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If not provided, the user will be given a free-form fieldA plugin bringing remote execution to the Foreman, completing the config management functionality with remote management functionality.A user to be used for executing the script. If it differs from the SSH user, su or sudo is used to switch the accounts.Action with sub plansActionsAdd Foreign Input SetAdd InputAnother interface is already set as execution. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?Back to JobBookmarkCancel JobCancelledCannot resolve hosts without a bookmark or search queryCannot resolve hosts without a userCannot specify both bookmark_id and search_queryCannot specify both recurrence and schedulingCircular dependency detected in foreign input set '%{template}' -> '%{target_template}'. Templates stack: %{templates_stack}Clone a provision templateCloseConcurrency levelControl concurrency level and distribution over timeCould not use any template used in the job invocationCreate a foreign input setCreate a job invocationCreate a job templateCreate a recurring jobCreate a template inputDefault user to use for SSH. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_user.Default user to use for executing the script. If the user differs from the SSH user, su or sudo is used to switch the user.Delete a foreign input setDelete a job templateDelete a template inputDescriptionDescription templateDisplay advanced fieldsDistribute execution over N secondsDistribute tasks over N secondsDuplicated inputs detected: %{duplicated_inputs}Dynamic QueryEdit Job TemplateEdit Remote Execution FeatureEffective userEffective user method "%{current_value}" is not one of %{valid_methods}Effective user optionsError loading data from proxyEvaluated at:ExecutionExit status: %sFact name, used when input type is factFact valueFailedFailed rendering template: %sFeature input %{input_name} not defined in template %{template_name}FilterForeign input setGet output for a hostHide advanced fieldsHostHost detailHost with id '%{id}' was not foundHow often the job should occur, in the cron formatImport Puppet classesImport factsIndicates that the action should be cancelled if it cannot be started before this time.InputInput descriptionInput is advancedInput is requiredInput nameInput set descriptionInput typeInputs to useInvocation type, one of %sJobJob InvocationJob TaskJob TemplatesJob categoryJob finished with errorJob invocationJob invocationsJob templateJob template ID to be used for the featureJob templatesJobTemplate|LockedJobTemplate|NameJobTemplate|SnippetJobsLabelLast execution failedLast execution succeededList foreign input setsList job invocationsList job templatesList job templates per locationList job templates per organizationList remote execution featuresList template inputsManual selectionMust select a bookmark or enter a search queryN/ANameNew Job TemplateNo execution finished yetNo hosts found.No template mapped to feature %{feature_name}Not all required inputs have values. Missing inputs: %sOverride the description format from the template for this invocation onlyOverviewPendingPerform no more executions after this timePreviewProblem with previewing the template: %{error}. Note that you must save template input changes before you try to preview it.Provider typeProviders and templatesProxiesPuppet class name, used when input type is puppet_parameterPuppet parameterPuppet parameter name, used