SET_TYPE_FLAG(s, EMBED); RSTR_SET_EMBED_LEN(s, len); return s; } static struct RString* str_init_nofree(struct RString *s, const char *p, size_t len) { s->as.heap.ptr = (char *)p; s->as.heap.len = (mrb_ssize)len; s->as.heap.aux.capa = 0; /* nofree */ RSTR_SET_TYPE_FLAG(s, NOFREE); return s; } static struct RString* str_init_shared(mrb_state *mrb, const struct RString *orig, struct RString *s, mrb_shared_string *shared) { if (shared) { shared->refcnt++; } else { shared = (mrb_shared_string *)mrb_malloc(mrb, sizeof(mrb_shared_string)); shared->refcnt = 1; shared->ptr = orig->as.heap.ptr; shared->capa = orig->as.heap.aux.capa; } s->as.heap.ptr = orig->as.heap.ptr; s->as.heap.len = orig->as.heap.len; s->as.heap.aux.shared = shared; RSTR_SET_TYPE_FLAG(s, SHARED); return s; } static struct RString* str_init_fshared(const struct RString *orig, struct RString *s, struct RString *fshared) { s->as.heap.ptr = orig->as.heap.ptr; s->as.heap.len = orig->as.heap.len; s->as.heap.aux.fshared = fshared; RSTR_SET_TYPE_FLAG(s, FSHARED); return s; } static struct RString* str_init_modifiable(mrb_state *mrb, struct RString *s, const char *p, size_t len) { if (RSTR_EMBEDDABLE_P(len)) { return str_init_embed(s, p, len); } else { return str_init_normal(mrb, s, p, len); } } static struct RString* str_new_static(mrb_state *mrb, const char *p, size_t len) { if (RSTR_EMBEDDABLE_P(len)) { return str_init_embed(mrb_obj_alloc_string(mrb), p, len); } if (len >= MRB_SSIZE_MAX) { mrb_raise(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "string size too big"); } return str_init_nofree(mrb_obj_alloc_string(mrb), p, len); } static struct RString* str_new(mrb_state *mrb, const char *p, size_t len) { if (RSTR_EMBEDDABLE_P(len)) { return str_init_embed(mrb_obj_alloc_string(mrb), p, len); } if (len >= MRB_SSIZE_MAX) { mrb_raise(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "string size too big"); } if (p && mrb_ro_data_p(p)) { return str_init_nofree(mrb_obj_alloc_string(mrb), p, len); } return str_init_normal(mrb, mrb_obj_alloc_string(mrb), p, len); } static inline void str_with_class(struct RString *s, mrb_value obj) { s->c = mrb_str_ptr(obj)->c; } static mrb_value mrb_str_new_empty(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { struct RString *s = str_new(mrb, 0, 0); str_with_class(s, str); return mrb_obj_value(s); } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_new_capa(mrb_state *mrb, size_t capa) { struct RString *s; if (RSTR_EMBEDDABLE_P(capa)) { s = str_init_embed(mrb_obj_alloc_string(mrb), NULL, 0); } else if (capa >= MRB_SSIZE_MAX) { mrb_raise(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "string capacity size too big"); /* not reached */ s = NULL; } else { s = str_init_normal_capa(mrb, mrb_obj_alloc_string(mrb), NULL, 0, capa); } return mrb_obj_value(s); } static void resize_capa(mrb_state *mrb, struct RString *s, size_t capacity) { #if SIZE_MAX > MRB_SSIZE_MAX mrb_assert(capacity < MRB_SSIZE_MAX); #endif if (RSTR_EMBED_P(s)) { if (!RSTR_EMBEDDABLE_P(capacity)) { str_init_normal_capa(mrb, s, RSTR_EMBED_PTR(s), RSTR_EMBED_LEN(s), capacity); } } else { s->as.heap.ptr = (char*)mrb_realloc(mrb, RSTR_PTR(s), capacity+1); s->as.heap.aux.capa = (mrb_ssize)capacity; } } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_new(mrb_state *mrb, const char *p, size_t len) { return mrb_obj_value(str_new(mrb, p, len)); } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb_state *mrb, const char *p) { struct RString *s; size_t len; if (p) { len = strlen(p); } else { len = 0; } s = str_new(mrb, p, len); return mrb_obj_value(s); } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_new_static(mrb_state *mrb, const char *p, size_t len) { struct RString *s = str_new_static(mrb, p, len); return mrb_obj_value(s); } static void str_decref(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_shared_string *shared) { shared->refcnt--; if (shared->refcnt == 0) { mrb_free(mrb, shared->ptr); mrb_free(mrb, shared); } } static void str_modify_keep_ascii(mrb_state *mrb, struct RString *s) { if (RSTR_SHARED_P(s)) { mrb_shared_string *shared = s->as.heap.aux.shared; if (shared->refcnt == 1 && s->as.heap.ptr == shared->ptr) { s->as.heap.aux.capa = shared->capa; s->as.heap.ptr[s->as.heap.len] = '\0'; RSTR_UNSET_SHARED_FLAG(s); mrb_free(mrb, shared); } else { str_init_modifiable(mrb, s, s->as.heap.ptr, (size_t)s->as.heap.len); str_decref(mrb, shared); } } else if (RSTR_NOFREE_P(s) || RSTR_FSHARED_P(s)) { str_init_modifiable(mrb, s, s->as.heap.ptr, (size_t)s->as.heap.len); } } static void check_null_byte(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { mrb_to_str(mrb, str); if (memchr(RSTRING_PTR(str), '\0', RSTRING_LEN(str))) { mrb_raise(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "string contains null byte"); } } void mrb_gc_free_str(mrb_state *mrb, struct RString *str) { if (RSTR_EMBED_P(str)) /* no code */; else if (RSTR_SHARED_P(str)) str_decref(mrb, str->as.heap.aux.shared); else if (!RSTR_NOFREE_P(str) && !RSTR_FSHARED_P(str)) mrb_free(mrb, str->as.heap.ptr); } #ifdef MRB_UTF8_STRING static const char utf8len_codepage[256] = { 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, }; #define utf8_islead(c) ((unsigned char)((c)&0xc0) != 0x80) mrb_int mrb_utf8len(const char* p, const char* e) { mrb_int len; mrb_int i; if ((unsigned char)*p < 0x80) return 1; len = utf8len_codepage[(unsigned char)*p]; if (len == 1) return 1; if (len > e - p) return 1; for (i = 1; i < len; ++i) if (utf8_islead(p[i])) return 1; return len; } mrb_int mrb_utf8_strlen(const char *str, mrb_int byte_len) { mrb_int len = 0; const char *p = str; const char *e = p + byte_len; while (p < e) { p += mrb_utf8len(p, e); len++; } return len; } static mrb_int utf8_strlen(mrb_value str) { struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(str); mrb_int byte_len = RSTR_LEN(s); if (RSTR_ASCII_P(s)) { return byte_len; } else { mrb_int utf8_len = mrb_utf8_strlen(RSTR_PTR(s), byte_len); if (byte_len == utf8_len) RSTR_SET_ASCII_FLAG(s); return utf8_len; } } #define RSTRING_CHAR_LEN(s) utf8_strlen(s) /* map character index to byte offset index */ static mrb_int chars2bytes(mrb_value s, mrb_int off, mrb_int idx) { if (RSTR_ASCII_P(mrb_str_ptr(s))) { return idx; } else { mrb_int i, b, n; const char *p = RSTRING_PTR(s) + off; const char *e = RSTRING_END(s); for (b=i=0; p beg || ptr < end) && (*ptr & 0xc0) == 0x80) { const int utf8_adjust_max = 3; const char *p; if (ptr - beg > utf8_adjust_max) { beg = ptr - utf8_adjust_max; } p = ptr; while (p > beg) { p --; if ((*p & 0xc0) != 0x80) { int clen = mrb_utf8len(p, end); if (clen > ptr - p) return p; break; } } } return ptr; } static const char * char_backtrack(const char *ptr, const char *end) { if (ptr < end) { const int utf8_bytelen_max = 4; const char *p; if (end - ptr > utf8_bytelen_max) { ptr = end - utf8_bytelen_max; } p = end; while (p > ptr) { p --; if ((*p & 0xc0) != 0x80) { int clen = utf8len_codepage[(unsigned char)*p]; if (clen == end - p) { return p; } break; } } } return end - 1; } static mrb_int str_index_str_by_char_search(mrb_state *mrb, const char *p, const char *pend, const char *s, const mrb_int slen, mrb_int off) { /* Based on Quick Search algorithm (Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm) */ ptrdiff_t qstable[1 << CHAR_BIT]; /* Preprocessing */ { mrb_int i; for (i = 0; i < 1 << CHAR_BIT; i ++) { qstable[i] = slen; } for (i = 0; i < slen; i ++) { qstable[(unsigned char)s[i]] = slen - (i + 1); } } /* Searching */ while (p < pend && pend - p >= slen) { const char *pivot; if (memcmp(p, s, slen) == 0) { return off; } pivot = p + qstable[(unsigned char)p[slen - 1]]; if (pivot >= pend || pivot < p /* overflowed */) { return -1; } do { p += mrb_utf8len(p, pend); off ++; } while (p < pivot); } return -1; } static mrb_int str_index_str_by_char(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_value sub, mrb_int pos) { const char *p = RSTRING_PTR(str); const char *pend = p + RSTRING_LEN(str); const char *s = RSTRING_PTR(sub); const mrb_int slen = RSTRING_LEN(sub); mrb_int off = pos; for (; pos > 0; pos --) { if (pend - p < 1) { return -1; } p += mrb_utf8len(p, pend); } if (slen < 1) { return off; } return