# Toystore [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/jnunemaker/toystore.png)](http://travis-ci.org/jnunemaker/toystore) An object mapper for any [adapter](https://github.com/jnunemaker/adapter) that can read, write, delete, and clear data. ## Examples The project comes with two main includes that you can use -- Toy::Object and Toy::Store. **Toy::Object** comes with all the goods you need for plain old ruby objects -- attributes, dirty attribute tracking, equality, inheritance, serialization, cloning, logging and pretty inspecting. **Toy::Store** includes Toy::Object and adds persistence through adapters, mass assignment, querying, callbacks, validations and a few simple associations (lists and references). ### Toy::Object First, join me in a whirlwind tour of Toy::Object. ```ruby class Person include Toy::Object attribute :name, String attribute :age, Integer end # Pretty class inspecting puts Person.inspect john = Person.new(:name => 'John', :age => 30) steve = Person.new(:name => 'Steve', :age => 31) # Pretty inspecting puts john.inspect # Attribute dirty tracking john.name = 'NEW NAME!' puts john.changes.inspect # {"name"=>["John", "NEW NAME!"], "age"=>[nil, 30]} puts john.name_changed?.inspect # true # Equality goodies puts john.eql?(john) # true puts john.eql?(steve) # false puts john == john # true puts john == steve # false # Cloning puts john.clone.inspect # Inheritance class AwesomePerson < Person end puts Person.attributes.keys.sort.inspect # ["age", "id", "name"] puts AwesomePerson.attributes.keys.sort.inspect # ["age", "id", "name", "type"] # Serialization puts john.to_json puts john.to_xml ``` Ok, that was definitely awesome. Please continue on your personal journey to a blown mind (very similar to a beautiful mind). ### Toy::Store Toy::Store is a unique bird that builds on top of Toy::Object. Below is a quick sample of what it can do. ```ruby class Person include Toy::Store attribute :name, String attribute :age, Integer, :default => 0 end # Persistence john = Person.create(:name => 'John', :age => 30) pp john pp john.persisted? # Mass Assignment Security Person.attribute :role, String, :default => 'guest' Person.attr_accessible :name, :age person = Person.new(:name => 'Hacker', :age => 13, :role => 'admin') pp person.role # "guest" # Querying pp Person.get(john.id) pp Person.get_multiple(john.id) pp Person.get('NOT HERE') # nil pp Person.get_or_new('NOT HERE') # new person with id of 'NOT HERE' begin Person.get!('NOT HERE') rescue Toy::NotFound puts "Could not find person with id of 'NOT HERE'" end # Reloading pp john.reload # Callbacks class Person def add_fifty_to_age self.age += 50 end end class Person before_create :add_fifty_to_age end pp Person.create(:age => 10).age # 60 # Validations class Person validates_presence_of :name end person = Person.new pp person.valid? # false pp person.errors[:name] # ["can't be blank"] # Lists (array key stored as attribute) class Skill include Toy::Store attribute :name, String attribute :truth, Boolean end class Person list :skills, Skill end john.skills = [Skill.create(:name => 'Programming', :truth => true)] john.skills << Skill.create(:name => 'Mechanic', :truth => false) pp john.skills.map(&:id) == john.skill_ids # true # References (think foreign keyish) class Person reference :mom, Person end mom = Person.create(:name => 'Mum') john.mom = mom john.save pp john.reload.mom_id == mom.id # true # Identity Map Toy::IdentityMap.use do frank = Person.create(:name => 'Frank') pp Person.get(frank.id).equal?(frank) # true pp Person.get(frank.id).object_id == frank.object_id # true end # Or you can turn it on globally Toy::IdentityMap.enabled = true frank = Person.create(:name => 'Frank') pp Person.get(frank.id).equal?(frank) # true pp Person.get(frank.id).object_id == frank.object_id # true # All persistence runs through an adapter. # All of the above examples used the default in-memory adapter. # Looks something like this: Person.adapter :memory, {} puts "Adapter: #{Person.adapter.inspect}" # You can make a new adapter to your awesome new/old data store # Always use #key_for, #encode, and #decode. Feel free to override # them if you like, but always use them. Default encode/decode is # most likely marshaling, but you can use anything. Adapter.define(:append_only_array) do def read(key) if (record = client.reverse.detect { |row| row[0] == key_for(key) }) decode(record) end end def write(key, value) key = key_for(key) value = encode(value) client << [key, value] value end def delete(key) key = key_for(key) client.delete_if { |row| row[0] == key } end def clear client.clear end end client = [] Person.adapter :append_only_array, client pp "Client: #{Person.adapter.client.equal?(client)}" person = Person.create(:name => 'Phil', :age => 55) person.age = 56 person.save pp client pp Person.get(person.id) # Phil with age 56 ``` If that doesn't excite you, nothing will. At this point, you are probably wishing for more. Luckily, there is an entire directory full of [examples](https://github.com/jnunemaker/toystore/tree/master/examples) and I created a few power user guides, which I will kindly link next. ## ToyStore Power User Guides * [Wiki Home](https://github.com/jnunemaker/toystore/wiki) * [Identity](https://github.com/jnunemaker/toystore/wiki/Identity) * [Types](https://github.com/jnunemaker/toystore/wiki/Types) * [Exceptions](https://github.com/jnunemaker/toystore/wiki/Exceptions) ## Changelog As of 0.8.3, I started keeping a [changelog](https://github.com/jnunemaker/toystore/blob/master/Changelog.md). All significant updates will be summarized there. ## Compatibility * Rails 3.0.*, 3.1.*, 3.2.*, Sinatra, etc. No Rails 2 (because it uses Active Model). * Ruby 1.8.7, REE, and 1.9.3 ## Mailing List https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/toystoreadapter ## Contributing * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix in a topic branch. * Add tests for it. This is important so we don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or changelog. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine, but bump version in a commit by itself so we can ignore when we pull) * Send a pull request.