# frozen_string_literal: true require 'json' require 'pathname' require 'rainbow' require_relative 'formatter' require_relative 'heading_formatter' module Reek # @public module Report # # A report that contains the smells and smell counts following source code analysis. # # @abstract Subclass and override {#show} to create a concrete report class. # # @public # # :reek:TooManyInstanceVariables: { max_instance_variables: 6 } class Base NO_WARNINGS_COLOR = :green WARNINGS_COLOR = :red # @public # # :reek:BooleanParameter def initialize(heading_formatter: HeadingFormatter::Quiet, report_formatter: Formatter, sort_by_issue_count: false, warning_formatter: SimpleWarningFormatter.new) @examiners = [] @heading_formatter = heading_formatter.new(report_formatter) @report_formatter = report_formatter @sort_by_issue_count = sort_by_issue_count @total_smell_count = 0 @warning_formatter = warning_formatter # TODO: Only used in TextReport and YAMLReport end # Add Examiner to report on. The report will output results for all # added examiners. # # @param [Reek::Examiner] examiner object to report on # # @public def add_examiner(examiner) self.total_smell_count += examiner.smells_count examiners << examiner self end # Render the report results on STDOUT # # @public def show raise NotImplementedError end def smells? total_smell_count > 0 end def smells examiners.map(&:smells).flatten end protected attr_accessor :total_smell_count private attr_reader :examiners, :heading_formatter, :report_formatter, :sort_by_issue_count, :warning_formatter end # # Generates a sorted, text summary of smells in examiners # # @public class TextReport < Base # @public def show sort_examiners if smells? display_summary display_total_smell_count end private def smell_summaries examiners.map { |ex| summarize_single_examiner(ex) }.reject(&:empty?) end def display_summary smell_summaries.each { |smell| puts smell } end def display_total_smell_count return unless examiners.size > 1 print total_smell_count_message end def summarize_single_examiner(examiner) result = heading_formatter.header(examiner) if examiner.smelly? formatted_list = report_formatter.format_list(examiner.smells, formatter: warning_formatter) result += ":\n#{formatted_list}" end result end def sort_examiners examiners.sort_by!(&:smells_count).reverse! if sort_by_issue_count end def total_smell_count_message colour = smells? ? WARNINGS_COLOR : NO_WARNINGS_COLOR Rainbow("#{total_smell_count} total warning#{total_smell_count == 1 ? '' : 's'}\n").color(colour) end end # # Displays a list of smells in YAML format # YAML with empty array for 0 smells # # @public class YAMLReport < Base # @public def show(out = $stdout) out.print smells.map { |smell| warning_formatter.format_hash(smell) }.to_yaml end end # # Displays a list of smells in JSON format # JSON with empty array for 0 smells # # @public class JSONReport < Base # @public def show(out = $stdout) out.print ::JSON.generate smells.map { |smell| warning_formatter.format_hash(smell) } end end # # Displays a list of smells in Code Climate engine format # (https://github.com/codeclimate/spec/blob/master/SPEC.md) # JSON with empty array for 0 smells # class CodeClimateReport < Base # @public def show(out = $stdout) smells.map do |smell| out.print warning_formatter.format_code_climate_hash(smell) end end end # # Saves the report as a HTML file # # @public class HTMLReport < Base require 'erb' # @public def show template_path = Pathname.new("#{__dir__}/html_report.html.erb") puts ERB.new(template_path.read).result(binding) end end # # Generates a list of smells in XML format # # @public class XMLReport < Base require 'rexml/document' # @public def show document.write output: $stdout, indent: 2 $stdout.puts end private def document REXML::Document.new.tap do |document| document << REXML::XMLDecl.new << checkstyle end end def checkstyle REXML::Element.new('checkstyle').tap do |checkstyle| smells.group_by(&:source).each do |source, source_smells| checkstyle << file(source, source_smells) end end end # :reek:FeatureEnvy # :reek:NestedIterators: { max_allowed_nesting: 2 } def file(name, smells) REXML::Element.new('file').tap do |file| file.add_attribute 'name', File.realpath(name) smells.each do |smell| smell.lines.each do |line| file << error(smell, line) end end end end # :reek:UtilityFunction def error(smell, line) REXML::Element.new('error').tap do |error| error.add_attributes 'column' => 0, 'line' => line, 'message' => smell.message, 'severity' => 'warning', 'source' => smell.smell_type end end end end end