en: desc: client: issue: 'Works with issues. See "redmine issue help"' conf: 'Works with config file. See "redmine conf help"' user: 'Works with users. See "redmine user help"' project: 'Works with projects. See "redmine project help"' issue: list: 'Lists issues of user. By default it is you' show: 'More info about issue' update: 'Change some issue params, add time entry, comment' create: 'Create issue' complete: 'Sets readiness to 100, changes assignee, changes status' options: show: limit: 'Amount of comments (last journals).' comments: 'Show only journals with comments' update: done: 'Readiness percentage' assign: 'ID or name part of user issue will be assigned to' time: 'Add time entry. Formats: HH:MM; M (minutes); H.h (hours in float)' status: 'Change status of issue. Search by status name substring' comment: 'Leave comment. It will open your text editor.' description: 'Change description with your text editor.' complete: assign: 'ID or name part of user issue will be assigned to. If not defined, issue will be assigned to its author.' conf: init: 'Asks you few question to make your config file useful' status_complete: 'Sets default status for completed issues' user: find: 'Finds users by id|email|name. Without arguments it will show your info' project: list: 'Just lists project name with IDs' members: 'Lists members of given project' commands: conf: init: enter_user: 'Enter your login to Redmine: ' enter_password: 'Enter your password: ' enter_site: 'Enter URL to your Redmine: ' status_complete: select_status: 'Please, select status for completed issues.' issue: update: type_comment_here: 'Type your comment here, save file and close' create: enter_subject: 'Enter subject: ' write_description: 'Write issue description here.' assign_to: 'ASSIGN TO:' thank_you: 'Thank you!' error_try_again: 'Error! Try again.' error_input_required: 'Input cant be empty.' not_found: 'Not found' success: 'success' error: 'error' wrong_format: 'Wrong format' creation_error: 'Creation error' select_item_from_list: 'Select item from list: ' trackers: 'trackers' projects: 'projects' versions: 'versions' without_version: ''