module Sprout

module Executable

  # The abstract base class for all Executable parameters.
  # This class provides a variety of template methods and general
  # functionality to the different executable parameter types.
  # Many of these parameter attributes are exposed to Sprout::Executable
  # concrete classes as the options hash like:
  #   class Foo
  #     include Sprout::Executable
  #     add_param :name, String, :hidden_name => true
  #   end
  # @see Sprout::Executable::Boolean
  # @see Sprout::Executable::FileParam
  # @see Sprout::Executable::Files
  # @see Sprout::Executable::Number
  # @see Sprout::Executable::ParameterFactory
  # @see Sprout::Executable::Path
  # @see Sprout::Executable::Paths
  # @see Sprout::Executable::StringParam
  # @see Sprout::Executable::Strings
  # @see Sprout::Executable::Url
  # @see Sprout::Executable::Urls
  class Param

    # Default value for the delimiter that will
    # separate parameter names from their values.
    DEFAULT_DELIMITER               = '='

    # Defaut TYPE assumed for parameters when
    # creating documentation for the OptionParser.

    # Default value for the parameter prefix.
    # Should usually be pulled from the 
    # +belongs_to+ Sprout::Executable.
    DEFAULT_PREFIX                  = '--'

    # Default prefix for truncated parameters.
    # Should usually be pulled from the 
    # +belongs_to+ Sprout::Executable.
    DEFAULT_SHORT_PREFIX            = '-'

    # The Sprout::Executable that this parameter
    # instance belongs to.
    attr_accessor :belongs_to

    # Executable::Params join their name/value pair with an
    # equals sign by default, this can be modified 
    # To a space or whatever you wish.
    attr_accessor :delimiter

    # The String description that will be used for
    # RDoc documentation and user help.
    attr_accessor :description

    # Boolean value that hides the name parameter
    # from the shell execution.
    #    add_param :name, String, :hidden_name => true
    # Without this option, the above parameter would 
    # serialize to the process like:
    #   foo --name=Value
    # But with this option, the above parameter would
    # serialize to the process like:
    #   foo Value
    attr_accessor :hidden_name

    # Boolean value that hides the value parameter
    # from the shell execution.
    #   add_param :visible, Boolean, :hidden_value => true
    # Without this option, the above parameter would
    # serialize to the process like:
    #   foo --visible=true
    # But with this option, the above parameter would
    # serialize to the process like:
    #   foo --visible
    attr_accessor :hidden_value

    # The String (or Symbol) name of the parameter.
    attr_accessor :name

    # The String prefix that should be in front of each
    # command line parameter.
    # If no value is set for this option, the 
    # DEFAULT_PREFIX (--) will be used for regular parameters,
    # and the DEFAULT_SHORT_PREFIX (-) will be used for short
    # parameters.
    attr_accessor :prefix

    # A Symbol that refers to a custom attribute reader
    # that is available to instance methods on the 
    # Sprout::Executable that uses it.
    #   add_param :visible, Boolean, :reader => :get_visible
    #   def get_visible
    #     return @visible
    #   end
    attr_accessor :reader

    # Boolean value that will cause a Sprout::Errors::UsageError
    # if the executable is invoked without this parameter first
    # being set.
    #   add_param :visible, Boolean :required => true
    # Default false
    attr_accessor :required

    # An optional Proc that should be called when this parameter
    # is serialized to shell output. The Proc should return a 
    # String value that makes sense to the underlying process.
    #   add_param :visible, Boolean, :to_shell_proc => {|p| "---result" }
    attr_accessor :to_shell_proc

    # The data type of the parameter, used to generate more appropriate
    # RDoc content for the concrete Sprout::Executable.
    attr_accessor :type

    # The value that was assigned to this parameter when the 
    # concrete Sprout::Executable was instantiated and configured.
    attr_accessor :value

    # A Symbol that refers to a custom attribute writer
    # that is available to instance methods on the 
    # Sprout::Executable that uses it.
    #   add_param :visible, Boolean, :writer => :set_visible
    #   def set_visible=(vis)
    #     @visible = vis
    #   end
    attr_accessor :writer

    # Set the file_expression (blob) to append to each path
    # in order to build the prerequisites FileList.
    # Defaults to the parent Executable.default_file_expression
    # TODO: We should add support for file_expressionS
    # since these are really just blobs that are sent
    # to the FileList[expr] and that interface accepts
    # an array.
    attr_writer :file_expression

    # Optional String value of the name of this parameter
    # that should be returned to the shell.
    # By default, this method will infer the name by
    # prepending the +prefix+ and replacing underscores
    # with dashes. For example:
    #   add_param :some_name, String
    # Would return '--some-name=value' to the shell.
    # If this option is set, then the provided value
    # will be used rather than inferred.
    #   add_param :some_name, String, :shell_name => '--OtherName'
    # Would return '--OtherName=value' when sent to the shell.
    attr_writer :shell_name