str_index_str_by_char_search(mrb, p, pend, s, slen, off); } #define BYTES_ALIGN_CHECK(pos) if (pos < 0) return mrb_nil_value(); #else #define RSTRING_CHAR_LEN(s) RSTRING_LEN(s) #define chars2bytes(p, off, ci) (ci) #define bytes2chars(p, end, bi) (bi) #define char_adjust(beg, end, ptr) (ptr) #define char_backtrack(ptr, end) ((end) - 1) #define BYTES_ALIGN_CHECK(pos) #define str_index_str_by_char(mrb, str, sub, pos) str_index_str(mrb, str, sub, pos) #endif #ifndef MRB_QS_SHORT_STRING_LENGTH #define MRB_QS_SHORT_STRING_LENGTH 2048 #endif static inline mrb_int mrb_memsearch_qs(const unsigned char *xs, mrb_int m, const unsigned char *ys, mrb_int n) { if (n + m < MRB_QS_SHORT_STRING_LENGTH) { const unsigned char *y = ys; const unsigned char *ye = ys+n-m+1; for (;;) { y = (const unsigned char*)memchr(y, xs[0], (size_t)(ye-y)); if (y == NULL) return -1; if (memcmp(xs, y, m) == 0) { return (mrb_int)(y - ys); } y++; } return -1; } else { const unsigned char *x = xs, *xe = xs + m; const unsigned char *y = ys; int i; ptrdiff_t qstable[256]; /* Preprocessing */ for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) qstable[i] = m + 1; for (; x < xe; ++x) qstable[*x] = xe - x; /* Searching */ for (; y + m <= ys + n; y += *(qstable + y[m])) { if (*xs == *y && memcmp(xs, y, m) == 0) return (mrb_int)(y - ys); } return -1; } } static mrb_int mrb_memsearch(const void *x0, mrb_int m, const void *y0, mrb_int n) { const unsigned char *x = (const unsigned char *)x0, *y = (const unsigned char *)y0; if (m > n) return -1; else if (m == n) { return memcmp(x0, y0, m) == 0 ? 0 : -1; } else if (m < 1) { return 0; } else if (m == 1) { const unsigned char *ys = (const unsigned char *)memchr(y, *x, n); if (ys) return (mrb_int)(ys - y); else return -1; } return mrb_memsearch_qs((const unsigned char *)x0, m, (const unsigned char *)y0, n); } static void str_share(mrb_state *mrb, struct RString *orig, struct RString *s) { size_t len = (size_t)orig->as.heap.len; mrb_assert(!RSTR_EMBED_P(orig)); if (RSTR_NOFREE_P(orig)) { str_init_nofree(s, orig->as.heap.ptr, len); } else if (RSTR_SHARED_P(orig)) { str_init_shared(mrb, orig, s, orig->as.heap.aux.shared); } else if (RSTR_FSHARED_P(orig)) { str_init_fshared(orig, s, orig->as.heap.aux.fshared); } else { if (orig->as.heap.aux.capa > orig->as.heap.len) { orig->as.heap.ptr = (char *)mrb_realloc(mrb, orig->as.heap.ptr, len+1); orig->as.heap.aux.capa = (mrb_ssize)len; } str_init_shared(mrb, orig, s, NULL); str_init_shared(mrb, orig, orig, s->as.heap.aux.shared); } } mrb_value mrb_str_byte_subseq(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_int beg, mrb_int len) { struct RString *orig, *s; orig = mrb_str_ptr(str); s = mrb_obj_alloc_string(mrb); if (RSTR_EMBEDDABLE_P(len)) { str_init_embed(s, RSTR_PTR(orig)+beg, len); } else { str_share(mrb, orig, s); s->as.heap.ptr += (mrb_ssize)beg; s->as.heap.len = (mrb_ssize)len; } RSTR_COPY_ASCII_FLAG(s, orig); return mrb_obj_value(s); } static void str_range_to_bytes(mrb_value str, mrb_int *pos, mrb_int *len) { *pos = chars2bytes(str, 0, *pos); *len = chars2bytes(str, *pos, *len); } #ifdef MRB_UTF8_STRING static inline mrb_value str_subseq(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_int beg, mrb_int len) { str_range_to_bytes(str, &beg, &len); return mrb_str_byte_subseq(mrb, str, beg, len); } #else #define str_subseq(mrb, str, beg, len) mrb_str_byte_subseq(mrb, str, beg, len) #endif mrb_bool mrb_str_beg_len(mrb_int str_len, mrb_int *begp, mrb_int *lenp) { if (str_len < *begp || *lenp < 0) return FALSE; if (*begp < 0) { *begp += str_len; if (*begp < 0) return FALSE; } if (*lenp > str_len - *begp) *lenp = str_len - *begp; if (*lenp <= 0) { *lenp = 0; } return TRUE; } static mrb_value str_substr(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_int beg, mrb_int len) { return mrb_str_beg_len(RSTRING_CHAR_LEN(str), &beg, &len) ? str_subseq(mrb, str, beg, len) : mrb_nil_value(); } MRB_API mrb_int mrb_str_index(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, const char *sptr, mrb_int slen, mrb_int offset) { mrb_int pos; char *s; mrb_int len; len = RSTRING_LEN(str); if (offset < 0) { offset += len; if (offset < 0) return -1; } if (len - offset < slen) return -1; s = RSTRING_PTR(str); if (offset) { s += offset; } if (slen == 0) return offset; /* need proceed one character at a time */ len = RSTRING_LEN(str) - offset; pos = mrb_memsearch(sptr, slen, s, len); if (pos < 0) return pos; return pos + offset; } static mrb_int str_index_str(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_value str2, mrb_int offset) { const char *ptr; mrb_int len; ptr = RSTRING_PTR(str2); len = RSTRING_LEN(str2); return mrb_str_index(mrb, str, ptr, len, offset); } static mrb_value str_replace(mrb_state *mrb, struct RString *s1, struct RString *s2) { size_t len; mrb_check_frozen(mrb, s1); if (s1 == s2) return mrb_obj_value(s1); RSTR_COPY_ASCII_FLAG(s1, s2); if (RSTR_SHARED_P(s1)) { str_decref(mrb, s1->as.heap.aux.shared); } else if (!RSTR_EMBED_P(s1) && !RSTR_NOFREE_P(s1) && !RSTR_FSHARED_P(s1) && s1->as.heap.ptr) { mrb_free(mrb, s1->as.heap.ptr); } len = (size_t)RSTR_LEN(s2); if (RSTR_EMBEDDABLE_P(len)) { str_init_embed(s1, RSTR_PTR(s2), len); } else { str_share(mrb, s2, s1); } return mrb_obj_value(s1); } static mrb_int str_rindex(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_value sub, mrb_int pos) { const char *s, *sbeg, *t; struct RString *ps = mrb_str_ptr(str); mrb_int len = RSTRING_LEN(sub); /* substring longer than string */ if (RSTR_LEN(ps) < len) return -1; if (RSTR_LEN(ps) - pos < len) { pos = RSTR_LEN(ps) - len; } sbeg = RSTR_PTR(ps); s = RSTR_PTR(ps) + pos; t = RSTRING_PTR(sub); if (len) { s = char_adjust(sbeg, sbeg + RSTR_LEN(ps), s); while (sbeg <= s) { if (memcmp(s, t, len) == 0) { return (mrb_int)(s - RSTR_PTR(ps)); } s = char_backtrack(sbeg, s); } return -1; } else { return pos; } } MRB_API mrb_int mrb_str_strlen(mrb_state *mrb, struct RString *s) { mrb_int i, max = RSTR_LEN(s); char *p = RSTR_PTR(s); if (!p) return 0; for (i=0; i char* mrb_utf8_from_locale(const char *str, int len) { wchar_t* wcsp; char* mbsp; int mbssize, wcssize; if (len == 0) return strdup(""); if (len == -1) len = (int)strlen(str); wcssize = MultiByteToWideChar(GetACP(), 0, str, len, NULL, 0); wcsp = (wchar_t*) malloc((wcssize + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (!wcsp) return NULL; wcssize = MultiByteToWideChar(GetACP(), 0, str, len, wcsp, wcssize + 1); wcsp[wcssize] = 0; mbssize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, (LPCWSTR) wcsp, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); mbsp = (char*) malloc((mbssize + 1)); if (!mbsp) { free(wcsp); return NULL; } mbssize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, (LPCWSTR) wcsp, -1, mbsp, mbssize, NULL, NULL); mbsp[mbssize] = 0; free(wcsp); return mbsp; } char* mrb_locale_from_utf8(const char *utf8, int len) { wchar_t* wcsp; char* mbsp; int mbssize, wcssize; if (len == 0) return strdup(""); if (len == -1) len = (int)strlen(utf8); wcssize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, len, NULL, 0); wcsp = (wchar_t*) malloc((wcssize + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (!wcsp) return NULL; wcssize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, len, wcsp, wcssize + 1); wcsp[wcssize] = 0; mbssize = WideCharToMultiByte(GetACP(), 0, (LPCWSTR) wcsp, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); mbsp = (char*) malloc((mbssize + 1)); if (!mbsp) { free(wcsp); return NULL; } mbssize = WideCharToMultiByte(GetACP(), 0, (LPCWSTR) wcsp, -1, mbsp, mbssize, NULL, NULL); mbsp[mbssize] = 0; free(wcsp); return mbsp; } #endif MRB_API void mrb_str_modify_keep_ascii(mrb_state *mrb, struct RString *s) { mrb_check_frozen(mrb, s); str_modify_keep_ascii(mrb, s); } MRB_API void mrb_str_modify(mrb_state *mrb, struct RString *s) { mrb_str_modify_keep_ascii(mrb, s); RSTR_UNSET_ASCII_FLAG(s); } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_resize(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_int len) { mrb_int slen; struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(str); if (len < 0) { mrb_raise(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "negative (or overflowed) string