module ActiveScaffold module Helpers module AssociationHelpers # Provides a way to honor the :conditions on an association while searching the association's klass def association_options_find(association, conditions = nil) association.klass.find(:all, :conditions => controller.send(:merge_conditions, conditions, association.options[:conditions])) end def association_options_count(association, conditions = nil) association.klass.count(:all, :conditions => controller.send(:merge_conditions, conditions, association.options[:conditions])) end # returns options for the given association as a collection of [id, label] pairs intended for the +options_for_select+ helper. def options_for_association(association, include_all = false) available_records = association_options_find(association, include_all ? nil : options_for_association_conditions(association)) available_records ||= [] available_records.sort{|a,b| a.to_label <=> b.to_label}.collect { |model| [ model.to_label, ] } end def options_for_association_count(association) association_options_count(association, options_for_association_conditions(association)) end # A useful override for customizing the records present in an association dropdown. # Should work in both the subform and form_ui=>:select modes. # Check to specialize the conditions per-column. def options_for_association_conditions(association) return nil if association.options[:through] case association.macro when :has_one, :has_many # Find only orphaned objects "#{association.primary_key_name} IS NULL" when :belongs_to, :has_and_belongs_to_many # Find all nil end end end end end