    # Optional String value that should be used for this
    # parameter's short name. Generally only helpful
    # for Sprout::Executable 's that are going to be exposed
    # to Ruby OptionParser as Ruby applications.
    # By default, this value will be the first letter
    # of the parameter name, and when multiple parameters
    # share the same first letter, the first one encountered
    # will be used.
    attr_writer :short_name
    # Default constructor for Params, if you create
    # a new concrete type, be sure to call +super()+ in your
    # own constructor.
    def initialize
      @description             = 'Default Description'
      @hidden_value            = false
      @hidden_name             = false
      @delimiter               = DEFAULT_DELIMITER
      @option_parser_type_name = DEFAULT_OPTION_PARSER_TYPE_NAME

    # By default, Executable::Params only appear in the shell
    # output when they are not nil
    def visible?

    # Returns Boolean value if this parameter is required.
    def required?
      (required == true)

    # Ensure this parameter is in a valid state, raise a Sprout::Errors::MissingArgumentError
    # if it is not.
    def validate
      if(required? && value.nil?)
        raise"#{name} is required and must not be nil")

    # Set the default value of the parameter.
    # Using this option will ensure that required parameters
    # are not nil, and default values can be overridden on 
    # instances.
    #   add_param :name, String, :default => 'Bob'
    def default=(value)
      self.value = value
      @default = value

    # Return the default value or nil if none was provided.
    def default

    # Prepare the parameter for execution or delegation, depending
    # on what context we're in.
    def prepare
      @prepared = true

    # Returns true if this parameter has already been prepared.
    def prepared?

    # Should the param name be hidden from the shell?
    # Used for params like 'input' on mxmlc
    def hidden_name?

    # Should the param value be hidden from the shell?
    # Usually used for Boolean toggles like '-debug'
    def hidden_value?

    # Leading character for each parameter
    # Can sometimes be an empty string,
    # other times it's a double dash '--'
    # but usually it's just a single dash '-'
    def prefix
      @prefix ||= (belongs_to.nil?) ? DEFAULT_PREFIX : belongs_to.default_prefix

    def short_prefix
      @short_prefix ||= (belongs_to.nil?) ? DEFAULT_SHORT_PREFIX : belongs_to.default_short_prefix

    # How this parameter is provided to the
    # Ruby OptionParser when being exposed as a Ruby Executable.
    def option_parser_declaration
      declaration = [ prefix, option_parser_name ]
      # TODO: Need to figure out how to support hidden name inputs...
        #declaration = [option_parser_type_output]
        declaration << delimiter << option_parser_type_output

    # The Ruby OptionParser short name with prefix.
    def option_parser_short_name
      [ short_prefix, short_name ].join('')

    # The short name for this parameter.
    # If it's not explicitly, the first
    # character of the parameter name will
    # be used. When multiple parameters have
    # the same first character, the first one
    # encountered will win.
    def short_name
      @short_name ||= name.to_s.split('').shift

    # The String representation of the value in
    # a format that is appropriate for the terminal.
    # For certain types of parameters, like File,
    # spaces may be escaped on some platforms.
    def shell_value

    def file_expression
      @file_expression ||= belongs_to.default_file_expression

    def shell_name
      @shell_name ||= prefix + name.to_s.split('_').join('-')

    # Prepare and serialize this parameter to a string
    # that is appropriate for shell execution on the
    # current platform.
    # Calling +to_shell+ will first trigger a call to
    # the +prepare+ template method unless +prepared?+ returns +true+.
    def to_shell
      prepare if !prepared?
      return '' if !visible?
      return unless @to_shell_proc.nil?
      return shell_value if hidden_name?
      return shell_name if hidden_value?
      return [shell_name, delimiter, shell_value].join

    # Create a string that can be turned into a file
    # that rdoc can parse to describe the customized
    # or generated task using param name, type and
    # description
    def to_rdoc
      result = ''
      parts = description.split("\n") unless description.nil?
      result << "# #{parts.join("\n# ")}\n" unless description.nil?
      result << "def #{name}=(#{type})\n  @#{name} = #{type}\nend\n\n"
      return result


    def option_parser_name
      name.to_s.gsub('_', '-')

    def option_parser_type_name

    def option_parser_type_output
      type = hidden_value? ? '' : option_parser_type_name
      required? ? type : "[#{type}]"

    def prepare_prerequisites

    # Clean the provided path using the current Sprout::System.
    def clean_path path
      Sprout::System.create.clean_path path

    # Return true if the Sprout::Executable
    # that this parameter +belongs_to+ has an +output+
    # method (or parameter), and if the provided +file+
    # matches the value of that parameter.
    # This method (convention) is used to avoid creating circular
    # prerequisites in Rake. For most types of File parameters
    # we want to make them into prerequisites, but not if the
    # File is the one being created by the outer Sprout::Executable.
    def file_is_output? file
      belongs_to.respond_to?(:output) && belongs_to.output.to_s == file