size"); } mrb_str_modify(mrb, s); slen = RSTR_LEN(s); if (len != slen) { if (slen < len || slen - len > 256) { resize_capa(mrb, s, len); } RSTR_SET_LEN(s, len); RSTR_PTR(s)[len] = '\0'; /* sentinel */ } return str; } MRB_API char* mrb_str_to_cstr(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str0) { struct RString *s; check_null_byte(mrb, str0); s = str_new(mrb, RSTRING_PTR(str0), RSTRING_LEN(str0)); return RSTR_PTR(s); } MRB_API void mrb_str_concat(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self, mrb_value other) { other = mrb_obj_as_string(mrb, other); mrb_str_cat_str(mrb, self, other); } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_plus(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value a, mrb_value b) { struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(a); struct RString *s2 = mrb_str_ptr(b); struct RString *t; t = str_new(mrb, 0, RSTR_LEN(s) + RSTR_LEN(s2)); memcpy(RSTR_PTR(t), RSTR_PTR(s), RSTR_LEN(s)); memcpy(RSTR_PTR(t) + RSTR_LEN(s), RSTR_PTR(s2), RSTR_LEN(s2)); return mrb_obj_value(t); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str + other_str -> new_str * * Concatenation---Returns a new String containing * other_str concatenated to str. * * "Hello from " + self.to_s #=> "Hello from main" */ static mrb_value mrb_str_plus_m(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_value str; mrb_get_args(mrb, "S", &str); return mrb_str_plus(mrb, self, str); } /* */ /* */ /* * call-seq: * "abcd".size => int * * Returns the length of string. */ static mrb_value mrb_str_size(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_int len = RSTRING_CHAR_LEN(self); return mrb_fixnum_value(len); } static mrb_value mrb_str_bytesize(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_int len = RSTRING_LEN(self); return mrb_fixnum_value(len); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str * integer => new_str * * Copy---Returns a new String containing integer copies of * the receiver. * * "Ho! " * 3 #=> "Ho! Ho! Ho! " */ static mrb_value mrb_str_times(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_int n,len,times; struct RString *str2; char *p; mrb_get_args(mrb, "i", ×); if (times < 0) { mrb_raise(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "negative argument"); } if (times && MRB_SSIZE_MAX / times < RSTRING_LEN(self)) { mrb_raise(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "argument too big"); } len = RSTRING_LEN(self)*times; str2 = str_new(mrb, 0, len); str_with_class(str2, self); p = RSTR_PTR(str2); if (len > 0) { n = RSTRING_LEN(self); memcpy(p, RSTRING_PTR(self), n); while (n <= len/2) { memcpy(p + n, p, n); n *= 2; } memcpy(p + n, p, len-n); } p[RSTR_LEN(str2)] = '\0'; RSTR_COPY_ASCII_FLAG(str2, mrb_str_ptr(self)); return mrb_obj_value(str2); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define lesser(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(b):(a)) /* ---------------------------*/ /* * call-seq: * mrb_value str1 <=> mrb_value str2 => int * > 1 * = 0 * < -1 */ MRB_API int mrb_str_cmp(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str1, mrb_value str2) { mrb_int len; mrb_int retval; struct RString *s1 = mrb_str_ptr(str1); struct RString *s2 = mrb_str_ptr(str2); len = lesser(RSTR_LEN(s1), RSTR_LEN(s2)); retval = memcmp(RSTR_PTR(s1), RSTR_PTR(s2), len); if (retval == 0) { if (RSTR_LEN(s1) == RSTR_LEN(s2)) return 0; if (RSTR_LEN(s1) > RSTR_LEN(s2)) return 1; return -1; } if (retval > 0) return 1; return -1; } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str <=> other_str => -1, 0, +1 * * Comparison---Returns -1 if other_str is less than, 0 if * other_str is equal to, and +1 if other_str is greater than * str. If the strings are of different lengths, and the strings are * equal when compared up to the shortest length, then the longer string is * considered greater than the shorter one. If the variable $= is * false, the comparison is based on comparing the binary values * of each character in the string. In older versions of Ruby, setting * $= allowed case-insensitive comparisons; this is now deprecated * in favor of using String#casecmp. * * <=> is the basis for the methods <, * <=, >, >=, and between?, * included from module Comparable. The method * String#== does not use Comparable#==. * * "abcdef" <=> "abcde" #=> 1 * "abcdef" <=> "abcdef" #=> 0 * "abcdef" <=> "abcdefg" #=> -1 * "abcdef" <=> "ABCDEF" #=> 1 */ static mrb_value mrb_str_cmp_m(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str1) { mrb_value str2 = mrb_get_arg1(mrb); mrb_int result; if (!mrb_string_p(str2)) { return mrb_nil_value(); } else { result = mrb_str_cmp(mrb, str1, str2); } return mrb_fixnum_value(result); } static mrb_bool str_eql(mrb_state *mrb, const mrb_value str1, const mrb_value str2) { const mrb_int len = RSTRING_LEN(str1); if (len != RSTRING_LEN(str2)) return FALSE; if (memcmp(RSTRING_PTR(str1), RSTRING_PTR(str2), (size_t)len) == 0) return TRUE; return FALSE; } MRB_API mrb_bool mrb_str_equal(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str1, mrb_value str2) { if (!mrb_string_p(str2)) return FALSE; return str_eql(mrb, str1, str2); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str == obj => true or false * * Equality--- * If obj is not a String, returns false. * Otherwise, returns false or true * * caution:if str <=> obj returns zero. */ static mrb_value mrb_str_equal_m(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str1) { mrb_value str2 = mrb_get_arg1(mrb); return mrb_bool_value(mrb_str_equal(mrb, str1, str2)); } /* ---------------------------------- */ /* obslete: use RSTRING_PTR() */ MRB_API const char* mrb_string_value_ptr(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { str = mrb_obj_as_string(mrb, str); return RSTRING_PTR(str); } /* obslete: use RSTRING_LEN() */ MRB_API mrb_int mrb_string_value_len(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value ptr) { mrb_to_str(mrb, ptr); return RSTRING_LEN(ptr); } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_dup(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(str); struct RString *dup = str_new(mrb, 0, 0); str_with_class(dup, str); return str_replace(mrb, dup, s); } enum str_convert_range { /* `beg` and `len` are byte unit in `0 ... str.bytesize` */ STR_BYTE_RANGE_CORRECTED = 1, /* `beg` and `len` are char unit in any range */ STR_CHAR_RANGE = 2, /* `beg` and `len` are char unit in `0 ... str.size` */ STR_CHAR_RANGE_CORRECTED = 3, /* `beg` is out of range */ STR_OUT_OF_RANGE = -1 }; static enum str_convert_range str_convert_range(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_value indx, mrb_value alen, mrb_int *beg, mrb_int *len) { if (!mrb_undef_p(alen)) { *beg = mrb_int(mrb, indx); *len = mrb_int(mrb, alen); return STR_CHAR_RANGE; } else { switch (mrb_type(indx)) { case MRB_TT_INTEGER: *beg = mrb_integer(indx); *len = 1; return STR_CHAR_RANGE; case MRB_TT_STRING: *beg = str_index_str(mrb, str, indx, 0); if (*beg < 0) { break; } *len = RSTRING_LEN(indx); return STR_BYTE_RANGE_CORRECTED; case MRB_TT_RANGE: goto range_arg; default: indx = mrb_to_int(mrb, indx); if (mrb_integer_p(indx)) { *beg = mrb_integer(indx); *len = 1; return STR_CHAR_RANGE; } range_arg: *len = RSTRING_CHAR_LEN(str); switch (mrb_range_beg_len(mrb, indx, beg, len, *len, TRUE)) { case MRB_RANGE_OK: return STR_CHAR_RANGE_CORRECTED; case MRB_RANGE_OUT: return STR_OUT_OF_RANGE; default: break; } mrb_raise(mrb, E_TYPE_ERROR, "can't convert to Integer"); } } return STR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } static mrb_value mrb_str_aref(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_value indx, mrb_value alen) { mrb_int beg, len; switch (str_convert_range(mrb, str, indx, alen, &beg, &len)) { case STR_CHAR_RANGE_CORRECTED: return str_subseq(mrb, str, beg, len); case STR_CHAR_RANGE: str = str_substr(mrb, str, beg, len); if (mrb_undef_p(alen) && !mrb_nil_p(str) && RSTRING_LEN(str) == 0) return mrb_nil_value(); return str; case STR_BYTE_RANGE_CORRECTED: if (mrb_string_p(indx)) { return mrb_str_dup(mrb, indx); } else { return mrb_str_byte_subseq(mrb, str, beg, len); } case STR_OUT_OF_RANGE: default: return mrb_nil_value(); } } /* */ /* */ /* * call-seq: * str[fixnum] => fixnum or nil * str[fixnum, fixnum] => new_str or nil * str[range] => new_str or nil * str[other_str] => new_str or nil * str.slice(fixnum) => fixnum or nil * str.slice(fixnum, fixnum) => new_str or nil * str.slice(range) => new_str or nil * str.slice(other_str) => new_str or nil * * Element Reference---If passed a single Integer, returns the code * of the character at that position. If passed two Integer * objects, returns a substring starting at the offset given by the first, and * a length given by the second. If given a range, a substring containing * characters at offsets given by the range is returned. In all three cases, if * an offset is negative, it is counted from the end of str. Returns * nil if the initial offset falls outside the string, the length * is negative, or the beginning of the range is greater than the end. * * If a String is given, that string is returned if it occurs in * str. In both cases, nil is returned if there is no * match. * * a = "hello there" * a[1] #=> 101(1.8.7) "e"(1.9.2) * a[1.1] #=> "e"(1.9.2) * a[1,3] #=> "ell" * a[1..3] #=> "ell" * a[-3,2] #=> "er" * a[-4..