require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../authorization.rb' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/dsl.rb' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/runtime.rb' # # This mixin can be used to add declarative authorization support to APIs built using Grape # # # Usage: # class MyApi < Grape::API # include Authorization::Controller::Grape # # get :hello do # end # end # # NOTE: actions in authorization rules must be named `{METHOD} {URL}`. eg # has_permission_on :my_api, to: 'GET /my_api/hello' # module Authorization module Controller module Grape def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend ClassMethods base.extend ::Authorization::Controller::DSL base.module_eval do add_filter! end base.helpers do include ::Authorization::Controller::Runtime def authorization_engine ::Authorization::Engine.instance end def filter_access_filter # :nodoc: begin route rescue # Acceessing route raises an exception when the response is a 405 MethodNotAllowed return end unless allowed?("#{request.request_method} #{route.origin}") if respond_to?(:permission_denied, true) # permission_denied needs to render or redirect send(:permission_denied) else error!('You are not allowed to access this action.', 403) end end end def logger ::Rails.logger end def api_class if options[:for].respond_to?(:base) # Grape >= 1.2.0 endpoint # Authorization::Controller::Grape can be included into either Grape::API # or Grape::API::Instance, so we need to check both. [ options[:for], options[:for].base ].detect { |api| api.respond_to?(:decl_auth_context) } else # Grape < 1.2.0 endpoint options[:for] end end end end module ClassMethods def controller_name name.demodulize.underscore end def add_filter! before do send(:filter_access_filter) end end def reset_filter! # Not required with Grape end end end end end