module Relaton class TestProcessor < Relaton::Processor def initialize; end end end RSpec.describe Relaton::Processor do it "initialize should be implemented" do expect { }.to raise_error StandardError end context "instance of processor" do subject { } it "get method should be implemented" do expect { subject.get "code", nil, {} }.to raise_error StandardError end it "fetch_data method should be implemented" do expect { subject.fetch_data "cource", {} }.to raise_error StandardError end it "from_xml method should be implemented" do expect { subject.from_xml "" }.to raise_error StandardError end it "hash_to_bib method should be implemented" do expect { subject.hash_to_bib({}) }.to raise_error StandardError end it "grammar_hash method should be implemented" do expect { subject.grammar_hash }.to raise_error StandardError end end context "flavor processors" do before { Relaton::Registry.instance } shared_examples "common processor methods" do |flavor, namespace, bibmodule| let(:processor) { Relaton::Registry.instance.by_type flavor } let(:flavor_module) { Object.const_get namespace } let(:bibliography) { Object.const_get "#{namespace}::#{bibmodule}" } it "get method should call get method of #{flavor}" do expect(bibliography).to receive(:get).with("code", nil, {}).and_return :item expect(processor.get "code", nil, {}).to eq :item end it "grammar_hash method should call grammar_hash method of #{flavor}" do expect(flavor_module).to receive(:grammar_hash).and_return :hash expect(processor.grammar_hash).to eq :hash end end shared_examples "fetch_data method" do |flavor, fetcher, source| let(:processor) { Relaton::Registry.instance.by_type flavor } let(:fetcher_class) { Object.const_get fetcher } it "fetch_data method should call fetch_data method of #{flavor}" do expect(fetcher_class).to receive(:fetch).with(output: "dir", format: "bibxml").and_return :item expect(processor.fetch_data source, output: "dir", format: "bibxml").to eq :item end end shared_examples "from_xml method" do |flavor, parser| let(:processor) { Relaton::Registry.instance.by_type flavor } let(:parser_class) { Object.const_get parser } it "from_xml method should call from_xml method of #{flavor}" do expect(parser_class).to receive(:from_xml).with("xml").and_return :item expect(processor.from_xml "xml").to eq :item end end shared_examples "hash_to_bib method" do |flavor, converter, bibitem| let(:processor) { Relaton::Registry.instance.by_type flavor } let(:converter_class) { Object.const_get converter } let(:bibitem_class) { Object.const_get bibitem } it "hash_to_bib method should call hash_to_bib method of #{flavor}" do expect(converter_class).to receive(:hash_to_bib).with(:hash).and_return title: "title" expect(bibitem_class).to receive(:new).with(title: "title").and_return :item expect(processor.hash_to_bib(:hash)).to eq :item end end shared_examples "remove_index_file method" do |flavor, file| let(:processor) { Relaton::Registry.instance.by_type flavor } it "remove index file" do index = double "index" expect(index).to receive(:remove_file) expect(Relaton::Index).to receive(:find_or_create) .with(flavor.downcase.to_sym, url: true, file: file).and_return index processor.remove_index_file end end context "ETSI processor" do it_behaves_like "common processor methods", "ETSI", "RelatonEtsi", "Bibliography" it_behaves_like "fetch_data method", "ETSI", "RelatonEtsi::DataFetcher", "etsi-csv" it_behaves_like "from_xml method", "ETSI", "RelatonEtsi::XMLParser" it_behaves_like "hash_to_bib method", "ETSI", "RelatonEtsi::HashConverter", "RelatonEtsi::BibliographicItem" it_behaves_like "remove_index_file method", "ETSI", "index-v1.yaml" end context "ISBN processor" do it_behaves_like "common processor methods", "ISBN", "RelatonIsbn", "OpenLibrary" it_behaves_like "from_xml method", "ISBN", "RelatonBib::XMLParser" it_behaves_like "hash_to_bib method", "ISBN", "RelatonBib::HashConverter", "RelatonBib::BibliographicItem" end end end