-2] #=> "her" * a[12..-1] #=> nil * a[-2..-4] #=> "" * a["lo"] #=> "lo" * a["bye"] #=> nil */ static mrb_value mrb_str_aref_m(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { mrb_value a1, a2; if (mrb_get_args(mrb, "o|o", &a1, &a2) == 1) { a2 = mrb_undef_value(); } return mrb_str_aref(mrb, str, a1, a2); } static mrb_noreturn void str_out_of_index(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value index) { mrb_raisef(mrb, E_INDEX_ERROR, "index %v out of string", index); } static mrb_value str_replace_partial(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value src, mrb_int pos, mrb_int end, mrb_value rep) { const mrb_int shrink_threshold = 256; struct RString *str = mrb_str_ptr(src); mrb_int len = RSTR_LEN(str); mrb_int replen, newlen; char *strp; if (end > len) { end = len; } if (pos < 0 || pos > len) { str_out_of_index(mrb, mrb_fixnum_value(pos)); } replen = (mrb_nil_p(rep) ? 0 : RSTRING_LEN(rep)); newlen = replen + (len - (end - pos)); if (newlen >= MRB_SSIZE_MAX || newlen < replen /* overflowed */) { mrb_raise(mrb, E_RUNTIME_ERROR, "string size too big"); } mrb_str_modify(mrb, str); if (len < newlen) { resize_capa(mrb, str, newlen); } strp = RSTR_PTR(str); memmove(strp + newlen - (len - end), strp + end, len - end); if (!mrb_nil_p(rep)) { memmove(strp + pos, RSTRING_PTR(rep), replen); } RSTR_SET_LEN(str, newlen); strp[newlen] = '\0'; if (len - newlen >= shrink_threshold) { resize_capa(mrb, str, newlen); } return src; } #define IS_EVSTR(p,e) ((p) < (e) && (*(p) == '$' || *(p) == '@' || *(p) == '{')) static mrb_value str_escape(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_bool inspect) { const char *p, *pend; char buf[4]; /* `\x??` or UTF-8 character */ mrb_value result = mrb_str_new_lit(mrb, "\""); #ifdef MRB_UTF8_STRING uint32_t ascii_flag = MRB_STR_ASCII; #endif p = RSTRING_PTR(str); pend = RSTRING_END(str); for (;p < pend; p++) { unsigned char c, cc; #ifdef MRB_UTF8_STRING if (inspect) { mrb_int clen = mrb_utf8len(p, pend); if (clen > 1) { mrb_int i; for (i=0; iflags |= ascii_flag; mrb_str_ptr(result)->flags |= ascii_flag; } else { RSTR_SET_ASCII_FLAG(mrb_str_ptr(result)); } #endif return result; } static void mrb_str_aset(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_value indx, mrb_value alen, mrb_value replace) { mrb_int beg, len, charlen; mrb_to_str(mrb, replace); switch (str_convert_range(mrb, str, indx, alen, &beg, &len)) { case STR_OUT_OF_RANGE: default: mrb_raise(mrb, E_INDEX_ERROR, "string not matched"); case STR_CHAR_RANGE: if (len < 0) { mrb_raisef(mrb, E_INDEX_ERROR, "negative length %v", alen); } charlen = RSTRING_CHAR_LEN(str); if (beg < 0) { beg += charlen; } if (beg < 0 || beg > charlen) { str_out_of_index(mrb, indx); } /* fall through */ case STR_CHAR_RANGE_CORRECTED: str_range_to_bytes(str, &beg, &len); /* fall through */ case STR_BYTE_RANGE_CORRECTED: str_replace_partial(mrb, str, beg, beg + len, replace); } } /* * call-seq: * str[fixnum] = replace * str[fixnum, fixnum] = replace * str[range] = replace * str[other_str] = replace * * Modify +self+ by replacing the content of +self+. * The portion of the string affected is determined using the same criteria as +String#[]+. */ static mrb_value mrb_str_aset_m(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { mrb_value indx, alen, replace; switch (mrb_get_args(mrb, "oo|S!", &indx, &alen, &replace)) { case 2: replace = alen; alen = mrb_undef_value(); break; case 3: break; } mrb_str_aset(mrb, str, indx, alen, replace); return str; } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.capitalize! => str or nil * * Modifies str by converting the first character to uppercase and the * remainder to lowercase. Returns nil if no changes are made. * * a = "hello" * a.capitalize! #=> "Hello" * a #=> "Hello" * a.capitalize! #=> nil */ static mrb_value mrb_str_capitalize_bang(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { char *p, *pend; mrb_bool modify = FALSE; struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(str); mrb_str_modify_keep_ascii(mrb, s); if (RSTR_LEN(s) == 0 || !RSTR_PTR(s)) return mrb_nil_value(); p = RSTR_PTR(s); pend = RSTR_PTR(s) + RSTR_LEN(s); if (ISLOWER(*p)) { *p = TOUPPER(*p); modify = TRUE; } while (++p < pend) { if (ISUPPER(*p)) { *p = TOLOWER(*p); modify = TRUE; } } if (modify) return str; return mrb_nil_value(); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.capitalize => new_str * * Returns a copy of str with the first character converted to uppercase * and the remainder to lowercase. * * "hello".capitalize #=> "Hello" * "HELLO".capitalize #=> "Hello" * "123ABC".capitalize #=> "123abc" */ static mrb_value mrb_str_capitalize(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_value str; str = mrb_str_dup(mrb, self); mrb_str_capitalize_bang(mrb, str); return str; } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.chomp!(separator="\n") => str or nil * * Modifies str in place as described for String#chomp, * returning str, or nil if no modifications were made. */ static mrb_value mrb_str_chomp_bang(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { mrb_value rs; mrb_int newline; char *p, *pp; mrb_int rslen; mrb_int len; mrb_int argc; struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(str); argc = mrb_get_args(mrb, "|S", &rs); mrb_str_modify_keep_ascii(mrb, s); len = RSTR_LEN(s); if (argc == 0) { if (len == 0) return mrb_nil_value(); smart_chomp: if (RSTR_PTR(s)[len-1] == '\n') { RSTR_SET_LEN(s, RSTR_LEN(s) - 1); if (RSTR_LEN(s) > 0 && RSTR_PTR(s)[RSTR_LEN(s)-1] == '\r') { RSTR_SET_LEN(s, RSTR_LEN(s) - 1); } } else if (RSTR_PTR(s)[len-1] == '\r') { RSTR_SET_LEN(s, RSTR_LEN(s) - 1); } else { return mrb_nil_value(); } RSTR_PTR(s)[RSTR_LEN(s)] = '\0'; return str; } if (len == 0 || mrb_nil_p(rs)) return mrb_nil_value(); p = RSTR_PTR(s); rslen = RSTRING_LEN(rs); if (rslen == 0) { while (len>0 && p[len-1] == '\n') { len--; if (len>0 && p[len-1] == '\r') len--; } if (len < RSTR_LEN(s)) { RSTR_SET_LEN(s, len); p[len] = '\0'; return str; } return mrb_nil_value(); } if (rslen > len) return mrb_nil_value(); newline = RSTRING_PTR(rs)[rslen-1]; if (rslen == 1 && newline == '\n') newline = RSTRING_PTR(rs)[rslen-1]; if (rslen == 1 && newline == '\n') goto smart_chomp; pp = p + len - rslen; if (p[len-1] == newline && (rslen <= 1 || memcmp(RSTRING_PTR(rs), pp, rslen) == 0)) { RSTR_SET_LEN(s, len - rslen); p[RSTR_LEN(s)] = '\0'; return str; } return mrb_nil_value(); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.chomp(separator="\n") => new_str * * Returns a new String with the given record separator removed * from the end of str (if present). chomp also removes * carriage return characters (that is it will remove \n, * \r, and \r\n). * * "hello".chomp #=> "hello" * "hello\n".chomp #=> "hello" * "hello\r\n".chomp #=> "hello" * "hello\n\r".chomp #=> "hello\n" * "hello\r".chomp #=> "hello" * "hello \n there".chomp #=> "hello \n there" * "hello".chomp("llo") #=> "he" */ static mrb_value mrb_str_chomp(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_value str; str = mrb_str_dup(mrb, self); mrb_str_chomp_bang(mrb, str); return str; } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.chop! => str or nil * * Processes str as for String#chop, returning str, * or nil if str is the empty string. See also * String#chomp!. */ static mrb_value mrb_str_chop_bang(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(str); mrb_str_modify_keep_ascii(mrb, s); if (RSTR_LEN(s) > 0) { mrb_int len; #ifdef MRB_UTF8_STRING const char* t = RSTR_PTR(s), *p = t; const char* e = p + RSTR_LEN(s); while (p=e) break; p += clen; } len = p - t; #else len = RSTR_LEN(s) - 1; #endif if (RSTR_PTR(s)[len] == '\n') { if (len > 0 && RSTR_PTR(s)[len-1] == '\r') { len--; } } RSTR_SET_LEN(s, len); RSTR_PTR(s)[len] = '\0'; return str; } return mrb_nil_value(); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.chop => new_str * * Returns a new String with the last character removed. If the * string ends with \r\n, both characters are removed. Applying * chop to an empty string returns an empty * string. String#chomp is often a safer alternative, as it leaves * the string unchanged if it doesn't end in a record separator. * * "string\r\n".chop #=> "string" * "string\n\r".chop #=> "string\n" * "string\n".chop #=> "string" * "string".chop #=> "strin" * "x".chop #=> "" */ static mrb_value mrb_str_chop(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_value str; str = mrb_str_dup(mrb, self); mrb_str_chop_bang(mrb, str); return str; } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.downcase! => str or nil * * Downcases the contents of str, returning nil if no * changes were made. */ static mrb_value mrb_str_downcase_bang(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { char *p, *pend; mrb_bool modify = FALSE; struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(str); mrb_str_modify_keep_ascii(mrb, s); p = RSTR_PTR(s); pend = RSTR_PTR(s) + RSTR_LEN(s); while (p < pend) { if (ISUPPER(*p)) { *p = TOLOWER(*p); modify = TRUE; } p++; } if (modify) return str; return mrb_nil_value(); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.downcase => new_str * * Returns a copy of str with all uppercase letters replaced with their * lowercase counterparts. The operation is locale insensitive---only * characters 'A' to 'Z' are affected. * * "hEllO".downcase #=> "hello" */ static mrb_value mrb_str_downcase(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_value str; str = mrb_str_dup(mrb, self); mrb_str_downcase_bang(mrb, str); return str; } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.empty? => true or false * * Returns true if str has a length of zero. * * "hello".empty? #=> false * "".empty? #=> true */ static mrb_value mrb_str_empty_p(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(self); return mrb_bool_value(RSTR_LEN(s) == 0); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.eql?(other) => true or false * * Two strings are equal if the have the same length and content. */ static mrb_value mrb_str_eql(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_value str2 = mrb_get_arg1(mrb); mrb_bool eql_p; eql_p = (mrb_string_p(str2)) && str_eql(mrb, self, str2); return mrb_bool_value(eql_p); } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_substr(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_int beg, mrb_int len) { return str_substr(mrb, str, beg, len); } uint32_t mrb_str_hash(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { /* 1-8-7 */ struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(str); mrb_int len = RSTR_LEN(s); char *p = RSTR_PTR(s); uint32_t hash = 0; for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { hash += p[i]; hash += (hash << 10); hash ^= (hash >> 6); } hash += (hash << 3); hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash += (hash << 15); return hash; } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.hash => fixnum * * Return a hash based on the string's length and content. */ static mrb_value mrb_str_hash_m(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_int key = mrb_str_hash(mrb, self); return mrb_fixnum_value(key); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.include? other_str => true or false * str.include? fixnum => true or false * * Returns true if str contains the given string or * character. * * "hello".include? "lo" #=> true * "hello".include? "ol" #=> false * "hello".include? ?h #=> true */ static mrb_value mrb_str_include(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_value str2; mrb_get_args(mrb, "S", &str2); if (str_index_str(mrb, self, str2, 0) < 0) return mrb_bool_value(FALSE); return mrb_bool_value(TRUE); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.index(substring [, offset]) => fixnum or nil * * Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given * substring. Returns nil if not found. * If the second parameter is present, it * specifies the position in the string to begin the search. * * "hello".index('l') #=> 2 * "hello".index('lo') #=> 3 * "hello".index('a') #=> nil * "hello".index('l', -2) #=> 3 */ static mrb_value mrb_str_index_m(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { mrb_value sub; mrb_int pos; if (mrb_get_args(mrb, "S|i", &sub, &pos) == 1) { pos = 0; } else if (pos < 0) { mrb_int clen = RSTRING_CHAR_LEN(str); pos += clen; if (pos < 0) { return mrb_nil_value(); } } pos = str_index_str_by_char(mrb, str, sub, pos); if (pos == -1) return mrb_nil_value(); BYTES_ALIGN_CHECK(pos); return mrb_fixnum_value(pos); } /* */ /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.replace(other_str) => str * * s = "hello" #=> "hello" * s.replace "world" #=> "world" */ static mrb_value mrb_str_replace(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { mrb_value str2; mrb_get_args(mrb, "S", &str2); return str_replace(mrb, mrb_str_ptr(str), mrb_str_ptr(str2)); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * String.new(str="") => new_str * * Returns a new string object containing a copy of str. */ static mrb_value mrb_str_init(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_value str2; if (mrb_get_args(mrb, "|S", &str2) == 0) { struct RString *s = str_new(mrb, 0, 0); str2 = mrb_obj_value(s); } str_replace(mrb, mrb_str_ptr(self), mrb_str_ptr(str2)); return self; } /* */ /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.intern => symbol * str.to_sym => symbol * * Returns the Symbol corresponding to str, creating the * symbol if it did not previously exist. See Symbol#id2name. * * "Koala".intern #=> :Koala * s = 'cat'.to_sym #=> :cat * s == :cat #=> true * s = '@cat'.to_sym #=> :@cat * s == :@cat #=> true * * This can also be used to create symbols that cannot be represented using the * :xxx notation. * * 'cat and dog'.to_sym #=> :"cat and dog" */ MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_intern(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { return mrb_symbol_value(mrb_intern_str(mrb, self)); } /* ---------------------------------- */ MRB_API mrb_value mrb_obj_as_string(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj) { switch (mrb_type(obj)) { case MRB_TT_STRING: return obj; case MRB_TT_SYMBOL: return mrb_sym_str(mrb, mrb_symbol(obj)); case MRB_TT_INTEGER: return mrb_fixnum_to_str(mrb, obj, 10); case MRB_TT_SCLASS: case MRB_TT_CLASS: case MRB_TT_MODULE: return mrb_mod_to_s(mrb, obj); default: return mrb_type_convert(mrb, obj, MRB_TT_STRING, MRB_SYM(to_s)); } } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ptr_to_str(mrb_state *mrb, void *p) { struct RString *p_str; char *p1; char *p2; uintptr_t n = (uintptr_t)p; p_str = str_new(mrb, NULL, 2 + sizeof(uintptr_t) * CHAR_BIT / 4); p1 = RSTR_PTR(p_str); *p1++ = '0'; *p1++ = 'x'; p2 = p1; do { *p2++ = mrb_digitmap[n % 16]; n /= 16; } while (n > 0); *p2 = '\0'; RSTR_SET_LEN(p_str, (mrb_int)(p2 - RSTR_PTR(p_str))); while (p1 < p2) { const char c = *p1; *p1++ = *--p2; *p2 = c; } return mrb_obj_value(p_str); } static inline void str_reverse(char *p, char *e) { char c; while (p < e) { c = *p; *p++ = *e; *e-- = c; } } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.reverse! => str * * Reverses str in place. */ static mrb_value mrb_str_reverse_bang(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(str); char *p, *e; #ifdef MRB_UTF8_STRING mrb_int