7.3.5 - 2018-03-30 -- * The tag summary is no longer a mandatory field. 7.3.4 - 2018-03-15 -- * Allow for a "way out" when building result objects for the frontend search. 7.3.3 - 2018-03-09 -- * Make the youtube embed URLs a bit more flexible. 7.3.2 - 2018-03-01 -- * Made Tags translatable with SEO, to allow them to have a summary page in projects. 7.3.1 - 2018-02-28 -- * Republish gem because of an issue with rubygems. 7.3.0 - 2018-02-28 -- * Make it possible for emails to have attachments. You can also see the them in the backend. 7.2.1 - 2018-02-22 -- * Add the 'box' to the address email vars #to_hash method. 7.2.0 - 2017-12-17 -- * Make it possible to specify that a content picture may not be resized. 7.1.3 - 2017-11-30 -- * Added a third parameter to IconHelper#icon that makes it possible to pass additional HTML attributes, including additional classes. 7.1.2 - 2017-11-19 -- * Make the plain/html content storage of the email model a lot bigger. 7.1.1 - 2017-11-10 -- * Upgraded the bootstrap-datepicker to 1.7.1. * Fix an issue with the bootstrap-datepicker gem that made its modal invisible. 7.1.0 - 2017-10-19 -- * Make the SEO title and description mandatory for Backend::TranslationWithSeoForm * Add e-mail filters for the most common fields. 7.0.4 - 2017-10-05 -- * Bugfix: make sure the tag autocomplete is locale specific. 7.0.3 - 2017-10-03 -- * Bugfix: the list of seo_locales now only contains locales that actually have a slug. * Bugfix: the list of locales now only contains locales that actually have some sort of translation value. 7.0.2 - 2017-09-21 -- * Fix issue with the locale duplication class not being found. 7.0.1 - 2017-09-21 -- * Removed some unused translations. * The backend/seo_form partial now accepts a hard slug value so prefills are possible on other locations. * Cleanup the #flexible_content? check to be an instance method instead of a class method. * Make sure the SEO concern saves when you save its parent object. * You can import the flexible content from another locale. 7.0.0 - 2017-07-28 -- * It's now possible to use the scope .with_seo(:nl) to fetch models that actually have a slug in that locale. You used to have to do some nasty manual things to work around this issue, but no more! * After being deprecated for some time, ```ContentImage``` has finally been removed from the system. 6.6.3 - 2017-07-27 -- * Bugfix: the cacheable concern #find_in_cache method has been tweaked to make sure there are no rare instances where dev cache is used in test. 6.6.2 - 2017-07-25 -- * Bugfix: using models with multiple words like 'LandingPage' no longer break the flexible content. * Ehancement: show the newest form submissions on top in the backend. 6.6.1 - 2017-07-04 -- * Enhancement: show the submission date in the overview of form submissions. 6.6.0 - 2017-07-04 -- * When enabled, you can add images to pages from the assets module. 6.5.2 - 2016-06-26 -- * Bugfix: remove frontend/forms.js include in flexible content. 6.5.1 - 2017-06-26 -- * Bugfix: don't assume #searchable? is a method that exists on every model. 6.5.0 - 2017-06-25 -- * It's now possible to disable the flexible content row gutters. * Video's can now have a caption. You can configure whether or not this caption uses an editor. * For each flexible content type, we now provide a placeholder as default. In most cases this will be ok. If you want something different, you can simply override this partial. We don't provide a default for 'image' because that's actually discontinued and you should stop using that. 6.4.1 - 2017-06-16 -- * Make it easier to fetch all the content row styles as a hash. 6.4.0 - 2017-06-16 -- * Add the ImageCollection model with a module. This allows you to put certain assets in one or more collections. These can then be used in the future to create slideshows, photo albums and even file lists. * Bugfix: reworked to Udongo::Search::Frontend visible/publishable check tests to help fix a test that failed Sometimes™. * Flexible content rows can now have a background color and padding/margin for the bottom/top. * All flexible content actions are now shown in popups. * Add field 'external_reference' to form fields. 6.3.2 - 2017-06-07 -- * Bugfix: there was an issue with the has_many :addresses relation in the addressable concern. 