require "spec_helper" feature "Use full post-redirect-get displaying original params and errors on redirect" do let(:existing_example) { ExamplePrg.create(subject: 'existing test input', body: 'test body', published: true) } scenario "ensure secure environment for accurate test" do # Check that environment tested is actually secure (without selenium) visit new_error_duplicator_path expect(page.response_headers["Cache-Control"]).to include("no-cache, no-store") end scenario "within a secure environment with browser history disallowed", js: true do ExamplePrg.count.should eq(0) # Create error visit new_example_prg_path fill_in "Subject", :with => existing_example.subject click_button "Create Example prg" expect(page).to have_text("Subject has already been taken") # Should have set the error on the object expect(page).to have_field('Subject', with: existing_example.subject) # Should have redirected back expect(page.current_path).to eq(new_example_prg_path) # Should create successfully following error fill_in "Subject", :with => "testing NEW input" click_button "Create Example prg" expect(page).to have_text("Example prg was successfully created.") ExamplePrg.count.should eq(2) # On click of back button page.execute_script("window.history.back();") # Should go back to a blank 'new' page expect(page).to have_text("New example_prg") expect(page.current_path).to eq(new_example_prg_path) expect(page).not_to have_text("Subject has already been taken") #no errors # Browser specific redirection case $selenium_display.browser.to_sym when :firefox, :"Internet Explorer" # Backs to the new page being completely empty expect(page).to have_field('Subject', with: "") when :chrome, :safari # Backs to the new page with original entries already loaded expect(page).to have_field('Subject', with: "testing NEW input") else raise "Error - Unhandled browser: #{$selenium_display.browser.to_sym}" end end scenario "ensure normal browser history environment for accurate test" do # Check that environment tested is not secure # -> Selenium driver cannot check response headers visit edit_example_prg_path(existing_example) expect(page.response_headers["Cache-Control"]).not_to include("no-cache, no-store") end scenario "within a normal browser history environment", js: true do # Edit page has no secure headers set visit edit_example_prg_path(existing_example) # Create error fill_in "Subject", :with => "" click_button "Update Example prg" # Should redirect back to edit page with errors expect(page.current_path).to eq(edit_example_prg_path(existing_example)) expect(page).to have_text("Subject can't be blank") expect(page).to have_field('Subject', with: "") # Edit successfully fill_in "Subject", :with => "updated test input" click_button "Update Example prg" expect(page).to have_text("Example prg was successfully updated.") # Should have redirected back expect(page.current_path).to eq(example_prg_path(existing_example)) # On click of back button page.execute_script("window.history.back();") # Browser specific redirection case $selenium_display.browser.to_sym when :"Internet Explorer" # IE8 is unstable, sometimes skips back to 'show' or to 'edit' or sometimes nothing at all # expect(page.current_path).to eq(example_prg_path(existing_example)) # expect(page).not_to have_text("Subject can't be blank") else # Should have redirected back to edit page with errors expect(page.current_path).to eq(edit_example_prg_path(existing_example)) expect(page).to have_text("Subject can't be blank") expect(page).to have_field('Subject', with: "updated test input") expect(page).to have_field('Published', with: 1) end end end