require "rails_helper" feature "Researcher - Participants", type: :feature do fixtures :all describe "Logged in as a researcher when the application doesn't have social functionality" do let(:participant) { participants(:participant1) } before do allow(Rails.application.config).to receive(:include_social_features) .and_return(false) sign_in users :researcher1 end it "should not display the 'Display Name' field when creating a participant" do visit "/think_feel_do_dashboard/participants/new" expect(page).to_not have_text "Display Name" end it "should not display the 'Display Name' field when viewing a participant" do visit "/think_feel_do_dashboard/participants/#{}" expect(page).to_not have_text "Display Name" end it "should not display the 'Display Name' field when editing a participant" do visit "/think_feel_do_dashboard/participants/#{}/edit" expect(page).to_not have_text "Display Name" end it "can generate a random password for the Participant", js: true do visit "/think_feel_do_dashboard/participants/#{}/edit" click_on "Generate password" passphrase = find("#password-display").text.strip click_on "Update" expect(page).to have_text "Participant was successfully updated." expect(participant.reload.valid_password?(passphrase)).to be true end end describe "Logged in as a researcher when the application has social functionality" do before do allow(Rails.application.config).to receive(:include_social_features) .and_return(true) sign_in users :researcher1 visit "/think_feel_do_dashboard" click_on "Participants" end after do # click_on "Sign Out" end it "displays the participants that currently exist" do expect(page).to have_text "TFD-1111" end it "should display errors if required fields aren't filled in when created" do click_on "New" click_on "Create" expect(page).to have_text "prohibited this participant from being saved" expect(page).to have_text "Study ID can't be blank" end it "should enable the creation of a participant" do expect(page).to_not have_text "Inactive favoriteToken1!" click_on "New" fill_in "Study Id", with: "favoriteToken1!" fill_in "Email", with: "" fill_in "Phone Number", with: "16085169918" select "Phone", from: "Contact Preference" click_on "Create" expect(page).to have_text "Participant was successfully created" expect(page).to have_text "Email:" expect(page).to have_text "Phone Number: 1(608) 516-9918" expect(page).to have_text "Contact Preference: Phone" expect(page).to have_text "Study Id: favoriteToken1!" expect(page).to have_text "Membership Status: Inactive" expect(page).to have_text "Below lists the all groups this participant has been a member of and whether they are currently active or inactive." visit "/think_feel_do_dashboard/participants" expect(page).to have_text "Inactive favoriteToken1!" end it "should display errors if required fields aren't filled in upon edit" do click_on "TFD-1111" click_on "Edit" fill_in "Email", with: "" fill_in "Phone Number", with: "" fill_in "Study Id", with: "" click_on "Update" expect(page).to have_text "prohibited this participant from being saved" end it "should display errors if required fields aren't filled in upon edit" do click_on "TFD-1111" click_on "Edit" fill_in "Study Id", with: "" click_on "Update" expect(page).to have_text "Study ID can't be blank" end it "should have a valid phone number if contact preference is 'phone'" do click_on "TFD-1111" click_on "Edit" fill_in "Phone Number", with: "19991234223" select "Phone", from: "Contact Preference" click_on "Update" expect(page).to have_text "Phone number is not valid" end it "should have a valid phone number if contact preference is 'phone'" do click_on "TFD-1111" click_on "Edit" fill_in "Phone Number", with: "" select "Phone", from: "Contact Preference" click_on "Update" expect(page).to have_text "Phone number can't be blank if your contact preference is phone." end it "should enable the updating of a participant" do click_on "TFD-1111" expect(page).to have_text "Email:" expect(page).to have_text "Phone Number: 1(608) 215-3900" expect(page).to have_text "Contact Preference: Phone" expect(page).to have_text "Study Id: TFD-1111" expect(page).to_not have_text "Email:" expect(page).to_not have_text "Phone Number: 1(608) 845-6890" expect(page).to_not have_text "Contact Preference: Email" expect(page).to_not have_text "Study Id: favoriteToken1!" click_on "Edit" fill_in "Email", with: "" fill_in "Phone Number", with: "16088456890" select "Email", from: "Contact Preference" fill_in "Study Id", with: "favoriteToken1!" click_on "Update" expect(page).to_not have_text "Email:" expect(page).to_not have_text "Phone Number: 1(608) 215-3900" expect(page).to_not have_text "Contact Preference: Phone" expect(page).to_not have_text "Study Id: TFD-1111" expect(page).to have_text "Email:" expect(page).to have_text "Phone Number: 1(608) 845-6890" expect(page).to have_text "Contact Preference: Email" expect(page).to have_text "Study Id: favoriteToken1!" end it "should be able to delete a user" do click_on "TFD-1111" click_on "Destroy" expect(page).to have_text "Participant was successfully destroyed" expect(page).to_not have_text "TFD-1111" end end end