#collections: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module Default Settings # # - label: Module Configuration # name: module_default_settings # files: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # J1 Cookie Consent # - label: J1 Cookie Consent name: config_cookie_consent file: _data/modules/defaults/test_data/cookie_consent.yml fields: - label: Global settings name: defaults hint: Global configuration settings for J1 Cookie Consent widget: object fields: - { label: enabled, name: enabled, widget: boolean, hint: Enables or Disables the module } - { label: id, name: consent_modal_id, widget: string, hint: Name of the HTM (div) container the consent modal are placed } - { label: data path, name: modal_html_data_path, widget: string, hint: Path to HTML data portion for all modals used. Loaded via AJAX } - { label: stop scrolling, name: stop_scrolling, widget: boolean, hint: Enables or Disables scrolling of the underlying page } - { label: type, name: modal_type, widget: string, hint: Type of the consent modal used } - { label: position, name: modal_position, widget: string, hint: Position the consent modal is placed } - { label: title, name: consent_modals_title, widget: string, hint: Title used for the the consent modal } - { label: whitelisted pages, name: whitelisted_pages, widget: list, hint: List of pages no consent modal is presented (comma separated) } - label: Category settings name: categories hint: Controls (if enabled) the summary table of cookies used widget: object fields: - { label: enabled, name: enabled, widget: boolean, hint: Enables or Disables the summary table } - { label: title, name: category_title, widget: string, hint: Title place on top of the summary table } - { label: description, name: category_description, widget: string, hint: Title of the information column } - { label: description text, name: category_description_text, widget: string, hint: Description in the information column } - { label: 1st column, name: category_session, widget: string, hint: Title of the 1st column } - { label: Indicator 1st column, name: category_session_enabled, widget: boolean, hint: Indicator if category is enabled or disabled } - { label: 2nd column, name: category_persistent, widget: string, hint: Title of the 2nd column } - { label: Indicator 2nd column, name: category_persistent_enabled, widget: boolean, hint: Indicator if category is enabled or disabled } - { label: 3rd column, name: category_first_party, widget: string, hint: Title of the 3rd column } - { label: Indicator 3rd column, name: category_first_party_enabled, widget: boolean, hint: Indicator if category is enabled or disabled } - { label: 4th column, name: category_second_party, widget: string, hint: Title of the 4th column } - { label: Indicator 4th column, name: category_second_party_enabled, widget: boolean, hint: Indicator if category is enabled or disabled } - label: Button settings name: buttons hint: Controls what buttons are displayed widget: object fields: - { label: policy button text, name: policy_button_text, widget: string, hint: Button description } - { label: policy button, name: category_session_enabled, widget: boolean, hint: If checked the buttun is enabled } - { label: accept button text, name: accept_button_text, widget: string, hint: Button description } - { label: accept button, name: accept_button, widget: boolean, hint: If checked the buttun is enabled } - { label: decline button text, name: decline_button_text, widget: string, hint: Button description } - { label: decline button, name: decline_button, widget: boolean, hint: If checked the buttun is enabled }