if defined?(Spec) module Spec #:nodoc: module Example #:nodoc: module ExampleGroupMethods #:nodoc: # This allows "describe User" to use the I18n human name of User. # def self.build_description_with_i18n(*args) args.inject("") do |description, arg| arg = if arg.respond_to?(:human_name) arg.human_name(:locale => Remarkable.locale) else arg.to_s end description << " " unless (description == "" || arg =~ /^(\s|\.|#)/) description << arg end end # This is for rspec <= 1.1.12. # def self.description_text(*args) self.build_description_with_i18n(*args) end # This is for rspec >= 1.2.0. # def self.build_description_from(*args) text = ExampleGroupMethods.build_description_with_i18n(*args) text == "" ? nil : text end end end end end