C0 code coverage information

Generated on Fri Oct 20 17:20:35 CEST 2006 with rcov 0.7.0

Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...
and this: this line is also marked as covered.
Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,
and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).
Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.
Name Total lines Lines of code Total coverage Code coverage
lib/xspf.rb 319 126
  1 #--
  2 # =============================================================================
  3 # Copyright (c) 2006 Pau Garcia i Quiles (pgquiles@elpauer.org)
  4 # All rights reserved.
  5 #
  6 # This library may be used only as allowed by either the Ruby license (or, by
  7 # association with the Ruby license, the GPL). See the "doc" subdirectory of
  8 # the XSPF distribution for the texts of these licenses.
  9 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 10 # XSPF for Ruby website : http://www.elpauer.org/xspf
 11 # =============================================================================
 12 #++
 14 require 'rexml/document'
 15 require 'xml/xslt'
 17 # :main: XSPF
 19 module MetaGen #:nodoc:
 21   # define the method
 22   def self.add_method(klass, meth_name, body, meth_rdoc)
 23     code = "# #{meth_rdoc}\n def #{meth_name.downcase}; begin; #{body}; rescue NoMethodError; return nil; end; end"
 25     klass.module_eval(code)
 27     # hook to write klass + name attrib to a file
 28     if $META_RDOC
 29       open($META_RDOC, 'a+') do |f|
 30         f.puts("class #{klass}\n #{code}\n end")
 31       end
 32     end
 34   end
 36   # output in different formats
 37   def self.add_output_format(klass, format, xspf, meth_rdoc)
 38     xslt_path = "'#{File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %Q{xspf2#{format}.xsl} )}'"
 39     code = "# #{meth_rdoc}\n def to_#{format}; xslt = XML::XSLT.new; xslt.xml = xspf; xslt.xsl = REXML::Document.new( File.new( #{xslt_path} ) ); xslt.serve; end"
 41     klass.module_eval(code)
 43     if $META_RDOC
 44       open($META_RDOC, 'a+') do |f|
 45         f.puts("class #{klass}\n #{code}\n end")
 46       end
 47     end
 49   end
 51 end
 53 # XML Shareable Playlist Format (XSPF[http://www.xspf.org]) parser for Ruby
 54 #
 55 # When parsing, if a XSPF attribute or element is not set, the corresponding method will return _nil_.
 56 # 
 57 # === Examples
 58 # ==== Parse from file
 59 #  require 'xspf'
 60 # 
 61 #  f = File.new("playlist.xspf")
 62 #  x = XSPF.new(f)
 63 #  pl = XSPF::Playlist.new(x)
 64 #  tl = XSPF::Tracklist.new(pl)
 65 #
 66 #  puts "XML version: #{x.version}"
 67 #  puts "XML encoding: #{ x.encoding}"
 68 #  puts "XSPF version: #{pl.version}"
 69 #  puts "Namespace: #{pl.xmlns}"
 70 #  puts "Playlist title: #{pl.title}"
 71 #  puts "Playlist creator: #{pl.creator}"
 72 #  puts "Playlist annotation: #{pl.annotation}"
 73 #  puts "Playlist info: #{pl.info}"
 74 #  puts "Playlist identifier: #{pl.identifier}"
 75 #  puts "Playlist attribution: #{pl.attribution}"
 76 #  puts "Tracklist: #{pl.tracklist}"
 77 #  tl.tracks.each do |t|
 78 #     puts "Track identifier: #{t.identifier}"
 79 #     puts "Track title: #{t.title}"
 80 #     puts "Track creator: #{t.creator}"
 81 #     puts "Track duration: #{t.duration}"
 82 #     puts "Track metainformation: link=#{t.meta_rel} content=#{t.meta_content}"
 83 #  end
 84 #
 85 #  # Convert the XSPF document to SMIL
 86 #  x.to_smil
 87 #
 88 #  # Convert the XSPF document to HTML
 89 #  x.to_html
 90 #
 91 #  # Convert the XSPF document in a M3U playlist
 92 #  x.to_m3u
 93 #
 94 # ==== Parse from string
 95 #     playlist_document = <<-END_OF_PLAYLIST