6.3.1 - 2017-06-06 -- * Removes the Udongo::Search::ResultObjects::Frontend::Page class so projects building Frontend search have an easier time doing so. 6.3.0 - 2017-06-05 -- * The tagbox autocomplete now orders its results alphabetically. * A general tag module was added. This allows you to see which tags have been used throughout the system and add new ones. * Bugfix: when a taggable item is deleted, it's tagged items are now destroyed. * When checking the overview of files, you can now see if those assets are used. * Bugfix: the images relation was not dependent destroy. 6.2.1 - 2017-06-04 -- * Added email and tel as valid form types for FormField. 6.2.0 - 2017-06-02 -- * Removed the bootstrap source mapping reference in backend/bootstrap.scss. * Upgraded jquery-ui-rails to 6.0.1 to fix autocomplete issues with jquery3. * Add the ```CollectionHelper``` which allows you to use ```options_for_collection``` to easily create collections for simple form. * The form field types are now a dropdown instead of a text field. * A form widget has been added. This makes it possible to include a form on a specific location in the flexible content. 6.1.0 - 2017-05-16 -- * The obsolete top navigation markup has been cleaned up. * Add setting 'sitemap' to pages. These can be used to easily see which pages are to be included in the sitemap. * Rename Concerns::Addressable#configure_adress to configure_address * Add method Person#short_name which uses the first name and first letter of the last name. * A new setting ```Udongo.config.flexible_content.picture_caption_editor``` was added. This allows you to use an editor for picture captions. * Tweaked some bottom margins related to the media module. * Linking an image via de media module now only suggests 30 pictures. 6.0.0 - 2017-05-08 -- * When adding/editing flexible content columns, you now only see the medium breakpoint by default. * Upgrade bootstrap v4 from alpha 4 to alpha 6. * The last item in the list of breadcrumbs will never be a link. * Flexible content now allows you to align columns within a row vertically or horizontally. You can also define a row to be full width instead of the default container. * A new widget has been added to easily insert youtube/vimeo video's. 5.9.0 - 2017-05-04 -- * Fixes issue in pages module that prevented you from clicking the context menu items. * Make the link_to_show/edit/delete methods a bit more flexible. * Clicking the snippet edit link now goes directly to the default app locale. 5.8.0 - 2017-04-12 -- * Add missing ```author``` key to form translations. * The ContentImage/Text decorators have been simplified. * Fixed bug where you couldn't include ```Concerns::Searchable``` on models without flexible content without getting an unknown method error. * The column widths for flexible content are displayed in percentages. * An extra widget ```ContentPicture``` has been added. This is the replacement for the ```ContentImage``` which has now been deprecated. 5.7.0 - 2017-03-22 -- * The ```Navigation``` model now includes the cacheable concern. * A ```NavigationHelper``` module was added which makes it easier to fetch a navigation by identifier. * You can now include ```Concerns::Searchable``` on models without flexible content and not receive errors as a result. * You can now toggle Bootstrap tooltips through data-toggle="tooltip" and specifying a value in the title field. * Added a backend module to create and manage forms. 5.6.0 - 2017-03-18 -- * The article title is truncated to 40 chars in the overview and breadcrumbs. * Add the PageHelper which contains ```#page(identifier)``` to easily fetch a page from cache. * The files nl_backend.yml and en_backend.yml have been synced. * The files nl_general.yml and en_general.yml have been removed. * Update the font-awesome icons from 4.6.1 to 4.7.0. * You can now disable the snippet title/content so it won't show up in the translation edit form (which sometimes confused people). * Added PageDecorator#url because the ```only_path: false``` option seems to be borked at this moment. 5.5.0 - 2017-03-13 -- * When an SEO form has a slug, it's automatically calculated based on the title. * Trigger a generic warning when trying to leave a page through an anchor when the form contains unsaved changes. * The dirty-inputs warning is now triggered on a form by calling the ```trigger_dirty_inputs_warning``` helper method. * The sluggable autofill now plays nice when immediately hitting enter after typing your title. * Trigger a generic warning when trying to leave a page through an anchor when the form contains unsaved changes. * The dirty-inputs warning is now triggered on a form by calling the ```trigger_dirty_inputs_warning``` helper method. 