require 'json' require 'base64' require 'fileutils' # Example usages: module Seira class Cluster include Seira::Commands VALID_ACTIONS = %w[help bootstrap upgrade-master].freeze SUMMARY = "For managing whole clusters.".freeze attr_reader :action, :args, :context, :settings def initialize(action:, args:, context:, settings:) @action = action @args = args @context = context @settings = settings end def run case action when 'help' run_help when 'bootstrap' run_bootstrap when 'upgrade-master' run_upgrade_master else fail "Unknown command encountered" end end def switch(target_cluster:, verbose: false) unless target_cluster && target_cluster != "" && settings.valid_cluster_names.include?(target_cluster) puts "Please specify cluster as first param to any seira command" puts "Cluster should be one of #{settings.valid_cluster_names}" exit(1) end # The context in kubectl are a bit more difficult to name. List by name only and search for the right one using a simple string match cluster_metadata = settings.clusters[target_cluster] puts("Switching to gcloud config of '#{target_cluster}' and kubernetes cluster of '#{cluster_metadata['cluster']}'") if verbose exit(1) unless system("gcloud config configurations activate #{target_cluster}") exit(1) unless system("kubectl config use-context #{cluster_metadata['cluster']}") # If we haven't exited by now, it was successful true end def self.current_cluster Seira::Commands.kubectl("config current-context", context: :none, return_output: true).chomp.strip end def self.current_project Seira::Commands.gcloud("config get-value project", context: :none, return_output: true).chomp.strip end def current puts current_project puts current_cluster end private # Intended for use when spinning up a whole new cluster. It stores two main secrets # in the default space that are intended to be copied into individual namespaces when # new apps are built. def run_bootstrap dockercfg_location = args[0] cloudsql_credentials_location = args[1] if dockercfg_location.nil? || dockercfg_location == '' puts 'Please specify the dockercfg json key location as first param.' exit(1) end if cloudsql_credentials_location.nil? || cloudsql_credentials_location == '' puts 'Please specify the cloudsql_credentials_location json key location as second param.' exit(1) end puts `kubectl create secret docker-registry gcr-secret --docker-username=_json_key --docker-password="$(cat #{dockercfg_location})" --docker-server=` puts `kubectl create secret generic cloudsql-credentials --namespace default --from-file=credentials.json=#{cloudsql_credentials_location}` end def run_upgrade_master cluster = context[:cluster] new_version = args.first # Take a single argument, which is the version to upgrade to if new_version.nil? puts 'Please specify version to upgrade to' exit(1) end # Ensure the specified version is supported by GKE server_config = gcloud("container get-server-config", format: :json, context: context) valid_versions = server_config['validMasterVersions'] unless valid_versions.include? new_version puts "Version #{new_version} is unsupported. Supported versions are:" puts valid_versions exit(1) end cluster_config = JSON.parse(gcloud("container clusters describe #{cluster}", format: :json, context: context)) # Update the master node first exit(1) unless Highline.agree("Are you sure you want to upgrade cluster #{cluster} master to version #{new_version}? Services should continue to run fine, but the cluster control plane will be offline.") puts 'Updating master (this may take a while)' if cluster_config['currentMasterVersion'] == new_version # Master has already been updated; this step is not needed puts 'Already up to date!' elsif gcloud("container clusters upgrade #{cluster} --cluster-version=#{new_version} --master", format: :boolean, context: context) puts 'Master updated successfully!' else puts 'Failed to update master.' exit(1) end end end end