require "concurrent/executor/thread_pool_executor" require "concurrent/timer_task" require "concurrent/utility/processor_counter" module GoodJob # :nodoc: # # Schedulers are generic thread execution pools that are responsible for # periodically checking for available execution tasks, executing tasks in a # bounded thread-pool, and efficiently scaling execution threads. # # Schedulers are "generic" in the sense that they delegate task execution # details to a "Performer" object that responds to #next. # class Scheduler # Defaults for instance of Concurrent::TimerTask DEFAULT_TIMER_OPTIONS = { execution_interval: 1, timeout_interval: 1, run_now: true, }.freeze # Defaults for instance of Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor DEFAULT_POOL_OPTIONS = { name: name, min_threads: 0, max_threads: Concurrent.processor_count, auto_terminate: true, idletime: 60, max_queue: -1, fallback_policy: :discard, }.freeze # @!attribute [r] instances # @!scope class # All instantiated Schedulers in the current process. # @return [array<GoodJob:Scheduler>] cattr_reader :instances, default: [], instance_reader: false # Creates GoodJob::Scheduler(s) and Performers from a GoodJob::Configuration instance. # @param configuration [GoodJob::Configuration] # @return [GoodJob::Scheduler, GoodJob::MultiScheduler] def self.from_configuration(configuration) schedulers = configuration.queue_string.split(';').map do |queue_string_and_max_threads| queue_string, max_threads = queue_string_and_max_threads.split(':') max_threads = (max_threads || configuration.max_threads).to_i job_query = GoodJob::Job.queue_string(queue_string) parsed = GoodJob::Job.queue_parser(queue_string) job_filter = proc do |state| if parsed[:exclude] !parsed[:exclude].include? state[:queue_name] elsif parsed[:include] parsed[:include].include? state[:queue_name] else true end end job_performer =, :perform_with_advisory_lock, name: queue_string, filter: job_filter) timer_options = {} timer_options[:execution_interval] = configuration.poll_interval pool_options = { max_threads: max_threads, }, timer_options: timer_options, pool_options: pool_options) end if schedulers.size > 1 else schedulers.first end end # @param performer [GoodJob::Performer] # @param timer_options [Hash] Options to instantiate a Concurrent::TimerTask # @param pool_options [Hash] Options to instantiate a Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor def initialize(performer, timer_options: {}, pool_options: {}) raise ArgumentError, "Performer argument must implement #next" unless performer.respond_to?(:next) self.class.instances << self @performer = performer @pool_options = DEFAULT_POOL_OPTIONS.merge(pool_options) @timer_options = DEFAULT_TIMER_OPTIONS.merge(timer_options) @pool_options[:name] = "GoodJob::Scheduler(queues=#{} max_threads=#{@pool_options[:max_threads]} poll_interval=#{@timer_options[:execution_interval]})" create_pools end # Shut down the Scheduler. # @param wait [Boolean] Wait for actively executing jobs to finish # @return [void] def shutdown(wait: true) @_shutdown = true instrument("scheduler_shutdown_start", { wait: wait }) instrument("scheduler_shutdown", { wait: wait }) do if @timer&.running? @timer.shutdown @timer.wait_for_termination if wait end if @pool&.running? @pool.shutdown @pool.wait_for_termination if wait end end end # True when the Scheduler is shutdown. # @return [true, false, nil] def shutdown? @_shutdown end # Restart the Scheduler. When shutdown, start; or shutdown and start. # @param wait [Boolean] Wait for actively executing jobs to finish # @return [void] def restart(wait: true) instrument("scheduler_restart_pools") do shutdown(wait: wait) unless shutdown? create_pools @_shutdown = false end end # Triggers a Performer execution, if an execution thread is available. # @param state [nil, Object] Allows Performer#next? to accept or reject the execution # @return [nil, Boolean] if the thread was created def create_thread(state = nil) return nil unless @pool.running? && @pool.ready_worker_count.positive? if state return false unless end future = [@performer], executor: @pool) do |performer| output = nil Rails.application.executor.wrap { output = } output end future.add_observer(self, :task_observer) future.execute true end # Invoked on completion of TimerTask task. # @!visibility private # @return [void] def timer_observer(time, executed_task, thread_error) if thread_error && GoodJob.on_thread_error.respond_to?(:call) instrument("finished_timer_task", { result: executed_task, error: thread_error, time: time }) end # Invoked on completion of ThreadPoolExecutor task # @!visibility private # @return [void] def task_observer(time, output, thread_error) if thread_error && GoodJob.on_thread_error.respond_to?(:call) instrument("finished_job_task", { result: output, error: thread_error, time: time }) create_thread if output end private # @return [void] def create_pools instrument("scheduler_create_pools", { performer_name:, max_threads: @pool_options[:max_threads], poll_interval: @timer_options[:execution_interval] }) do @pool = next unless @timer_options[:execution_interval].positive? @timer = { create_thread } @timer.add_observer(self, :timer_observer) @timer.execute end end def instrument(name, payload = {}, &block) payload = payload.reverse_merge({ scheduler: self, process_id: GoodJob::CurrentExecution.process_id, thread_name: GoodJob::CurrentExecution.thread_name, }) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("#{name}.good_job", payload, &block) end end # Slightly customized sub-class of Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor class ThreadPoolExecutor < Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor # Number of idle or potential threads available to execute tasks # # @return [Integer] def ready_worker_count synchronize do workers_still_to_be_created = @max_length - @pool.length workers_created_but_waiting = @ready.length workers_still_to_be_created + workers_created_but_waiting end end end end