when input type is puppet_parameterRecurring logicRecursive rendering of templates detectedRefreshRemote ExecutionRemote Execution FeaturesRemote action:Remote executionRepeat a maximum of N timesRerunRerun failedRerun on %sRerun on failed hostsRerun the jobResolves toRunRun JobRun at most N tasks at a timeSSHSSH provider specific optionsSchedule the job for a future timeSchedule the job to start at a later timeScroll to bottomScroll to topSearchSearch for remote execution proxy outside of the proxies assigned to the host. If locations or organizations are enabled, the search will be limited to the host's organization or location.Search the host for any proxy with Remote Execution, useful when the host has no subnet or the subnet does not have an execution proxySee the last task detailsSee the task detailsSelect as many remote execution proxies as applicable for this subnet. When multiple proxies with the same provider are added, actions will be load balanced among them.Selectable values for user inputsShow foreign input set detailsShow job invocationShow job template detailsShow remote execution featureShow template input detailsSnippetStartStatic QueryStatusSucceededSuccessTarget hostsTarget template IDTarget: Task DetailsTemplate inputTemplate nameTemplate versionTemplate with id '%{id}' was not foundThe dynamic query '%{query}' was not resolved yet. The list of hosts to which it would resolve now can be seen %{here}.The execution interface is used for remote executionThe final host list may change because the selected query is dynamic. It will be rerun during execution.The template %{template_name} mapped to feature %{feature_name} is not accessible by the userThere was an error while updating the status, try refreshing the page.This template is locked for editing.This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.This template is used to generate the description. Input values can be used using the syntax %{package}. You may also include the job category and template name using %{job_category} and %{template_name}.Time spanToggle DEBUGToggle STDERRToggle STDOUTToggle commandTotal hostsTry to cancel the jobTry to cancel the job on a hostTypeType of queryUnable to fetch public keyUnknown execution statusUnknown input %{input_name} for template %{template_name}Unknown remote execution feature %sUnsupported or no operating system found for this host.Update a foreign input setUpdate a job templateUpdate a template inputUse default description templateUser can not execute job on host %sUser can not execute this job templateUser can not execute this job template on %sUser inputValue for required input '%s' was not specifiedVariableVariable name, used when input type is variableWhat command should be used to switch to the effective user. One of %sWhat user should be used to run the script (using sudo-like mechanisms)What user should be used to run the script (using sudo-like mechanisms). Defaults to a template parameter or global setting.Whether it should be allowed to override the effective user from the invocation form.Whether or not the template is locked for editingWhether the current user login should be used as the effective userWhether we should sync templates from disk when running db:seed.You are not allowed to see the currently assigned template. Saving the form now would unassign the template.add a input for this templateadd an input set for this template to reference a different template