utf8_len = RSTRING_CHAR_LEN(str); mrb_int len = RSTR_LEN(s); if (utf8_len < 2) return str; if (utf8_len < len) { mrb_str_modify(mrb, s); p = RSTR_PTR(s); e = p + RSTR_LEN(s); while (p 1) { mrb_str_modify(mrb, s); goto bytes; } return str; bytes: p = RSTR_PTR(s); e = p + RSTR_LEN(s) - 1; str_reverse(p, e); return str; } /* ---------------------------------- */ /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.reverse => new_str * * Returns a new string with the characters from str in reverse order. * * "stressed".reverse #=> "desserts" */ static mrb_value mrb_str_reverse(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { mrb_value str2 = mrb_str_dup(mrb, str); mrb_str_reverse_bang(mrb, str2); return str2; } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.rindex(substring [, offset]) => fixnum or nil * * Returns the index of the last occurrence of the given substring. * Returns nil if not found. If the second parameter is * present, it specifies the position in the string to end the * search---characters beyond this point will not be considered. * * "hello".rindex('e') #=> 1 * "hello".rindex('l') #=> 3 * "hello".rindex('a') #=> nil * "hello".rindex('l', 2) #=> 2 */ static mrb_value mrb_str_rindex(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { mrb_value sub; mrb_int pos, len = RSTRING_CHAR_LEN(str); if (mrb_get_args(mrb, "S|i", &sub, &pos) == 1) { pos = len; } else { if (pos < 0) { pos += len; if (pos < 0) { return mrb_nil_value(); } } if (pos > len) pos = len; } pos = chars2bytes(str, 0, pos); pos = str_rindex(mrb, str, sub, pos); if (pos >= 0) { pos = bytes2chars(RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_LEN(str), pos); BYTES_ALIGN_CHECK(pos); return mrb_fixnum_value(pos); } return mrb_nil_value(); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.split(separator=nil, [limit]) => anArray * * Divides str into substrings based on a delimiter, returning an array * of these substrings. * * If separator is a String, then its contents are used as * the delimiter when splitting str. If separator is a single * space, str is split on whitespace, with leading whitespace and runs * of contiguous whitespace characters ignored. * * If separator is omitted or nil (which is the default), * str is split on whitespace as if ' ' were specified. * * If the limit parameter is omitted, trailing null fields are * suppressed. If limit is a positive number, at most that number of * fields will be returned (if limit is 1, the entire * string is returned as the only entry in an array). If negative, there is no * limit to the number of fields returned, and trailing null fields are not * suppressed. * * " now's the time".split #=> ["now's", "the", "time"] * " now's the time".split(' ') #=> ["now's", "the", "time"] * * "mellow yellow".split("ello") #=> ["m", "w y", "w"] * "1,2,,3,4,,".split(',') #=> ["1", "2", "", "3", "4"] * "1,2,,3,4,,".split(',', 4) #=> ["1", "2", "", "3,4,,"] * "1,2,,3,4,,".split(',', -4) #=> ["1", "2", "", "3", "4", "", ""] */ static mrb_value mrb_str_split_m(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { mrb_int argc; mrb_value spat = mrb_nil_value(); enum {awk, string} split_type = string; mrb_int i = 0; mrb_int beg; mrb_int end; mrb_int lim = 0; mrb_bool lim_p; mrb_value result, tmp; argc = mrb_get_args(mrb, "|oi", &spat, &lim); lim_p = (lim > 0 && argc == 2); if (argc == 2) { if (lim == 1) { if (RSTRING_LEN(str) == 0) return mrb_ary_new_capa(mrb, 0); return mrb_ary_new_from_values(mrb, 1, &str); } i = 1; } if (argc == 0 || mrb_nil_p(spat)) { split_type = awk; } else if (!mrb_string_p(spat)) { mrb_raise(mrb, E_TYPE_ERROR, "expected String"); } else if (RSTRING_LEN(spat) == 1 && RSTRING_PTR(spat)[0] == ' ') { split_type = awk; } result = mrb_ary_new(mrb); beg = 0; if (split_type == awk) { mrb_bool skip = TRUE; mrb_int idx = 0; mrb_int str_len = RSTRING_LEN(str); unsigned int c; int ai = mrb_gc_arena_save(mrb); idx = end = beg; while (idx < str_len) { c = (unsigned char)RSTRING_PTR(str)[idx++]; if (skip) { if (ISSPACE(c)) { beg = idx; } else { end = idx; skip = FALSE; if (lim_p && lim <= i) break; } } else if (ISSPACE(c)) { mrb_ary_push(mrb, result, mrb_str_byte_subseq(mrb, str, beg, end-beg)); mrb_gc_arena_restore(mrb, ai); skip = TRUE; beg = idx; if (lim_p) ++i; } else { end = idx; } } } else { /* split_type == string */ mrb_int str_len = RSTRING_LEN(str); mrb_int pat_len = RSTRING_LEN(spat); mrb_int idx = 0; int ai = mrb_gc_arena_save(mrb); while (idx < str_len) { if (pat_len > 0) { end = mrb_memsearch(RSTRING_PTR(spat), pat_len, RSTRING_PTR(str)+idx, str_len - idx); if (end < 0) break; } else { end = chars2bytes(str, idx, 1); } mrb_ary_push(mrb, result, mrb_str_byte_subseq(mrb, str, idx, end)); mrb_gc_arena_restore(mrb, ai); idx += end + pat_len; if (lim_p && lim <= ++i) break; } beg = idx; } if (RSTRING_LEN(str) > 0 && (lim_p || RSTRING_LEN(str) > beg || lim < 0)) { if (RSTRING_LEN(str) == beg) { tmp = mrb_str_new_empty(mrb, str); } else { tmp = mrb_str_byte_subseq(mrb, str, beg, RSTRING_LEN(str)-beg); } mrb_ary_push(mrb, result, tmp); } if (!lim_p && lim == 0) { mrb_int len; while ((len = RARRAY_LEN(result)) > 0 && (tmp = RARRAY_PTR(result)[len-1], RSTRING_LEN(tmp) == 0)) mrb_ary_pop(mrb, result); } return result; } mrb_value mrb_str_len_to_inum(mrb_state *mrb, const char *str, size_t len, mrb_int base, int badcheck) { const char *p = str; const char *pend = str + len; char sign = 1; int c; mrb_int n = 0; mrb_int val; #define conv_digit(c) \ (ISDIGIT(c) ? ((c) - '0') : \ ISLOWER(c) ? ((c) - 'a' + 10) : \ ISUPPER(c) ? ((c) - 'A' + 10) : \ -1) if (!p) { if (badcheck) goto bad; return mrb_fixnum_value(0); } while (p=pend) { if (badcheck) goto bad; return mrb_fixnum_value(0); } if (*p == '0') { /* squeeze preceding 0s */ p++; while (p= base) { break; } if (mrb_int_mul_overflow(n, base, &n)) goto overflow; if (MRB_INT_MAX - c < n) { if (sign == 0 && MRB_INT_MAX - n == c - 1) { n = MRB_INT_MIN; sign = 1; break; } overflow: mrb_raisef(mrb, E_RANGE_ERROR, "string (%l) too big for integer", str, pend-str); } n += c; } val = (mrb_int)n; if (badcheck) { if (p == str) goto bad; /* no number */ if (*(p - 1) == '_') goto bad; /* trailing '_' */ while (p integer * * Returns the result of interpreting leading characters in str as an * integer base base (between 2 and 36). Extraneous characters past the * end of a valid number are ignored. If there is not a valid number at the * start of str, 0 is returned. This method never raises an * exception. * * "12345".to_i #=> 12345 * "99 red balloons".to_i #=> 99 * "0a".to_i #=> 0 * "0a".to_i(16) #=> 10 * "hello".to_i #=> 0 * "1100101".to_i(2) #=> 101 * "1100101".to_i(8) #=> 294977 * "1100101".to_i(10) #=> 1100101 * "1100101".to_i(16) #=> 17826049 */ static mrb_value mrb_str_to_i(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_int base = 10; mrb_get_args(mrb, "|i", &base); if (base < 0) { mrb_raisef(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "illegal radix %i", base); } return mrb_str_to_inum(mrb, self, base, FALSE); } #ifndef MRB_NO_FLOAT double mrb_str_len_to_dbl(mrb_state *mrb, const char *s, size_t len, mrb_bool badcheck) { char buf[DBL_DIG * 4 + 20]; const char *p = s, *p2; const char *pend = p + len; char *end; char *n; char prev = 0; double d; mrb_bool dot = FALSE; if (!p) return 0.0; while (p 2 && p[0] == '0' && (p[1] == 'x' || p[1] == 'X')) { mrb_value x; if (!badcheck) return 0.0; x = mrb_str_len_to_inum(mrb, p, pend-p, 0, badcheck); if (mrb_integer_p(x)) d = (double)mrb_integer(x); else /* if (mrb_float_p(x)) */ d = mrb_float(x); return d; } while (p < pend) { if (!