define("dojox/mobile/_ContentPaneMixin", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/Deferred", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/_base/xhr", "./_ExecScriptMixin", "./ProgressIndicator", "./lazyLoadUtils" ], function(declare, Deferred, lang, win, xhr, ExecScriptMixin, ProgressIndicator, lazyLoadUtils){ // module: // dojox/mobile/_ContentPaneMixin return declare("", ExecScriptMixin, { // summary: // Mixin for a very simple content pane to embed an HTML fragment. // description: // By mixing this class into a widget, the widget can have the ability // to embed an external HTML fragment and to run the parser. // href: String // URL of the content to embed. href: "", // lazy: String // If true, external content specified with the href property is // not loaded at startup time. It can be loaded by calling load(). lazy: false, // content: String // An HTML fragment to embed. content: "", // parseOnLoad: Boolean // If true, runs the parser when the load completes. parseOnLoad: true, // prog: Boolean // If true, shows progress indicator while loading an HTML fragment // specified by href. prog: true, // executeScripts: Boolean // If true, executes scripts that is found in the content. executeScripts: true, constructor: function(){ // summary: // Creates a new instance of the class. // tags: // private if(this.prog){ this._p = ProgressIndicator.getInstance(); } }, loadHandler: function(/*String*/response){ // summary: // A handler called when load completes. this.set("content", response); }, errorHandler: function(err){ // summary: // An error handler called when load fails. if(this._p){ this._p.stop(); } }, load: function(){ // summary: // Loads external content specified with href. this.lazy = false; this.set("href", this.href); }, onLoad: function(){ // summary: // Stub method to allow the application to connect to the // loading of external content (see load()). // Called when parsing is done and the content is ready. return true; }, _setHrefAttr: function(/*String*/href){ // tags: // private if(this.lazy || !href || href === this._loaded){ this.lazy = false; return null; } var p = this._p; if(p){ win.body().appendChild(p.domNode); p.start(); } this._set("href", href); this._loaded = href; return xhr.get({ url: href, handleAs: "text", load: lang.hitch(this, "loadHandler"), error: lang.hitch(this, "errorHandler") }); }, _setContentAttr: function(/*String|DomNode*/data){ // tags: // private this.destroyDescendants(); if(typeof data === "object"){ this.containerNode.appendChild(data); }else{ if(this.executeScripts){ data = this.execScript(data); } this.containerNode.innerHTML = data; } if(this.parseOnLoad){ var _this = this; return Deferred.when(lazyLoadUtils.instantiateLazyWidgets(_this.containerNode), function(){ if(_this._p){ _this._p.stop(); } return _this.onLoad(); }); } if(this._p){ this._p.stop(); } return this.onLoad(); } }); });