# Delicious Mock Ruby Tables [![Build Status](https://circleci.com/gh/Originate/mortadella/tree/master.svg?style=shield)](https://circleci.com/gh/Originate/mortadella) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/Originate/mortadella/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/Originate/mortadella) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/Originate/mortadella/badge.svg?branch=master&service=github)](https://coveralls.io/github/Originate/mortadella?branch=master) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/Originate/mortadella.svg)](https://gemnasium.com/Originate/mortadella) Mortadella makes it easy to programmatically build data tables that can be compared to Cucumber tables through `cucumber_table.diff! mortadella_table`. You want to do this as much as possible. Cucumber has very powerful built-in facilities to visualize where and how two tables differ. _Oh no, our algorithm selected too many apples!_ ## Installation * add `gem 'mortadella'` to your `Gemfile` * run `bundle` ## Usage Mortadella supports horizontal and vertical Cucumber tables. ### Horizontal Tables * In your cucumber spec, define the expected data in table form ```cucumber Then I have these ingredients | INGREDIENT | AMOUNT | | flour | 12 oz | | butter | 2 oz | | apples | 3 pc | ``` * in the step definition for this, build an equivalent Mortadella table with the actual data, and diff the Cucumber table with the expected data against it. ```ruby Then /^I have these ingredients$/ do |expected_ingredients| actual_ingredients = Mortadella::Horizontal.new headers: ['INGREDIENT', 'AMOUNT'] actual_ingredients << ['flour', '12 oz'] # This data should come from your app actual_ingredients << ['butter', '2 oz'] # This data should come from your app actual_ingredients << ['apples', '3 pc'] # This data should come from your app expected_ingredients.diff! actual_ingredients.table end ``` * you can also [dry up repetitive fields](https://github.com/Originate/mortadella/blob/master/features/horizontal_tables/drying_up_fields.feature) for better readability * or filter the columns of your finished table by calling [keep_matching_colums](features/horizontal_tables/keep_matching_columns.feature) ### Vertical Tables * In your cucumber spec, define the expected data in table form ```cucumber Then my pie conforms to these specs: | WEIGHT | 2 lbs | | PORTIONS | 8 | | CALORIES | 500 | ``` * in the step definition for this, build an equivalent Mortadella table with the actual data, and diff the Cucumber table with the expected data against it. ```ruby Then /^My pie has these metrics:$/ do |expected_metrics| actual_metrics = Mortadella::Vertical.new actual_metrics['WEIGHT'] = '2 lbs' # This data should come from your app actual_metrics['PORTIONS'] = 8 # This data should come from your app actual_metrics['CALORIES'] = 500 # This data should come from your app expected_metrics.diff! actual_metrics.table end ``` ## Development * set up local environment: `bundle install` * run all tests: `bundle exec rake` * run linter only: `rake lint` * run tests only: `rake features` * publish a new gem: * update the version in [mortadella.gemspec](mortadella.gemspec) * `rake release`