# The RequestLogAnalyzer::Source module contains all functionality that loads requests from a given source
# and feed them to the pipeline for further processing. The requests (see RequestLogAnalyzer::Request) that
# will be parsed from a source, will be piped throug filters (see RequestLogAnalyzer::Filter) and are then
# fed to an aggregator (see RequestLogAnalyzer::Aggregator). The source instance is thus the beginning of
# the RequestLogAnalyzer chain.
# - The base class for all sources is RequestLogAnalyzer::Source::Base. All source classes should inherit from this class.
# - Currently, RequestLogAnalyzer::Source::LogParser is the only implemented source.
module RequestLogAnalyzer::Source
# The base Source class. All other sources should inherit from this class.
# A source implememtation should at least implement the each_request method, which should yield
# RequestLogAnalyzer::Request instances that will be fed through the pipleine.
class Base
# A hash of options
attr_reader :options
# The current Request object that is being parsed
attr_reader :current_request
# The total number of parsed lines
attr_reader :parsed_lines
# The number of skipped lines because of warnings
attr_reader :skipped_lines
# The total number of parsed requests.
attr_reader :parsed_requests
# The total number of skipped requests because of filters.
attr_reader :skipped_requests
# The FileFormat instance that describes the format of this source.
attr_reader :file_format
# Initializer, which will register the file format and save any options given as a hash.
# format:: The file format instance
# options:: A hash of options that can be used by a specific Source implementation
def initialize(format, options = {})
@options = options
@file_format = format
# The prepare method is called before the RequestLogAnalyzer::Source::Base#each_request method is called.
# Use this method to implement any initialization that should occur before this source can produce Request
# instances.
def prepare
# This function is called to actually produce the requests that will be send into the pipeline.
# The implementation should yield instances of RequestLogAnalyzer::Request.
# options:: A Hash of options that can be used in the implementation.
def each_request(_options = {}, &_block) # :yields: request
# This function is called after RequestLogAnalyzer::Source::Base#each_request finished. Any code to
# wrap up, free resources, etc. can be put in this method.
def finalize
require 'request_log_analyzer/source/log_parser'