require File.expand_path('../../../../../helper', __FILE__) describe 'Comments::Controller::Comments' do behaves_like :capybara index_url = Comments::Controller::Comments.r(:index).to_s edit_url = Comments::Controller::Comments.r(:edit).to_s save_button = lang('') user_id = Users::Model::User[:email => 'spec@domain.tld'].id section = Sections::Model::Section.create( :name => 'Spec section', :comment_allow => true, :comment_require_account => false, :comment_moderate => false, :comment_format => 'markdown' ) entry = Sections::Model::SectionEntry.create( :title => 'Spec entry', :user_id => user_id, :section_id => ) after do Zen::Event.delete( :before_edit_comment, :after_edit_comment, :before_delete_comment, :after_delete_comment ) end it 'Find no existing comments' do message = lang('comments.messages.no_comments') visit(index_url) page.has_content?(message).should == true page.has_selector?('table tbody tr').should == false end it 'Create a new comment' do comment = Comments::Model::Comment.create( :user_id => user_id, :section_entry_id =>, :email => 'spec@domain.tld', :comment => 'Spec comment' ) message = lang('comments.messages.no_comments') visit(index_url) comment.exists?.should == true page.has_content?(message).should == false page.has_selector?('table tbody tr').should == true end it 'Try to edit an existing comment with a missing CSRF token' do visit(index_url) click_link('Spec comment') within '#comment_form' do find('input[name="csrf_token"]').set('') click_on(save_button) end page.has_content?(lang('zen_general.errors.csrf')).should == true end it 'Search for a comment' do visit(index_url) search_button = lang('') error = lang('zen_general.errors.invalid_search') within '#search_form' do fill_in('query', :with => 'Spec comment') click_on(search_button) end page.has_content?(error).should == false page.has_content?('Spec comment').should == true within '#search_form' do fill_in('query', :with => 'spec@domain.tld') click_on(search_button) end page.has_content?(error).should == false page.has_content?('Spec comment').should == true within '#search_form' do fill_in('query', :with => 'does not exist') click_on(search_button) end page.has_content?(error).should == false page.has_content?('Spec comment').should == false end it 'Edit an existing comment' do event_comment = nil event_comment2 = nil comment = 'Spec modified 123' Zen::Event.listen(:before_edit_comment) do |comment| event_comment = comment.comment end Zen::Event.listen(:after_edit_comment) do |comment| event_comment2 = comment.comment end visit(index_url) click_link('Spec comment') current_path.should =~ /#{edit_url}\/[0-9]+/ within '#comment_form' do fill_in('comment', :with => comment) select(lang(''), :from => 'comment_status_id') click_on(save_button) end page.find('textarea[name="comment"]').value.should == comment page.find('select[name="comment_status_id"] option[selected]').text \ .should == lang('') event_comment.should == comment event_comment2.should == event_comment Zen::Event.delete(:before_edit_comment, :after_edit_comment) # Modify the comment using an event Zen::Event.listen(:before_edit_comment) do |comment| comment.comment = 'Spec comment modified' end within '#comment_form' do click_on(save_button) end page.find('textarea[name="comment"]') \ .value.should == 'Spec comment modified' end it 'Edit an existing comment with invalid data' do visit(index_url) click_link('Spec comment') current_path.should =~ /#{edit_url}\/[0-9]+/ within '#comment_form' do fill_in('comment', :with => '') click_on(save_button) end page.has_selector?('span.error').should == true end enable_javascript it 'Automatically save a comment' do visit(index_url) click_link('Spec comment') within '#comment_form' do fill_in('comment', :with => 'Spec comment autosave') end autosave_form('comment_form') visit(index_url) # Comments are truncated in the index overview. page.has_content?('Spec comment au...').should == true click_link('Spec comment au...') within '#comment_form' do fill_in('comment', :with => 'Spec comment modified') click_on(save_button) end page.has_selector?('span.error').should == false page.find('textarea[name="comment"]').value.should == 'Spec comment modified' end disable_javascript it 'Fail to delete a set of comments without IDs' do delete_button = lang('comments.buttons.delete') visit(index_url) click_on(delete_button) page.has_selector?('input[name="comment_ids[]"]').should == true end it 'Delete an existing comment' do delete_button = lang('comments.buttons.delete') message = lang('comments.messages.no_comments') event_comment = nil event_comment2 = nil Zen::Event.listen(:before_delete_comment) do |comment| event_comment = comment.comment end Zen::Event.listen(:after_delete_comment) do |comment| event_comment2 = comment.comment end visit(index_url) check('comment_ids[]') click_on(delete_button) page.has_content?(message).should == true page.has_selector?('table tbody tr').should == false event_comment.should == 'Spec comment modified' event_comment2.should == event_comment end it 'Comments should not be able to use Etanni tags' do comment = Comments::Model::Comment.create( :user_id => user_id, :section_entry_id =>, :email => 'spec@domain.tld', :comment => '' ) comment.exists?.should == true # Loofah completely strips the tags so all that remains are two # backslashes. comment.comment.should == '\\' # Lets try #{} comment.comment = 'hello #{name}' comment.comment.should == 'hello \#\{name\}' comment.destroy end it 'Comments should not contain evil HTML elements' do comment = Comments::Model::Comment.create( :user_id => user_id, :section_entry_id =>, :email => 'spec@domain.tld', :comment => '' ) comment.exists?.should == true comment.comment.empty?.should == true comment.destroy end entry.destroy section.destroy end