@import '../app/variables'; @import '../bootstrap/bootstrap/mixins/gradients'; @import '../app/media-queries'; // // Variables to change general look // // LAYOUT $content-bg: #f5f7fa; $aside-bg: $gray-dark; // NAVBAR TOP $nav-top-bg: $brand-green-dark; $nav-top-bg-start: $nav-top-bg; $nav-top-bg-end: $brand-green; $nav-header-bg: transparent; $nav-top-item-mobile: $nav-top-bg; $nav-top-item-mobile-active: darken($nav-top-item-mobile, 20%); $nav-top-item-desktop: #fff; $nav-top-item-desktop-active: darken($nav-top-item-desktop, 20%); // SIDEBAR $sidebar-bg: $aside-bg; $sidebar-item-color: #e1e2e3; $sidebar-item-color-active: $nav-top-bg; $sidebar-item-bg-active: darken($sidebar-bg, 1%); $sidebar-icon-color: inherits; $sidebar-icon-color-active: $nav-top-bg; $sidebar-bullet-color: rgba(0,0,0,.25); $sidebar-bullet-color-active: $sidebar-icon-color-active; $sidebar-heading-color: #919DA8; $sidebar-label-color: $sidebar-item-color; // OFFSIDEBAR $offsidebar-bg: #fff; $offsidebar-border-color: greyscale(darken($offsidebar-bg, 20%)); $offsidebar-color: $text-color; /* ======================================================================== Component: layout ========================================================================== */ body, .wrapper > section { background-color: $content-bg; } .wrapper > .aside { background-color: $aside-bg; } /* ======================================================================== Component: top-navbar ========================================================================== */ // Navbar Mobile General styles // ------------------------------ .topnavbar { background-color: #fff; .navbar-header { background-color: $nav-header-bg; @include gradient-horizontal($nav-top-bg-start, $nav-top-bg-end); @media only screen and (min-width: $mq-tablet) { background-image: none; } } .navbar-nav > li > a, .navbar-nav > .open > a { color: $nav-top-item-mobile; &:hover, &:focus { color: $nav-top-item-mobile-active; } } // Navbar link active style .navbar-nav > .active > a, .navbar-nav > .open > a { &, &:hover, &:focus { background-color: transparent; } } // the button to toggle search .navbar-nav > li > [data-toggle='navbar-search'] { color: $nav-top-item-desktop; } .nav-wrapper { background-color: $nav-top-bg; @include gradient-horizontal($nav-top-bg-start, $nav-top-bg-end); } } // Navbar Desktop styles // ------------------------------ @media only screen and (min-width: $mq-tablet) { // Navbar top styles .topnavbar { background-color: $nav-top-bg; @include gradient-horizontal($nav-top-bg-start, $nav-top-bg-end); .navbar-nav > .open > a { &, &:hover, &:focus { box-shadow: 0 -3px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.5) inset; } } .navbar-nav > li > a, .navbar-nav > .open > a { color: $nav-top-item-desktop; &:hover, &:focus { color: $nav-top-item-mobile-active; } } } // .topnavbar } /* ======================================================================== Component: sidebar ========================================================================== */ .sidebar { background-color: $sidebar-bg; .nav-heading { color: $sidebar-heading-color; } // Items .nav { > li { > a, > .nav-item { color: $sidebar-item-color; &:focus, &:hover { color: $sidebar-item-color-active; } // Item icon > em { color: $sidebar-icon-color; } } // Active item state &.active, &.open { &, > a, .nav { background-color: $sidebar-item-bg-active; color: $sidebar-item-color-active; } > a > em { color: $sidebar-icon-color-active; } } &.active { border-left-color: $sidebar-item-color-active; } } } } .sidebar-subnav { background-color: $sidebar-bg; > .sidebar-subnav-header { color: $sidebar-item-color; } > li { > a, > .nav-item { color: $sidebar-item-color; &:focus, &:hover { color: $sidebar-item-color-active; } } &.active { > a, > .nav-item { color: $sidebar-icon-color-active; &:after { border-color: $sidebar-bullet-color-active; background-color: $sidebar-bullet-color-active; } } } } // li } /* ======================================================================== Component: offsidebar ========================================================================== */ .offsidebar { border-left: 1px solid $offsidebar-border-color; background-color: $offsidebar-bg; color: $offsidebar-color; }