<% nav = render_erb('_nav.html.erb', binding) %> <% head = render_erb('_head.html.erb', binding) %> <% foot = render_erb('_foot.html.erb', binding) %> Flapjack - Internal Statistics <%= head %>

Global Statistics:

Events queued: <%= h @events_queued %>
Number of entities: <%= h @count_all_entities %>
Number of failing entities: <%= h @count_failing_entities %>
Number of checks: <%= h @count_all_checks %>
Number of failing checks: <%= h @count_failing_checks %>
Events processed (all time)
  • all: <%= h @event_counters['all'] %> events
  • ok: <%= h @event_counters['ok'] %> events
  • failure: <%= h @event_counters['failure'] %> events
  • action: <%= h @event_counters['action'] %> events
Total keys in redis <%= h @dbsize %>
Current time <%= h Time.now.to_s %>

Processor Instances:

<% @executive_instances.sort_by {|i, d| d['uptime']}.each do |ei| %> <% instance_id, details = ei hostname, pid = instance_id.split(':') started = details['uptime_string'] event_counters = details['event_counters'] event_rates = details['event_rates'] %> <% end %>
Hostname PID Uptime Events Processed
<%= h hostname %> <%= h pid %> <%= h started %>
  • all: <%= h event_counters['all'] %> (<%= h event_rates['all'] %> events/s)
  • ok: <%= h event_counters['ok'] %> (<%= h event_rates['ok'] %> events/s)
  • failure: <%= h event_counters['failure'] %> (<%= h event_rates['failure'] %> events/s)
  • action: <%= h event_counters['action'] %> (<%= h event_rates['action'] %> events/s)

Instrument as JSON