When /^a real server$/i do @server = Factory.create(:bigbluebutton_server_integration) end When /^(\d+) server(s)?$/i do |count, _| # Note: these servers are not real, it will NOT be possible to make api requests # for a real server use :bigbluebutton_server_integration # Use "a real server" whenever possible count.to_i.times do Factory.create(:bigbluebutton_server) end end When /^a(n external)? room in this server$/i do |external| if external.nil? @room = Factory.create(:bigbluebutton_room, :server => @server) else @room = Factory.build(:bigbluebutton_room, :server => @server, :external => true) end @room.send_create end When /^a public room in this server$/i do steps %Q{ When a room in this server } @room.update_attributes(:private => false) end When /^a private room in this server$/i do steps %Q{ When a room in this server } @room.update_attributes(:private => true) end When /^(\d+) room(s)? in this server$/i do |count, _| count.to_i.times do steps %Q{ When a room in this server } end end # Some paths will just redirect to other paths instead of rendering a view # So we can set "(no view check)" and the view won't be verified When /(?:|I ) go(es)? to the (.+) page( \(no view check\))?$/i do |_, page_name, not_check| case page_name when /join external room/i @params = { :meeting => @room.meetingid } end visit path_to(page_name, @params) check_template(page_name) if not_check.nil? end When /see the (.+) page$/i do |page_name| check_template(page_name) end When /a user named "(.+)"/i do |username| @user = Factory.build(:user, :name => username) ApplicationController.set_user(@user) # This is now the logged user end When /an anonymous user/i do @user = nil ApplicationController.set_user(@user) end When /(?:|I ) should be at the (.+) URL$/i do |page_name| current_url.should match(/#{path_to(page_name)}/) end When /^he should be redirected to the (.+) URL$/ do |page| steps %Q{ When he should be at the #{page} URL } end When /^(he )?should see an error message with the message "(.+)"$/i do |_, msg| key = message_to_locale_key(msg) within(make_selector("div#error_explanation")) do has_content(I18n.t(key)) end end When /^see (\d+) error(s)? in the field "(.+)"$/i do |errors, _, field_name| within(make_selector("#error_explanation")) do errors.to_i == 1 ? has_content("1 error:") : has_content("#{errors} errors:") end id = field_name.gsub(/\]?\[/, "_").gsub(/\]/, "") has_element("div.field_with_errors > label", { :for => id }) has_element("div.field_with_errors > input##{id}", { :name => field_name }) end When /^clicks in the button "(.+)"$/i do |button| click_button(button) end When /^a meeting is running in this room$/ do steps %Q{ When a meeting is running in this room with 1 attendees } end When /^a meeting is running in this room with (\d+) attendees$/ do |count| msalt = FeaturesConfig.server.has_key?('mobile_salt') ? FeaturesConfig.server['mobile_salt'] : "" BigBlueButtonBot.new(@server.api, @room.meetingid, msalt, count.to_i, FeaturesConfig.root['timeout_bot_start']) end # helpers for development When /is pending/i do pending end When /puts the page/i do puts current_url puts body.inspect end