$ -> # For Web-app mode, uncomment this (and the CSS in speedo/layout.css.scss) to make the cols fill the browser # $('.col1, .col2, .col3').css('height',$(window).height() - $('.main_nav').outerHeight() - $('.branding').outerHeight() - 60 + 'px') # $(window).resize -> # $('.col1, .col2, .col3').css('height',$(window).height() - $('.main_nav').outerHeight() - $('.branding').outerHeight() - 60 + 'px') $('.tip').livequery -> $(@).tooltip() $('time.ago').livequery -> $(@).timeago() $('textarea.autogrow').livequery -> $(@).autogrow() $('select.chzn').livequery -> $(@).chosen() $('input, textarea').livequery -> $(@).placeholder() $("select, input:checkbox, input:radio, input:file").livequery -> $(@).not(':hidden').not('.chzn').not('.bare').uniform() $('input[type=date]').livequery -> $(@).not('.bare').datepicker numberOfMonths: 2 dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' showOn: 'focus' $("a[data-toggle=modal]").livequery -> $(@).click -> target = $(@).attr('data-target') url = $(@).attr('href') $(target).find('.modal-body').load(url) $('input.autoSuggest').livequery -> # $(@).autoSuggest "/path/to/script", # minChars: 2 autoSuggestData = [{value: "21", name: "Mick Jagger"},{value: "43", name: "Johnny Storm"},{value: "46", name: "Richard Hatch"}] $(@).autoSuggest autoSuggestData, startText: "AutoSuggesting" selectedItemProp: "name" searchObjProps: "name" $('.dataTable').livequery -> $(@).dataTable "bPaginate": false # Don't paginate "aaSorting": [] # No initial sorting "aoColumnDefs": [ # Use this to make the final column un-sortable { "bSortable": false, "aTargets": [ -1 ] } ] # "bJQueryUI": true # Use jQueryUI styling