# Works with io.rb # IO.flush # flush output and write to disk for node shim module Kernel JETS_OUTPUT = "/tmp/jets-output.log" @@io_buffer = [] # List from https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.5.1/Kernel.html # Note, will lose pp format in the @io_buffer but looks like a lot of work to keep the pp format. # Must override stdout which can be messy quick: https://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/43725 OVERRIDE_METHODS = %w[ p pp print printf putc puts ] # NOTE adding sprintf produces #<%s: %s:%s/%s> with puma? So not including sprintf OVERRIDE_METHODS.each do |meth| # Example of generated code: # # alias_method :original_puts, :puts # def puts(*args, &block) # @@io_buffer << args.first # message # original_puts(*args, &block) # end # class_eval <<~CODE alias_method :original_#{meth}, :#{meth} def #{meth}(*args, &block) @@io_buffer << args.first # message original_#{meth}(*args, &block) end CODE end def io_buffer @@io_buffer end # Note: Writing binary data to the log will crash the process with an error like this: # jets/lib/jets/core_ext/kernel.rb:20:in `write': "\x89" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 (Encoding::UndefinedConversionError) # Rescue and discard it to keep the process alive. def io_flush chunk = @@io_buffer.join("\n") chunk += "\n" unless chunk == '' begin # since we always append to the file, the node shim is responsible for truncating the file IO.write(JETS_OUTPUT, chunk, mode: 'a') if chunk # Writing to log with binary content will crash the process so rescuing it and writing an info message. rescue Encoding::UndefinedConversionError IO.write(JETS_OUTPUT, "[BINARY DATA]\n", mode: 'a') end @@io_buffer = [] end end