# encoding: UTF-8 require 'fileutils' require 'shellwords' require 'dump/continious_timeout' require 'dump/env' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' require 'English' Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:i_need_this!).load do namespace :dump do def dump_command(command, env = {}) rake = env.delete(:rake) || 'rake' # stringify_keys! from activesupport Dump::Env.stringify!(env) env.update(Dump::Env.for_command(command, true)) cmd = %W[-s dump:#{command}] cmd += env.sort.map{ |key, value| "#{key}=#{value}" } "#{rake} #{cmd.shelljoin}" end def fetch_rails_env fetch(:rails_env, 'production') end def got_rsync? `which rsync` $CHILD_STATUS.success? end def do_transfer_via(via, direction, from, to) case via when :rsync if run_local('which rsync').present? && $CHILD_STATUS.success? execute_on_servers do |servers| commands = servers.map do |server| target = sessions[server] user = target.options[:user] || fetch(:user, nil) host = target.host port = target.options[:port] full_host = "#{"#{user}@" if user.present?}#{host}" ssh = port.present? ? "ssh -p #{port}" : 'ssh' cmd = %W[rsync -P -e #{ssh} --timeout=15] case direction when :up cmd << from << "#{full_host}:#{to}" when :down cmd << "#{full_host}:#{from}" << to else fail "Don't know how to transfer in direction #{direction}" end cmd.shelljoin end commands.each do |cmd| logger.info cmd if logger 3.times do break if system(cmd) break unless [10, 11, 12, 23, 30, 35].include?($CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus) end fail "rsync returned #{$CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus}" unless $CHILD_STATUS.success? end end end when :sftp, :scp Dump::ContiniousTimeout.timeout 15 do |thread| transfer(direction, from, to, :via => via) do |_channel, _path, transfered, total| thread.defer progress = if transfered < total format("\e[1m%5.1f%%\e[0m", transfered * 100.0 / total) else '100%' end $stderr << "\rTransfering: #{progress}" end end else fail "Unknown transfer method #{via}" end end def do_transfer(direction, from, to) via = Dump::Env[:transfer_via] case via && via.downcase when nil if got_rsync? do_transfer_via(:rsync, direction, from, to) else $stderr.puts 'To transfer using rsync — make rsync binary accessible and verify that remote host can work with rsync through ssh' begin do_transfer_via(:sftp, direction, from, to) rescue => e $stderr.puts e do_transfer_via(:scp, direction, from, to) end end when 'rsync' do_transfer_via(:rsync, direction, from, to) when 'sftp' do_transfer_via(:sftp, direction, from, to) when 'scp' do_transfer_via(:scp, direction, from, to) else fail "Unknown transfer method #{via}" end end def with_additional_tags(*tags) tags = [tags, Dump::Env[:tags]].flatten.select(&:present?).join(',') Dump::Env.with_env(:tags => tags) do yield end end def print_and_return_or_fail out = yield fail 'Failed creating dump' if out.blank? print out out.strip end def run_local(cmd) `#{cmd}` end def run_remote(cmd) output = '' run(cmd) do |_channel, io, data| case io when :out output << data when :err $stderr << data end end output end def last_part_of_last_line(out) line = out.strip.split(/\s*[\n\r]\s*/).last line.split("\t").last if line end def fetch_rake fetch(:rake, nil) end def auto_backup? !Dump::Env.no?(:backup) end namespace :local do desc 'Shorthand for dump:local:create' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:create) task :default, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do local.create end desc 'Create local dump' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:create) task :create, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do print_and_return_or_fail do with_additional_tags('local') do run_local(dump_command(:create)) end end end desc 'Restore local dump' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:restore) task :restore, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do run_local(dump_command(:restore)) end desc 'Versions of local dumps' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:versions) task :versions, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do print run_local(dump_command(:versions, :show_size => true)) end desc 'Cleanup local dumps' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:cleanup) task :cleanup, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do print run_local(dump_command(:cleanup)) end desc 'Upload dump' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:transfer) task :upload, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do file = Dump::Env.with_env(:summary => nil) do last_part_of_last_line(run_local(dump_command(:versions))) end if file do_transfer :up, "dump/#{file}", "#{current_path}/dump/#{file}" end end end namespace :remote do desc 'Shorthand for dump:remote:create' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:create) task :default, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do remote.create end desc 'Create remote dump' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:create) task :create, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do print_and_return_or_fail do with_additional_tags('remote') do run_remote("cd #{current_path}; #{dump_command(:create, :rake => fetch_rake, :RAILS_ENV => fetch_rails_env, :PROGRESS_TTY => '+')}") end end end desc 'Restore remote dump' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:restore) task :restore, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do run_remote("cd #{current_path}; #{dump_command(:restore, :rake => fetch_rake, :RAILS_ENV => fetch_rails_env, :PROGRESS_TTY => '+')}") end desc 'Versions of remote dumps' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:versions) task :versions, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do print run_remote("cd #{current_path}; #{dump_command(:versions, :rake => fetch_rake, :RAILS_ENV => fetch_rails_env, :PROGRESS_TTY => '+', :show_size => true)}") end desc 'Cleanup of remote dumps' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:cleanup) task :cleanup, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do print run_remote("cd #{current_path}; #{dump_command(:cleanup, :rake => fetch_rake, :RAILS_ENV => fetch_rails_env, :PROGRESS_TTY => '+')}") end desc 'Download dump' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:transfer) task :download, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do file = Dump::Env.with_env(:summary => nil) do last_part_of_last_line(run_remote("cd #{current_path}; #{dump_command(:versions, :rake => fetch_rake, :RAILS_ENV => fetch_rails_env, :PROGRESS_TTY => '+')}")) end if file FileUtils.mkpath('dump') do_transfer :down, "#{current_path}/dump/#{file}", "dump/#{file}" end end end desc 'Shorthand for dump:local:upload' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:transfer) task :upload, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do local.upload end desc 'Shorthand for dump:remote:download' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:transfer) task :download, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do remote.download end namespace :mirror do desc 'Creates local dump, uploads and restores on remote' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:mirror) task :up, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do auto_backup = if auto_backup? with_additional_tags('auto-backup') do remote.create end end if !auto_backup? || auto_backup.present? file = with_additional_tags('mirror') do local.create end if file.present? Dump::Env.with_clean_env(:like => file) do local.upload remote.restore end end end end desc 'Creates remote dump, downloads and restores on local' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:mirror) task :down, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do auto_backup = if auto_backup? with_additional_tags('auto-backup') do local.create end end if !auto_backup? || auto_backup.present? file = with_additional_tags('mirror') do remote.create end if file.present? Dump::Env.with_clean_env(:like => file) do remote.download local.restore end end end end end namespace :backup do desc 'Shorthand for dump:backup:create' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:backup) task :default, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do backup.create end desc "Creates remote dump and downloads to local (desc defaults to 'backup')" << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:backup) task :create, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do file = with_additional_tags('backup') do remote.create end if file.present? Dump::Env.with_clean_env(:like => file) do remote.download end end end desc 'Uploads dump with backup tag and restores it on remote' << Dump::Env.explain_variables_for_command(:backup_restore) task :restore, :roles => :db, :only => {:primary => true} do file = with_additional_tags('backup') do last_part_of_last_line(run_local(dump_command(:versions))) end if file.present? Dump::Env.with_clean_env(:like => file) do local.upload remote.restore end end end end end after 'deploy:update_code' do from, to = %W[#{shared_path}/dump #{release_path}/dump] run "mkdir -p #{from}; rm -rf #{to}; ln -s #{from} #{to}" end end