5.4.0 - 2017-03-08 -- * When enabled, you can add images to articles from the assets module. * Bugfix: the sortable scope for the ```Image``` wasn't properly set. * Images are now enabled by default for articles. * Fixed a missing image reference triggered by Tagit. 5.3.1 - 2017-03-07 -- * Bugfix: there was an issue with loading the base module for the image manipulation. 5.3.0 - 2017-03-07 -- * Refactor the asset image resizer(s). * Add a basic articles module. * You can configure the article module with some settings. See the readme. 5.2.0 - 2017-03-02 -- * Add an assets module to manage all kinds of files. * Backend now loads jQuery 3 by default. * You can now mark a model as 'Imageable', which makes it possible to link one or more images (assets) to it. These assets can be reused for other modules as well. 5.1.0 - 2017-02-15 -- * The users module now orders by last/first name. * The default number of items per page is now 10 instead of 30. * A user now has an active/inactive state that you can manage. * You can now filter users by their first name, last name and email address. * Next to the ```Backend::TranslationForm``` we now added the ```Backend::TranslationWithSeoForm``` which makes those forms great again. * Add fix for a collection of checkboxes rendered by SimpleForm to show on multiple lines. * Set a max width for the cell containing the sortable handle. 5.0.2 - 2017-02-13 -- * Fix bug in the SEO form of b/pages#edit_translation that prevented you from saving SEO data. 5.0.1 - 2017-02-13 -- * Make sure the search field in the top navigation doesn't steal the focus. * Add missing class for vertical file inputs for Simple Form. * Remove the search partial file checks. 5.0.0 - 2017-02-12 -- * Added a general ```User``` model which you can extend in your own app. 4.0.0 - 2017-02-12 -- * Added Concerns::Searchable. This lets model instances automatically save SearchIndex records to the database as they are changed. * Added functionality to Concerns::FlexibleContent so it can play nice with Concerns::Searchable. * Added a search input to the backend's top navigation bar. Autocompleted search works through Udongo::Search::Backend. * Provided a raw infrastructure to allow for Udongo::Search::Frontend or other namespaced search classes. 3.0.0 - 2017-01-13 -- * Because of the complex structure and no actual necessity, the form models and their related code have been cut. * You can now set the list of breakpoints you want to have visible for the flexible content. In most cases the xs and xl don't need to clutter the interface, so now you can hide them. * Added specs for all routes. * Add concern to easily use multiple addresses for a single model. * The BackendController has been renamed and moved to Backend::BaseController. * Update Bootstrap to v4.0.0-alpha.4 * Tweak the styles for the simple form initializer. * Pages marked as invisible are now visibly distinguished from visible pages. Fixes #9 * Add spec/support and spec/factories to the gem. * The i18n configuration has been split in 'app' and 'cms'. You can now configure the cms interface locale(s) indepent of the app locale(s). * An admin can now choose his interface locale. * Add cc/bcc to the email templates and sent emails. * The general mailer has been expanded so it's easier to override the headers. * Added new contextmenu options for making pages (in)visible through the tree. * Add (and load) the select2 js lib in the backend. * After adding or editing content in a certain locale, redirect to the correct locale. * The dashboard template no longer contains dashboard#show. * You can now add your custom css to app/assets/stylesheets/backend/custom.scss * When a backend form has 1 or more errors, you will now see a general error. * The `prefix_with_locale` setting has been removed because it's always true. * The webserver restart button/action has been removed. * The following form objects have been removed in favor of the model: - EmailTemplateForm - NavigationItemForm - PageForm - SnippetForm * A `Backend::TranslationForm` has been added. This makes it a whole lot easier to create translation forms for your models. * Feature tests have been added for most of the basic functionality. 