Capistrano::Configuration.instance.load do
  # Number of workers (Rule of thumb is 2 per CPU)
  # Just be aware that every worker needs to cache all classes and thus eat some
  # of your RAM. 
  set :unicorn_workers, 8 unless exists?(:unicorn_workers)

  # Workers timeout in the amount of seconds below, when the master kills it and
  # forks another one.
  set :unicorn_workers_timeout, 30 unless exists?(:unicorn_workers_timeout)

  # Workers are started with this user/group
  # By default we get the user/group set in capistrano.
  set(:unicorn_user) { user }   unless exists?(:unicorn_user)
  set(:unicorn_group) { group } unless exists?(:unicorn_group)

  # The wrapped bin to start unicorn
  # This is necessary if you're using rvm
  set :unicorn_bin, 'bundle exec unicorn' unless exists?(:unicorn_bin)
  set :unicorn_socket, File.join(sockets_path,'unicorn.sock') unless exists?(:unicorn_socket)

  # Defines where the unicorn pid will live.
  set(:unicorn_pid) { File.join(pids_path, "") } unless exists?(:unicorn_pid)

  # Our unicorn template to be parsed by erb
  # You may need to generate this file the first time with the generator
  # included in the gem
  set(:unicorn_local_config) { File.join(templates_path, "unicorn.rb.erb") } 

  # The remote location of unicorn's config file. Used by god to fire it up
  set(:unicorn_remote_config) { "#{shared_path}/config/unicorn.rb" }

  def unicorn_start_cmd
    "cd #{current_path} && #{unicorn_bin} -c #{unicorn_remote_config} -E #{rails_env} -D"
  def unicorn_stop_cmd
    "kill -QUIT `cat #{unicorn_pid}`"
  def unicorn_restart_cmd
    "kill -USR2 `cat #{unicorn_pid}`"

  # Unicorn 
  namespace :unicorn do    
    desc "|DarkRecipes| Starts unicorn directly"
    task :start, :roles => :app do
      run unicorn_start_cmd
    desc "|DarkRecipes| Stops unicorn directly"
    task :stop, :roles => :app do
      run unicorn_stop_cmd
    desc "||DarkRecipes|| Restarts unicorn directly"
    task :restart, :roles => :app do
      run unicorn_restart_cmd
    desc <<-EOF
    |DarkRecipes| Parses the configuration file through ERB to fetch our variables and \
    uploads the result to #{unicorn_remote_config}, to be loaded by whoever is booting \
    up the unicorn.
    task :setup, :roles => :app , :except => { :no_release => true } do
      # TODO: refactor this to a more generic setup task once we have more socket tasks.
      commands = []
      commands << "mkdir -p #{sockets_path}"
      commands << "chown #{user}:#{group} #{sockets_path} -R" 
      commands << "chmod +rw #{sockets_path}"
      run commands.join(" && ")
  after 'deploy:setup' do
    unicorn.setup if Capistrano::CLI.ui.agree("Create unicorn configuration file? [Yn]")
  end if is_using_unicorn