 96 #     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 97 #     <playlist version="0" xmlns="http://xspf.org/ns/0/">
 98 #         <title>XSPlF it up!</title>
 99 #         <creator>Mayhem &amp; Chaos Coordinator</creator>
100 #         <annotation>Just a few songs to enjoy while you XSPlF it up!</annotation>
101 #         <info>http://mayhem-chaos.net/xspf/xspf_it_up.html</info>
102 #         <identifier>http://mayhem-chaos.net/xspf/xspf_it_up/1.0</identifier>
103 #         <attribution>
104 #             <location>ihttp://mayhem-chaos.net/xspf/xspf_it_up.html</location>
105 #         </attribution>
106 #         <trackList>
107 #             <track>
108 #             <identifier>http://musicbrainz.org/track/bdab6db0-2fd6-4166-a5fa-fbf2ff213793</identifier>
109 #             <title>I Wanna Get High</title>
110 #             <creator>Cypress Hill</creator>
111 #             <duration>174613</duration>
112 #             <meta rel="http://musicbrainz.org/track">http://musicbrainz.org/mm-2.1/track/bdab6db0-2fd6-4166-a5fa-fbf2ff213793</meta>
113 #             </track>
114 #             <track>
115 #             <identifier>bdc846e7-6c26-4193-82a6-8d1b5a4d3429</identifier>
116 #             <title>Smoke Two Joints</title>
117 #             <creator>Sublime</creator>
118 #             <duration>175466</duration>
119 #             <meta rel="http://musicbrainz.org/track">http://musicbrainz.org/mm-2.1/track/bdc846e7-6c26-4193-82a6-8d1b5a4d3429</meta>
120 #             </track>
121 #             <track>
122 #             <identifier>http://musicbrainz.org/track/7d9776f7-d428-40dc-a425-3c6e3dce4d58</identifier>
123 #             <title>Hash Pipe</title>
124 #             <creator>Weezer</creator>
125 #             <duration>186533</duration>
126 #             <meta rel="http://musicbrainz.org/track">http://musicbrainz.org/mm-2.1/track/7d9776f7-d428-40dc-a425-3c6e3dce4d58</meta>
127 #             </track>
128 #         </trackList>
129 #     </playlist>
131 #
132 #  x = XSPF.new(playlist_document)
133 #  pl = XSPF::Playlist.new(x)
134 #  tl = XSPF::Tracklist.new(pl)
135 #
136 #  puts "XML version: #{x.version}"
137 #  puts "XML encoding: #{ x.encoding}"
138 #  puts "XSPF version: #{pl.version}"
139 #  puts "Namespace: #{pl.xmlns}"
140 #  puts "Playlist title: #{pl.title}"
141 #  puts "Playlist creator: #{pl.creator}"
142 #  puts "Playlist annotation: #{pl.annotation}"
143 #  puts "Playlist info: #{pl.info}"
144 #  puts "Playlist identifier: #{pl.identifier}"
145 #  puts "Playlist attribution: #{pl.attribution}"
146 #  puts "Tracklist: #{pl.tracklist}"
147 #  tl.tracks.each do |t|
148 #     puts "Track identifier: #{t.identifier}"
149 #     puts "Track title: #{t.title}"
150 #     puts "Track creator: #{t.creator}"
151 #     puts "Track duration: #{t.duration}"
152 #     puts "Track metainformation: link=#{t.meta_rel} content=#{t.meta_content}"
153 #  end
154 #
155 #  # Convert the XSPF document to SMIL
156 #  x.to_smil
157 #
158 #  # Convert the XSPF document to HTML
159 #  x.to_html
160 #
161 #  # Convert the XSPF document in a M3U playlist
162 #  x.to_m3u
163 #
165 class XSPF
167   attr_reader :xspf
169   #:stopdoc:
170   ATTRIBUTES = %w{ version encoding }
171   VERSION_RDOC = "Version for the XML document or _nil_ if not defined"
172   ENCODING_RDOC = "Encoding of the XML document or _nil_ if not defined"
174   OUTPUT_FORMATS = %w{ m3u html smil soundblox }
175   M3U_RDOC = "Creates a .m3u playlist from the XSPF document. This method makes use of the official XSPF to M3U XSLT transformation by Lucas Gonze."
176   HTML_RDOC = "Outputs the playlist as an HTML page. This method makes use of the official XSPF to HTML XSLT transformation by Lucas Gonze."
