# encoding: utf-8 require 'rubygems/requirement' module Cliver # This is how a dependency is specified. class Dependency # An exception class raised when assertion is not met NotMet = Class.new(ArgumentError) # An exception that is raised when executable present, but # no version that matches the requirements is present. VersionMismatch = Class.new(Dependency::NotMet) # An exception that is raised when executable is not present at all. NotFound = Class.new(Dependency::NotMet) # A pattern for extracting a {Gem::Version}-parsable version PARSABLE_GEM_VERSION = /[0-9]+(.[0-9]+){0,4}(.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?/.freeze # @overload initialize(executables, *requirements, options = {}) # @param executables [String,Array] api-compatible executable names # e.g, ['python2','python'] # @param requirements [Array, String] splat of strings # whose elements follow the pattern # [] # Where is optional (default '='') and in the set # '=', '!=', '>', '<', '>=', '<=', or '~>' # And is dot-separated integers with optional # alphanumeric pre-release suffix. See also # {http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/16 Specifying Versions} # @param options [Hash] # @option options [Cliver::Detector] :detector (Detector.new) # @option options [#to_proc, Object] :detector (see Detector::generate) # @option options [#to_proc] :filter ({Cliver::Filter::IDENTITY}) # @option options [Boolean] :strict (false) # true - fail if first match on path fails # to meet version requirements. # This is used for Cliver::assert. # false - continue looking on path until a # sufficient version is found. # @option options [String] :path ('*') the path on which to search # for executables. If an asterisk (`*`) is # included in the supplied string, it is # replaced with `ENV['PATH']` # # @yieldparam executable_path [String] (see Detector#detect_version) # @yieldreturn [String] containing a version that, once filtered, can be # used for comparrison. def initialize(executables, *args, &detector) options = args.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} @detector = Detector::generate(detector || options[:detector]) @filter = options.fetch(:filter, Filter::IDENTITY).extend(Filter) @path = options.fetch(:path, '*') @strict = options.fetch(:strict, false) @executables = Array(executables).dup.freeze @requirement = args unless args.empty? check_compatibility! end # One of these things is not like the other ones... # Some feature combinations just aren't compatible. This method ensures # the the features selected for this object are compatible with each-other. # @return [void] # @raise [ArgumentError] if incompatibility found def check_compatibility! case when @executables.any? {|exe| exe[File::SEPARATOR] && !File.absolute_path?(exe) } # if the executable contains a path component, it *must* be absolute. raise ArgumentError, "Relative-path executable requirements are not supported." end end # Get all the installed versions of the api-compatible executables. # If a block is given, it yields once per found executable, lazily. # @yieldparam executable_path [String] # @yieldparam version [String] # @yieldreturn [Boolean] - true if search should stop. # @return [Hash] executable_path, version def installed_versions return enum_for(:installed_versions) unless block_given? find_executables.each do |executable_path| version = detect_version(executable_path) break(2) if yield(executable_path, version) end end # The non-raise variant of {#detect!} # @return (see #detect!) # or nil if no match found. def detect detect! rescue Dependency::NotMet nil end # Detects an installed version of the executable that matches the # requirements. # @return [String] path to an executable that meets the requirements # @raise [Cliver::Dependency::NotMet] if no match found def detect! installed = {} installed_versions.each do |path, version| installed[path] = version return path if requirement_satisfied_by?(version) strict? end # dependency not met. raise the appropriate error. raise_not_found! if installed.empty? raise_version_mismatch!(installed) end private # @api private # @return [Gem::Requirement] def filtered_requirement @filtered_requirement ||= begin Gem::Requirement.new(@filter.requirements(@requirement)) end end # @api private # @param raw_version [String] # @return [Boolean] def requirement_satisfied_by?(raw_version) return true unless @requirement parsable_version = @filter.apply(raw_version)[PARSABLE_GEM_VERSION] parsable_version || raise(ArgumentError) # TODO: make descriptive filtered_requirement.satisfied_by? Gem::Version.new(parsable_version) end # @api private # @raise [Cliver::Dependency::NotFound] with appropriate error message def raise_not_found! raise Dependency::NotFound.new( "Could not find an executable #{@executables} on your path.") end # @api private # @raise [Cliver::Dependency::VersionMismatch] with appropriate error message # @param installed [Hash] the found versions def raise_version_mismatch!(installed) raise Dependency::VersionMismatch.new( "Could not find an executable #{executable_description} that " + "matched the requirements #{requirements_description}. " + "Found versions were #{installed.inspect}.") end # @api private # @return [String] a plain-language representation of the executables # for which we were searching def executable_description quoted_exes = @executables.map {|exe| "'#{exe}'" } return quoted_exes.first if quoted_exes.size == 1 last_quoted_exec = quoted_exes.pop "#{quoted_exes.join(', ')} or #{last_quoted_exec}" end # @api private # @return [String] a plain-language representation of the requirements def requirements_description @requirement.map {|req| "'#{req}'" }.join(', ') end # If strict? is true, only attempt the first matching executable on the path # @api private # @return [Boolean] def strict? false | @strict end # Given a path to an executable, detect its version # @api private # @param executable_path [String] # @return [String] # @raise [ArgumentError] if version cannot be detected. def detect_version(executable_path) # No need to shell out if we are only checking its presence. return '99.version_detection_not_required' unless @requirement raw_version = @detector.to_proc.call(executable_path) raw_version || raise(ArgumentError, "The detector #{@detector} failed to detect the" + "version of the executable at '#{executable_path}'") end # Analog of Windows `where` command, or a `which` that finds *all* # matching executables on the supplied path. # @return [Enumerable] - the executables found, lazily. def find_executables return enum_for(:find_executables) unless block_given? exts = ENV.has_key?('PATHEXT') ? ENV.fetch('PATHEXT').split(';') : [''] paths = @path.sub('*', ENV['PATH']).split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) cmds = strict? ? @executables.first(1) : @executables detected_exes = [] cmds.product(paths, exts).map do |cmd, path, ext| exe = File.absolute_path?(cmd) ? cmd : File.expand_path("#{cmd}#{ext}", path) next unless File.executable?(exe) next if detected_exes.include?(exe) # don't yield the same exe path 2x detected_exes << exe yield exe end end end end