*p) { if (badcheck) { mrb_raise(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "string for Float contains null byte"); /* not reached */ } pend = p; p = p2; goto nocopy; } if (!badcheck && *p == ' ') { pend = p; p = p2; goto nocopy; } if (*p == '_') break; p++; } p = p2; n = buf; while (p < pend) { char c = *p++; if (c == '.') dot = TRUE; if (c == '_') { /* remove an underscore between digits */ if (n == buf || !ISDIGIT(prev) || p == pend) { if (badcheck) goto bad; break; } } else if (badcheck && prev == '_' && !ISDIGIT(c)) goto bad; else { const char *bend = buf+sizeof(buf)-1; if (n==bend) { /* buffer overflow */ if (dot) break; /* cut off remaining fractions */ return INFINITY; } *n++ = c; } prev = c; } *n = '\0'; p = buf; pend = n; nocopy: d = mrb_float_read(p, &end); if (p == end) { if (badcheck) { bad: mrb_raisef(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "invalid string for float(%!s)", s); /* not reached */ } return d; } if (badcheck) { if (!end || p == end) goto bad; while (end float * * Returns the result of interpreting leading characters in str as a * floating point number. Extraneous characters past the end of a valid number * are ignored. If there is not a valid number at the start of str, * 0.0 is returned. This method never raises an exception. * * "123.45e1".to_f #=> 1234.5 * "45.67 degrees".to_f #=> 45.67 * "thx1138".to_f #=> 0.0 */ static mrb_value mrb_str_to_f(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { return mrb_float_value(mrb, mrb_str_to_dbl(mrb, self, FALSE)); } #endif /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.to_s => str * * Returns the receiver. */ static mrb_value mrb_str_to_s(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { if (mrb_obj_class(mrb, self) != mrb->string_class) { return mrb_str_dup(mrb, self); } return self; } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.upcase! => str or nil * * Upcases the contents of str, returning nil if no changes * were made. */ static mrb_value mrb_str_upcase_bang(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(str); char *p, *pend; mrb_bool modify = FALSE; mrb_str_modify_keep_ascii(mrb, s); p = RSTRING_PTR(str); pend = RSTRING_END(str); while (p < pend) { if (ISLOWER(*p)) { *p = TOUPPER(*p); modify = TRUE; } p++; } if (modify) return str; return mrb_nil_value(); } /* */ /* * call-seq: * str.upcase => new_str * * Returns a copy of str with all lowercase letters replaced with their * uppercase counterparts. The operation is locale insensitive---only * characters 'a' to 'z' are affected. * * "hEllO".upcase #=> "HELLO" */ static mrb_value mrb_str_upcase(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_value str; str = mrb_str_dup(mrb, self); mrb_str_upcase_bang(mrb, str); return str; } /* * call-seq: * str.dump -> new_str * * Produces a version of str with all nonprinting characters replaced by * \nnn notation and all special characters escaped. */ mrb_value mrb_str_dump(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { return str_escape(mrb, str, FALSE); } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_cat(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, const char *ptr, size_t len) { struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(str); size_t capa; size_t total; ptrdiff_t off = -1; if (len == 0) return str; mrb_str_modify(mrb, s); if (ptr >= RSTR_PTR(s) && ptr <= RSTR_PTR(s) + (size_t)RSTR_LEN(s)) { off = ptr - RSTR_PTR(s); } capa = RSTR_CAPA(s); total = RSTR_LEN(s)+len; if (total >= MRB_SSIZE_MAX) { size_error: mrb_raise(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "string size too big"); } if (capa <= total) { if (capa == 0) capa = 1; while (capa <= total) { if (capa <= MRB_SSIZE_MAX / 2) { capa *= 2; } else { capa = total+1; } } if (capa <= total || capa > MRB_SSIZE_MAX) { goto size_error; } resize_capa(mrb, s, capa); } if (off != -1) { ptr = RSTR_PTR(s) + off; } memcpy(RSTR_PTR(s) + RSTR_LEN(s), ptr, len); mrb_assert_int_fit(size_t, total, mrb_ssize, MRB_SSIZE_MAX); RSTR_SET_LEN(s, total); RSTR_PTR(s)[total] = '\0'; /* sentinel */ return str; } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_cat_cstr(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, const char *ptr) { return mrb_str_cat(mrb, str, ptr, ptr ? strlen(ptr) : 0); } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_cat_str(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_value str2) { if (mrb_str_ptr(str) == mrb_str_ptr(str2)) { mrb_str_modify(mrb, mrb_str_ptr(str)); } return mrb_str_cat(mrb, str, RSTRING_PTR(str2), RSTRING_LEN(str2)); } MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_append(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str1, mrb_value str2) { mrb_to_str(mrb, str2); return mrb_str_cat_str(mrb, str1, str2); } /* * call-seq: * str.inspect -> string * * Returns a printable version of _str_, surrounded by quote marks, * with special characters escaped. * * str = "hello" * str[3] = "\b" * str.inspect #=> "\"hel\\bo\"" */ mrb_value mrb_str_inspect(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { return str_escape(mrb, str, TRUE); } /* * call-seq: * str.bytes -> array of fixnums * * Returns an array of bytes in _str_. * * str = "hello" * str.bytes #=> [104, 101, 108, 108, 111] */ static mrb_value mrb_str_bytes(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(str); mrb_value a = mrb_ary_new_capa(mrb, RSTR_LEN(s)); unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)(RSTR_PTR(s)), *pend = p + RSTR_LEN(s); while (p < pend) { mrb_ary_push(mrb, a, mrb_fixnum_value(p[0])); p++; } return a; } /* * call-seq: * str.getbyte(index) -> 0 .. 255 * * returns the indexth byte as an integer. */ static mrb_value mrb_str_getbyte(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { mrb_int pos; mrb_get_args(mrb, "i", &pos); if (pos < 0) pos += RSTRING_LEN(str); if (pos < 0 || RSTRING_LEN(str) <= pos) return mrb_nil_value(); return mrb_fixnum_value((unsigned char)RSTRING_PTR(str)[pos]); } /* * call-seq: * str.setbyte(index, integer) -> integer * * modifies the indexth byte as integer. */ static mrb_value mrb_str_setbyte(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { mrb_int pos, byte; mrb_int len; mrb_get_args(mrb, "ii", &pos, &byte); len = RSTRING_LEN(str); if (pos < -len || len <= pos) mrb_raisef(mrb, E_INDEX_ERROR, "index %i out of string", pos); if (pos < 0) pos += len; mrb_str_modify(mrb, mrb_str_ptr(str)); byte &= 0xff; RSTRING_PTR(str)[pos] = (unsigned char)byte; return mrb_fixnum_value((unsigned char)byte); } /* * call-seq: * str.byteslice(integer) -> new_str or nil * str.byteslice(integer, integer) -> new_str or nil * str.byteslice(range) -> new_str or nil * * Byte Reference---If passed a single Integer, returns a * substring of one byte at that position. If passed two Integer * objects, returns a substring starting at the offset given by the first, and * a length given by the second. If given a Range, a substring containing * bytes at offsets given by the range is returned. In all three cases, if * an offset is negative, it is counted from the end of str. Returns * nil if the initial offset falls outside the string, the length * is negative, or the beginning of the range is greater than the end. * The encoding of the resulted string keeps original encoding. * * "hello".byteslice(1) #=> "e" * "hello".byteslice(-1) #=> "o" * "hello".byteslice(1, 2) #=> "el" * "\x80\u3042".byteslice(1, 3) #=> "\u3042" * "\x03\u3042\xff".byteslice(1..3) #=> "\u3042" */ static mrb_value mrb_str_byteslice(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str) { mrb_value a1; mrb_int str_len = RSTRING_LEN(str), beg, len; mrb_bool empty = TRUE; len = mrb_get_argc(mrb); switch (len) { case 2: mrb_get_args(mrb, "ii", &beg, &len); break; case 1: a1 = mrb_get_arg1(mrb); if (mrb_range_p(a1)) { if (mrb_range_beg_len(mrb, a1, &beg, &len, str_len, TRUE) != MRB_RANGE_OK) { return mrb_nil_value(); } } else { beg = mrb_integer(mrb_to_int(mrb, a1)); len = 1; empty = FALSE; } break; default: mrb_argnum_error(mrb, len, 1, 2); break; } if (mrb_str_beg_len(str_len, &beg, &len) && (empty || len != 0)) { return mrb_str_byte_subseq(mrb, str, beg, len); } else { return mrb_nil_value(); } } /* ---------------------------*/ void mrb_init_string(mrb_state *mrb) { struct RClass *s; mrb_static_assert(RSTRING_EMBED_LEN_MAX < (1 << MRB_STR_EMBED_LEN_BIT), "pointer size too big for embedded string"); mrb->string_class = s = mrb_define_class(mrb, "String", mrb->object_class); /* 15.2.10 */ MRB_SET_INSTANCE_TT(s, MRB_TT_STRING); mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "bytesize", mrb_str_bytesize, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "<=>", mrb_str_cmp_m, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "==", mrb_str_equal_m, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "+", mrb_str_plus_m, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "*", mrb_str_times, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "[]", mrb_str_aref_m, MRB_ARGS_ANY()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "[]=", mrb_str_aset_m, MRB_ARGS_ANY()); mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "capitalize", mrb_str_capitalize, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "capitalize!", mrb_str_capitalize_bang, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "chomp", mrb_str_chomp, MRB_ARGS_ANY()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "chomp!", mrb_str_chomp_bang, MRB_ARGS_ANY()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "chop", mrb_str_chop, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "chop!", mrb_str_chop_bang, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "downcase", mrb_str_downcase, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "downcase!", mrb_str_downcase_bang, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "empty?", mrb_str_empty_p, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "eql?", mrb_str_eql, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "hash", mrb_str_hash_m, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "include?", mrb_str_include, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "index", mrb_str_index_m, MRB_ARGS_ARG(1,1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "initialize", mrb_str_init, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "initialize_copy", mrb_str_replace, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "intern", mrb_str_intern, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "length", mrb_str_size, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "replace", mrb_str_replace, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "reverse", mrb_str_reverse, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "reverse!", mrb_str_reverse_bang, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "rindex", mrb_str_rindex, MRB_ARGS_ANY()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "size", mrb_str_size, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "slice", mrb_str_aref_m, MRB_ARGS_ANY()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "split", mrb_str_split_m, MRB_ARGS_ANY()); /* */ #ifndef MRB_NO_FLOAT mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "to_f", mrb_str_to_f, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ #endif mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "to_i", mrb_str_to_i, MRB_ARGS_ANY()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "to_s", mrb_str_to_s, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "to_str", mrb_str_to_s, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "to_sym", mrb_str_intern, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "upcase", mrb_str_upcase, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "upcase!", mrb_str_upcase_bang, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "inspect", mrb_str_inspect, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); /* */ mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "bytes", mrb_str_bytes, MRB_ARGS_NONE()); mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "getbyte", mrb_str_getbyte, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1)); mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "setbyte", mrb_str_setbyte, MRB_ARGS_REQ(2)); mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "byteslice", mrb_str_byteslice, MRB_ARGS_ARG(1,1)); } #ifndef MRB_NO_FLOAT /* * Source code for the "strtod" library procedure. * * Copyright (c) 1988-1993 The Regents of the University of California. * Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose and without * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright * notice appear in all copies. The University of California * makes no representations about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without * express or implied warranty. * * RCS: @(#) $Id: strtod.c 11708 2007-02-12 23:01:19Z shyouhei $ */ #include #include static const int maxExponent = 511; /* Largest possible base 10 exponent. Any * exponent larger than this will already * produce underflow or overflow, so there's * no need to worry about additional digits. */ static const double powersOf10[] = {/* Table giving binary powers of 10. Entry */ 10., /* is 10^2^i. Used to convert decimal */ 100., /* exponents into floating-point numbers. */ 1.0e4, 1.0e8, 1.0e16, 1.0e32, 1.0e64, 1.0e128, 1.0e256 }; MRB_API double mrb_float_read(const char *string, char **endPtr) /* const char *string; A decimal ASCII floating-point number, * optionally preceded by white space. * Must have form "-I.FE-X", where I is the * integer part of the mantissa, F is the * fractional part of the mantissa, and X * is the exponent. Either of the signs * may be "+", "-", or omitted. Either I * or F may be omitted, or both. The decimal * point isn't necessary unless F is present. * The "E" may actually be an "e". E and X * may both be omitted (but not just one). */ /* char **endPtr; If non-NULL, store terminating character's * address here. */ { int sign, expSign = FALSE; double fraction, dblExp; const double *d; const char *p; int c; int exp = 0; /* Exponent read from "EX" field. */ int fracExp = 0; /* Exponent that derives from the fractional * part. Under normal circumstances, it is * the negative of the number of digits in F. * However, if I is very long, the last digits * of I get dropped (otherwise a long I with a * large negative exponent could cause an * unnecessary overflow on I alone). In this * case, fracExp is incremented one for each * dropped digit. */ int mantSize; /* Number of digits in mantissa. */ int decPt; /* Number of mantissa digits BEFORE decimal * point. */ const char *pExp; /* Temporarily holds location of exponent * in string. */ /* * Strip off leading blanks and check for a sign. */ p = string; while (ISSPACE(*p)) { p += 1; } if (*p == '-') { sign = TRUE; p += 1; } else { if (*p == '+') { p += 1; } sign = FALSE; } /* * Count the number of digits in the mantissa (including the decimal * point), and also locate the decimal point. */ decPt = -1; for (mantSize = 0; ; mantSize += 1) { c = *p; if (!ISDIGIT(c)) { if ((c != '.') || (decPt >= 0)) { break; } decPt = mantSize; } p += 1; } /* * Now suck up the digits in the mantissa. Use two integers to * collect 9 digits each (this is faster than using floating-point). * If the mantissa has more than 18 digits, ignore the extras, since * they can't affect the value anyway. */ pExp = p; p -= mantSize; if (decPt < 0) { decPt = mantSize; } else { mantSize -= 1; /* One of the digits was the point. */ } if (mantSize > 18) { if (decPt - 18 > 29999) { fracExp = 29999; } else { fracExp = decPt - 18; } mantSize = 18; } else { fracExp = decPt - mantSize; } if (mantSize == 0) { fraction = 0.0; p = string; goto done; } else { int frac1, frac2; frac1 = 0; for ( ; mantSize > 9; mantSize -= 1) { c = *p; p += 1; if (c == '.') { c = *p; p += 1; } frac1 = 10*frac1 + (c - '0'); } frac2 = 0; for (; mantSize > 0; mantSize -= 1) { c = *p; p += 1; if (c == '.') { c = *p; p += 1; } frac2 = 10*frac2 + (c - '0'); } fraction = (1.0e9 * frac1) + frac2; } /* * Skim off the exponent. */ p = pExp; if ((*p == 'E') || (*p == 'e')) { p += 1; if (*p == '-') { expSign = TRUE; p += 1; } else { if (*p == '+') { p += 1; } expSign = FALSE; } while (ISDIGIT(*p)) { exp = exp * 10 + (*p - '0'); if (exp > 19999) { exp = 19999; } p += 1; } } if (expSign) { exp = fracExp - exp; } else { exp = fracExp + exp; } /* * Generate a floating-point number that represents the exponent. * Do this by processing the exponent one bit at a time to combine * many powers of 2 of 10. Then combine the exponent with the * fraction. */ if (exp < 0) { expSign = TRUE; exp = -exp; } else { expSign = FALSE; } if (exp > maxExponent) { exp = maxExponent; errno = ERANGE; } dblExp = 1.0; for (d = powersOf10; exp != 0; exp >>= 1, d += 1) { if (exp & 01) { dblExp *= *d; } } if (expSign) { fraction /= dblExp; } else { fraction *= dblExp; } done: if (endPtr != NULL) { *endPtr = (char *) p; } if (sign) { return -fraction; } return fraction; } #endif