177   SMIL_RDOC = "Creates a .smil playlist from the XSPF document. This method makes use of the official XSPF to SMIL XSLT transformation by Lucas Gonze."
178   SOUNDBLOX_RDOC = "Creates a SoundBlox playlist from the XSPF document. This method makes use of the official XSPF to SoundBlox XSLT tranformation by Lucas Gonze."
180   ATTRIBUTES.each do |attrib|
181     MetaGen.add_method(self, attrib, "@xspf.#{attrib}", eval(attrib.upcase + '_RDOC').to_s )
182   end
184   OUTPUT_FORMATS.each do |format|
185     MetaGen.add_output_format(self, format, @xspf, eval(format.upcase + '_RDOC').to_s )
186   end
188   #:startdoc:
190   # Creates a XSPF object from a file or string
191   def initialize(source = nil)
192     @xspf = REXML::Document.new(source)
193   end
195   # The <playlist> section of the XSPF document
196   def playlist
197     @xspf.root
198   end
200 end
202 class XSPF::Playlist < XSPF
204   attr_reader :playlist
206   #:stopdoc:
207   ATTRIBUTES = %w{ xmlns version }
208   ELEMENTS = %w{ title creator annotation info location identifier image date license attribution extension }
209   ATTRIBUTE_AND_ELEMENT = %w{ link meta }
210   attribution_subelements = %w{ location identifier }
211   extension_subelements = %w{ application content }
212   XMLNS_RDOC = "The XML namespace. It must be http://xspf.org/ns/0/ for a valid XSPF document."
213   VERSION_RDOC = "The XSPF version. It may be 0 or 1, although 1 is strongly advised."
214   TITLE_RDOC = "A human-readable title for the playlist. xspf:playlist elements MAY contain exactly one."
215   CREATOR_RDOC = "Human-readable name of the entity (author, authors, group, company, etc) that authored the playlist. XSPF::Playlist objects MAY contain exactly one."
216   ANNOTATION_RDOC = "A human-readable comment on the playlist. This is character data, not HTML, and it may not contain markup. XSPF::Playlist objects elements MAY contain exactly one."
217   INFO_RDOC = "URL of a web page to find out more about this playlist. Likely to be homepage of the author, and would be used to find out more about the author and to find more playlists by the author. XSPF::Playlist objects MAY contain exactly one."
218   LOCATION_RDOC = "Source URL for this playlist. XSPF::Playlist objects MAY contain exactly one."
219   IDENTIFIER_RDOC = "Canonical ID for this playlist. Likely to be a hash or other location-independent name. MUST be a legal URN. XSPF::Playlist objects MAY contain exactly one."
220   IMAGE_RDOC = "URL of an image to display if XSPF::Playlist#image return nil. XSPF::Playlist objects MAY contain exactly one."
221   DATE_RDOC = "Creation date (not last-modified date) of the playlist, formatted as a XML schema dateTime. XSPF::Playlist objects MAY contain exactly one."
222   LICENSE_RDOC = "URL of a resource that describes the license under which this playlist was released. XSPF::Playlist objects MAY contain zero or one license element."
223   ATTRIBUTION_RDOC = "An ordered list of URIs. The purpose is to satisfy licenses allowing modification but requiring attribution. If you modify such a playlist, move its XSPF::Playlist#location or XSPF::Playlist#identifier element to the top of the items in the XSPF::Playlist#attribution element. XSPF::Playlist objects MAY contain exactly one attribution element. Please note that currently XSPF for Ruby does not parse the contents of XSPF::Playlist#attribution."
224   EXTENSION_RDOC = "The extension element allows non-XSPF XML to be included in XSPF documents without breaking XSPF validation. The purpose is to allow nested XML, which the meta and link elements do not. XSPF::Playlist objects MAY contain zero or more extension elements but currently XSPF for Ruby returns only the first one."
225   LINK_REL_RDOC = "The link element allows non-XSPF web resources to be included in XSPF documents without breaking XSPF validation. A valid 'link' element has a 'rel' attribute and a 'content' element, obtained with XSPF::Playlist#link_rel and XSPF::Playlist#link_content respectively. XSPF::Playlist objects MAY contain zero or more link elements, but currently XSPF for Ruby returns only the first one."