2.0.4 - 2016-08-15 -- * Fix issue with resizing pictures in the CKEditor picture uploader. 2.0.3 - 2016-08-15 -- * Revert CKEditor from 4.2.0 to 4.1.6 because of breaking changes related to browsing attachments. 2.0.2 - 2016-08-15 -- * CKEditor has some breaking changes and apparently they didn't find it necessary to use the version numbers as intended. 2.0.1 - 2016-08-02 -- * Upgrade bootstrap v4 from alpha 2 to alpha 3. * The reform gem is no longer used. We now use the Udongo form objects created with Virtus. 2.0.0 - 2016-07-29 -- * The system for setting config variables has changed. Every setting has moved into separate namespaced classes. See the docs configuration section * Fix the form settings subclasses. * Upgrade to rails 5. * Add nl_general. * Add the spec directory to the gem so you can use its factories and concerns. 1.0.4 - 2016-07-23 -- * Add spec for the SnippetForm class. * Add Udongo::Notification and use it in BackendController#translate_notice. * Fix issue with storable config fields that are present in the DB, but are no longer in the storable class. * Flexible image preview no longer makes the URL previewable. * Classes in lib/udongo/**/* are now loaded automatically. * Restyled flexible content widget. * You now get a suggested width when adding a new content column in the flexible content widget. Values are based on previously set column widths. * The codebase had a lot of useless double semicolons, which have been removed. 1.0.3 - 2016-06-06 -- * Bugfix: fix link to non existing css file. 1.0.2 - 2016-06-06 -- * Bugfix: add the vendor directory to the list of gem files. This makes sure the assets in the vendor dir are loaded correctly. 1.0.1 - 2016-06-06 -- * Get rid of the rakismet and marked-rails gems, beacuse they're not being used. * Move mysql2 to the development dependencies in the gemspec. * Rename the minified bootstrap datepicker scss file to a css file. 1.0.0 - 2016-06-05 -- * Complete overhaul of the Storable concern. It's now internally using Virtus to handle reading/writing attributes. You can now also have storable fields within different categories. * Translatable has been revamped to leverage the strenghts of the Storable concern. * Add the English translation files. 0.1.0 - 2016-05-31 -- * Add LinkHelper to provide shorthands for show/edit/destroy links. * Add DatePickerInput to be used with Simple Form inputs (as: :date_picker) * Fix the sortable js to show the correct font-awesome icon. * Let Udongo::EmailVarsParser#replace_vars handle unlimited nested collections as var values. * Cleanup the layout of the following modules: email, email templates, flexible content. * Make it possible to disable the first input field focus for an entire form by adding the 'no-focus' class to that form. * Add Udongo::Cryptography to make encrypting/decrypting values secure and easy. See readme.md for more information. * Make it possible to set the content column width for each responsive breakpoint. * Add the email validator and cleanup the URL validator. * Add DatePicker and DateRangerPicker to use with simple form. * Order logs by created_at descending AND by ID descending. * Fix nasty bug in the storable concern which made it impossible to work with the << operator for strings and arrays. * Bugfix: the link helpers can now also work with decorated objects. 0.0.13 - 2016-05-02 -- * FormSubmission#data_object * Adds support for Spring in engine development * Expands Concerns::PaginationController with a method that handles both arrays and AR collections. * Allow page_number/per_page overrides through an options hash for Concerns::PaginationController#paginate * Add module for e-mail templates. * Add some styles for unordered lists in tables. * Add the Email model which holds all the sent/unsent e-mails. * Add very basic module to show the items in the email table. * Add Concerns::Emailable * Expands FormSubmission to be emailable * Use the project_name config var for the backend template title. * Show the list of available email template vars. * Make the Address model emailable. * Switch plain/html content in the email template translation form. * Don't make the meta slug required. * Hide the search in the backend navigation for now. * Tweak css for the search filter panels. * Add QueuedTask.queue_unless_already_queued which speaks for itself. * Add .icons class for the