inputscancellederror during rendering: %sfailedherehost already has an execution interfacehostsin %sincluded template '%s' not foundinput macro with name '%s' used, but no input with such name defined for this templatequeuedremove template inputremove template input setsucceededsuccesstemplateunknown statusProject-Id-Version: Foreman Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: PO-Revision-Date: 2016-08-12 16:30+0000 Last-Translator: Bryan Kearney Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (http://www.transifex.com/foreman/foreman/language/zh_TW/) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Language: zh_TW Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; %s 之前%{description} 於 %{host} 之上從外部範本排除的輸入名稱清單,以逗號隔開。從外部範本納入的輸入名稱清單,以逗號隔開。使用者可以選擇的選項清單。如果沒有提供的話,使用者會被給予開放清單的欄位將遠端執行帶入 Foreman 的外掛程式,搭配遠端管理功能來完成配置管理。要使用執行這 script 的使用者。如果使用者與 SSH 使用者不同,會用 su 或 sudo 來切換使用者。有子計畫的動作動作新增外部輸入集新增輸入另一個介面已設為執行。行您是否確定要使用此介面?回到工作書籤取消工作已取消沒有書籤或搜尋查詢,就無法解析主機沒有使用者就無法解析主機無法指定 bookmark_id 和 search_query無法指定 recurrence 和 scheduling在外部輸入集偵測到環狀相依性: '%{template}' -> '%{target_template}'。範本堆疊:%{templates_stack}複製佈建範本關閉同步等級隨時間控制週期等級並散佈無法使用任何用於這工作祈願的範本建立外部輸入集建立工作祈願建立工作範本建立週期性工作建立範本輸入使用 SSH 的預設使用者。您可以透過設定參數呼叫 remote_execution_ssh_user 來覆寫每台主機的設定。要使用執行這 script 的預設使用者。如果使用者與 SSH 使用者不同,會用 su 或 sudo 來切換使用者。刪除外部輸入集刪除工作範本刪除範本輸入說明描述範本顯示進階欄位在幾秒間散佈執行在幾秒間散佈工作偵測到重複的輸入:%{duplicated_inputs}動態查詢編輯工作範本編輯遠端執行功能有效的使用者有效使用者方法 "%{current_value}" 並非 %{valid_methods} 之一有效的使用者選項從代理載入資料時發生錯誤評量於:執行退出狀態:%s事實名稱,當輸入類型是 fact 時使用詳情值已失敗無法生成範本:%s未知的輸入 %{input_name} 未定義於範本 %{template_name}篩選器外部輸入集取得主機輸出隱藏進階欄位主機主機詳細資料找不到 ID 為 '%{id}' 的主機工作多常發生,格式同 cron匯入 Puppet 類別匯入詳情這表示如果不能在這時間之前開始,就應該取消動作。輸入輸入的描述輸入是進階的需要輸入輸入的名稱輸入集的描述輸入類型要使用的輸入祈願類型,%s 之一工作工作祈願工作任務工作範本工作類別工作完成但發生錯誤工作祈願工作祈願工作範本要給這功能使用的工作範本 ID工作範本JobTemplate|LockedJobTemplate|NameJobTemplate|Snippet工作標籤最後的執行失敗最後的執行成功列出外部輸入集列出工作祈願列出工作範本列出各個位置上的工作範本列出各個組織的工作範本列出遠端執行功能列出範本輸入手動選擇必須選擇書籤或輸入搜尋查詢N/A名稱新工作範本尚無執行完成找不到主機。沒有範本定義至功能 %{feature_name}並不是所需的輸入都有值。缺少的輸入:%s僅為這祈願從範本覆寫描述格式概覽等待處理中此時間之後不再進行任何執行預覽預覽範本時發生問題:%{error}。請注意,您必須在預覽範本前,先儲存範本輸入的變更。供應商種類供應者與範本代理伺服器puppet class 名稱,當輸入類型是 puppet_parameter 時使用Puppet 參數puppet 參數名稱,當輸入類型是 puppet_parameter 時使用週期邏輯偵測到遞迴處理範本重新整理遠端執行遠端執行功能遠端動作:遠端執行重複最多 N 次重新執行重新執行失敗傳回於 %s在失敗的主機上重新執行重新執行工作解析至執行執行工作一次最多執行 N 個任務SSHSSH 供應者特定選項排程工作至未來時間排程工作至晚一點的時間捲動至底端捲動至頂端搜尋搜尋指定給主機的代理之外的遠端執行代理。如果位置或組織都已啟用,搜尋會被限制至主機的組織或地點。使用遠端執行為代理搜尋主機,這在主機沒有子網路、或子網路沒有執行代理時很有用檢視最後工作的詳情檢視工作的詳情為此子網路儘可能選擇遠端執行代理。加入有著同樣供應者的多重代理之後,動作就會在這些代理上進行負載平衡。使用者輸入可選擇的值顯示外部輸入集的詳細資料顯示工作祈願顯示工作範本的詳情顯示遠端執行功能顯示範本輸入的詳細資料程式碼片段開始靜態查詢狀態已成功成功目標主機目標範本 ID目標:工作詳細資料範本輸入範本名稱範本版本找不到 ID 為 '%{id}' 的範本動態查詢 '%{query}' 尚未被解析。該解析的主機清單可以在 %{here} 找到。用來遠端執行的執行介面最終主機清單可能會改變,因為選擇查詢是動態的。這會在執行時重新執行。使用者無法存取範本 %{template_name} 對應至功能 %{feature_name}更新狀態時發生錯誤,請更新此頁面。此範本已鎖定,因此無法編輯。此範本已鎖定。請將它複製至一個新的範本以自訂化。這範本是用來產生描述。輸入值可以使用 %{package} 語法。您也可以使用 %{job_category} 與 %{template_name} 來包括工作類別與範本名稱。時間跨度切換 DEBUG切換 STDERR切換 STDOUT切換指令主機總數試著取消工作試著取消主機上的工作類型查詢類型無法取得公開金鑰未知的執行狀態未知的輸入 %{input_name} 給範本 %{template_name}未知的遠端執行功能 %s不支援或此主機上找不到作業系統。更新外部輸入集更新工作範本更新範本輸入使用預設的描述範本使用者無法在主機 %s 上執行工作使用者無法執行此工作範本使用者無法在 %s 上執行此工作範本使用者輸入所需輸入的值 '%s' 並未指定變數變數名稱,當輸入類型是 variable 時使用該用哪個指令來切換至有效的使用者。%s 之一哪位使用者該用來執行此 script(使用類似 sudo 機制)哪位使用者該用來執行此 script(使用類似 sudo 機制)。預設值設為範本參數或全域設定。是否允許從祈願清單覆寫有效使用者。範本是否鎖定並禁止進行編輯目前登入的使用者是否應作為有效使用者執行 db:seed 時是否要從磁碟同步範本。您不能看到目前指定的範本。現在儲存表單會取消指定範本。新增輸入至此範本為此範本新增輸入集,以參照至不同的範本輸入已取消處理時發生錯誤:%s已失敗這裏主機已有執行介面主機%s 中找不到包含的範本 '%s'使用了名為 '%s' 的輸入巨集,但此範本並未輸入這樣的名稱已排程移除範本輸入移除範本輸入集已成功成功範本未知的狀態