226   LINK_CONTENT_RDOC = "The link element allows non-XSPF web resources to be included in XSPF documents without breaking XSPF validation. A valid 'link' element has a 'rel' attribute and a 'content' element, obtained with XSPF::Playlist#link_rel and XSPF::Playlist#link_content respectively. XSPF::Playlist objects MAY contain zero or more meta elements, but currently XSPF for Ruby returns only the first one."
227   META_REL_RDOC = "The meta element allows non-XSPF metadata to be included in XSPF documents without breaking XSPF validation. A valid 'meta' element has a 'rel' attribute and a 'content' element, obtained with XSPF::Playlist#meta_rel and XSPF::Playlist#meta_content respectively. XSPF::Playlist objects MAY contain zero or more meta elements, but currently XSPF for Ruby returns only the first one."
228   META_CONTENT_RDOC = "The meta element allows non-XSPF metadata to be included in XSPF documents without breaking XSPF validation. A valid 'meta' element has a 'rel' attribute and a 'content' element, obtained with XSPF::Playlist#meta_rel and XSPF::Playlist#meta_content respectively. XSPF::Playlist objects MAY contain zero or more meta elements, but currently XSPF for Ruby returns only the first one."
230 # FIXME Currently we only return the first "link"
231 # FIXME Currently we only return the first "meta"
232 # FIXME Currently we only return the first "extension"
233 # TODO Parse "attribution"
234 # TODO Parse "extension"
236   # Returns the value of the attribute or nil if the attribute is not present
237   ATTRIBUTES.each do |attrib|
238     MetaGen.add_method( self, attrib, "@playlist.root.attributes['#{attrib}']", eval(attrib.upcase + '_RDOC').to_s )
239   end
241   ELEMENTS.each do |element|
242     MetaGen.add_method( self, element, "@playlist.elements['#{element}'].text", eval(element.upcase + '_RDOC').to_s )
243   end
245   ATTRIBUTE_AND_ELEMENT.each do |ae|
246     MetaGen.add_method( self, "#{ae}_content", "@playlist.elements['#{ae}'].text", eval(ae.upcase + '_CONTENT_RDOC').to_s )
247     MetaGen.add_method( self, "#{ae}_rel", "@playlist.elements['#{ae}'].attributes['rel']", eval(ae.upcase + '_REL_RDOC').to_s )
248   end
250   #:startdoc:
252   # Creates a XSPF::Playlist from a XSPF document
253   def initialize(source)
254     @playlist = source.playlist
255   end
257   # The <trackList> section of the XSPF document
258   def tracklist
259     @playlist.elements['trackList'] || nil
260   end
262 end
264 class XSPF::Tracklist < XSPF::Playlist
266   attr_reader :tracklist
268   # Creates a XSPF::Tracklist from a XSPF::Playlist
269   def initialize(playlist)
270     @tracklist = playlist.tracklist
271   end
273   # An array XSPF::Track objects, one for each track returned by XSPF::Playlist#tracklist
274   def tracks
275     @tracklist.elements.collect { |track| XSPF::Track.new(track) }
276   end
278 end
280 class XSPF::Track
282   attr_reader :track
284   #:stopdoc:
285   ELEMENTS = %w{ location identifier title creator annotation info image album trackNum duration extension }
286   ATTRIBUTE_AND_ELEMENT = %w{ link meta }
287   LOCATION_RDOC = "URL of resource to be rendered. Probably an audio resource, but MAY be any type of resource with a well-known duration, such as video, a SMIL document, or an XSPF document. The duration of the resource defined in this element defines the duration of rendering. XSPF::Track objects MAY contain zero or more location elements, but a user-agent MUST NOT render more than one of the named resources. Currently, XSPF for Ruby returns only the first location."
288   IDENTIFIER_RDOC = "Canonical ID for this resource. Likely to be a hash or other location-independent name, such as a MusicBrainz identifier or isbn URN (if there existed isbn numbers for audio). MUST be a legal URN. XSPF::Track objects elements MAY contain zero or more identifier elements, but currently XSPF for Ruby returns only the first one."
289   TITLE_RDOC = "Human-readable name of the track that authored the resource which defines the duration of track rendering. This value is primarily for fuzzy lookups, though a user-agent may display it. XSPF::Track objects MAY contain exactly one."
