Release 0.15.1: Sort threads last-activity-first and bug fix. Release 0.15.0: Maildir Syncback has been included. Refer to the wiki for more information on how to set it up. sup-sync-back has been moved to sup-sync-back-mbox, please make sure you make any needed changes. Release See Release Security advisory (#SBU1) for Sup We have been notified of an potential exploit in the somewhat careless way Sup treats attachment metadata in received e-mails. The issues should now be fixed and I have released Sup and which incorporates these fixes. Please upgrade immediately and also ensure that your mime-decode or mime-view hooks are secure [0], [1]. This is specifically related to using quotes (',") around filename or content_type which is already escaped using Ruby Shellwords.escape - this means that the string (content_type, filename) is intended to be used _without_ any further quotes. Please make sure that if you use .mailcap (non OSX systems), you do not quote the string. Credit goes to: joernchen of Phenoelit ( who discovered and suggested fixes for these issues. [0] [1] Release 0.14.1: Service release to 0.14.0 plus a predefined 'All mail' search. Release 0.14.0: CJK-compatability, Psych usage, thread safety, GPGME 2.0 support. Sup is now Ruby 1.9 based, and apart from RMail - ready for Ruby 2.0.0. Sup now uses Psych as a YAML parser (default by Ruby) and your previous configuration files (~/.sup/*.yaml) may need to be migrated or re-created for them to work with the new sup. A migration script is included for this. Check for the latest instructions. First back up your ~/.sup directory and index, after installing the new sup run: $ sup-psych-ify-config-files to migrate your files. You should now be all set for buisness. Release 0.13.2: FreeBSD compatability and more thread safe polling. Release 0.13.1: Another ruby 1.8 compatible release, various fixes. Release 0.13.0: Collection of bugfixes and stability fixes since 0.12.1. We now depend on our own ncursesw-sup fork. Release 0.12.1: This release changes the gem dependency on ncurses to ncursesw, which allows the gem to install cleanly on Ruby 1.9. The new sup-import-dump program applies labels to an existing index, which could be done with sup-sync before 0.12. Release 0.12: Deprecated remote sources have been removed. Maildir support has been improved to gracefully handle messages that move or disappear. The "out of sync" errors should no longer occur. Inline GPG is now supported. Release 0.11: The deprecated Ferret index has been removed. Remote sources (IMAP, IMAPS, and mbox+ssh) have been deprecated and will be removed in 0.12. Tools like offlineimap, fetchmail, and rsync provide a much better user experience for these mail sources than Sup would ever be able to by itself. If your terminal supports it you can now use 256 colors in your colorscheme. Run the contrib/colorpicker.rb program to get the color names to put in colors.yaml. Saved searches are now supported. Hit '%' in search-results-mode to save the current search, and enter an empty search string to open the list of saved searches. Release 0.10: The Xapian backend is now the default. Convert your old, crash-prone Ferret index to Xapian by running sup-convert-ferret-index. Using a Ferret backend will produce a deprecation notice, and will not be supported in 0.11. Many thanks to Rich Lane. Release 0.9.1: This is mainly a bugfix release, with a couple minor new features rolled up. If you are using the Ferret backend, consider convering soon. I will probably add a deprecation notice in 0.10, and you support will be dropped in 0.11. Release 0.9: There's a new Xapian backend as an alternative to the Ferret one. It's still in a beta stage. It's much faster and much less prone to the random crashes than Ferret, but certain things don't work yet, most noticeably the unread message counts in label-list-mode. You can switch back and forth between both indexes without harm, *except* any new messages added to the one index won't be picked up by the other. Follow these instructions: To TRY the Xapian index, without screwing Ferret up: 1. sup-dump > dump # takes a while 2. export SUP_INDEX=xapian # or however you do it in your shell 3. sup-sync --all --all-sources --restore dump # takes a long time 4. sup -n # -n ensures that no polling is done. don't hit 'P' either Step 1 will take a long time, and step 3 will take a very long time. At this point, whenever you run Sup, the SUP_INDEX environment variable will determine which index you use. If it's unset, or "ferret", you will use the ferret index. If it's "xapian", the Xapian index. Make sure when you run sup with the Xapian index, you use -n and don't hit 'P', to avoid loading new messages into it. If you want to switch to Xapian permanently, you can then: 1. rm -rf ~/.sup/ferret 2. permanently set SUP_INDEX=xapian according to your shell 3. Run sup as normal, i.e. without -n. If you want to go back to Ferret, you can just rm -rf ~/.sup/xapian and make sure your SUP_INDEX environment variable is unset. Release 0.8.1: A bugfix release with fixes for quote parsing (bad behavior in certain long emails), multibyte display for non-utf8 locales, and reply-mode mode selection. Release 0.8: The big wins are undo support, mbox splitting fixes, and the various UI speedups and bugfixes. Parsing new email should also be faster, although IMAP remains tragically slow, as usual. Release 0.7: The big win in this release is that Ferret index corruption issues should now be fixed, thanks to an extensive programming of locking and thread-safety-adding. The other nice change is that text entry will now scroll to the right upon overflow, thanks to some arcane Curses magic that Steve Goldman discovered. As always, this release includes many other bugfixes and enhancements. Release 0.6: Message attachment searchability automatically takes effect on new messages, but if you want it on older ones, you'll have to reindex them. See the instructions below, and the help for sup-sync, for how to do this. Release 0.5: Saving message state (pressing "$") has been sped up. However, this is only automatically in effect for new messages. To make it effective for older messages (i.e. messages indexed with versions of Sup before 0.5), you must reindex them, e.g. by running sup-sync --all on a source.