290   CREATOR_RDOC = "Human-readable name of the entity (author, authors, group, company, etc) that authored the resource which defines the duration of track rendering. This value is primarily for fuzzy lookups, though a user-agent may display it. XSPF::Track objects MAY contain exactly one."
291   ANNOTATION_RDOC = "A human-readable comment on the track. This is character data, not HTML, and it may not contain markup. XSPF::Track objects MAY contain exactly one."
292   INFO_RDOC = "URL of a place where this resource can be bought or more info can be found."
293   IMAGE_RDOC = "URL of an image to display for the duration of the track. XSPF::Track objects MAY contain exactly one."
294   ALBUM_RDOC = "Human-readable name of the collection from which the resource which defines the duration of track rendering comes. For a song originally published as a part of a CD or LP, this would be the title of the original release. This value is primarily for fuzzy lookups, though a user-agent may display it. XSPF::Track objects MAY contain exactly one."
295   TRACKNUM_RDOC = "Integer with value greater than zero giving the ordinal position of the media on the XSPF::Track#album. This value is primarily for fuzzy lookups, though a user-agent may display it. XSPF::Track objects MAY contain exactly one. It MUST be a valid XML Schema nonNegativeInteger."
296   DURATION_RDOC = "The time to render a resource, in milliseconds. It MUST be a valid XML Schema nonNegativeInteger. This value is only a hint -- different XSPF generators will generate slightly different values. A user-agent MUST NOT use this value to determine the rendering duration, since the data will likely be low quality. XSPF::Track objects MAY contain exactly one duration element."
297   EXTENSION_RDOC = "The extension element allows non-XSPF XML to be included in XSPF documents without breaking XSPF validation. The purpose is to allow nested XML, which the meta and link elements do not. XSPF::Track objects MAY contain zero or more extension elements, but currently XSPF for Ruby returns only the first one."
298   LINK_REL_RDOC = "The link element allows non-XSPF web resources to be included in XSPF documents without breaking XSPF validation. A valid 'link' element has a 'rel' attribute and a 'content' element, obtained with XSPF::Track#link_rel and XSPF::Track#link_content respectively. XSPF::Track objects MAY contain zero or more link elements, but currently XSPF for Ruby returns only the first one."
299   LINK_CONTENT_RDOC = "The link element allows non-XSPF web resources to be included in XSPF documents without breaking XSPF validation. A valid 'link' element has a 'rel' attribute and a 'content' element, obtained with XSPF::Track#link_rel and XSPF::Track#link_content respectively. XSPF::Track objects MAY contain zero or more meta elements, but currently XSPF for Ruby returns only the first one."
300   META_REL_RDOC = "The meta element allows non-XSPF metadata to be included in XSPF documents without breaking XSPF validation. A valid 'meta' element has a 'rel' attribute and a 'content' element, obtained with XSPF::Track#meta_rel and XSPF::Track#meta_content respectively. XSPF::Track objects MAY contain zero or more meta elements, but currently XSPF for Ruby returns only the first one."
301   META_CONTENT_RDOC = "The meta element allows non-XSPF metadata to be included in XSPF documents without breaking XSPF validation. A valid 'meta' element has a 'rel' attribute and a 'content' element, obtained with XSPF::Track#meta_rel and XSPF::Track#meta_content respectively. XSPF::Track objects MAY contain zero or more meta elements, but currently XSPF for Ruby returns only the first one."
303   ELEMENTS.each do |element|
304     MetaGen.add_method( self, element, "@track.elements['#{element}'].text", eval(element.upcase + '_RDOC').to_s )
305   end
307   ATTRIBUTE_AND_ELEMENT.each do |ae|
308     MetaGen.add_method( self, "#{ae}_content", "@track.elements['#{ae}'].text", eval(ae.upcase + '_CONTENT_RDOC').to_s )
309     MetaGen.add_method( self, "#{ae}_rel", "@track.elements['#{ae}'].attributes['rel']", eval(ae.upcase + '_REL_RDOC').to_s )
310   end
312   # :startdoc:
314   # Creates a XSPF::Track object from a <track> section of the XSPF document
315   def initialize(tr)
316     @track = tr
317   end
319 end

Generated using the rcov code coverage analysis tool for Ruby version 0.7.0.

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