function unwrap(val) { if (val === null || val === undefined) throw new Error(`Expected value to be present`); return val; } function expect(val, message) { if (val === null || val === undefined) throw new Error(message); return val; } function unreachable(message = 'unreachable') { return new Error(message); } // import Logger from './logger'; // let alreadyWarned = false; function debugAssert(test, msg) { // if (!alreadyWarned) { // alreadyWarned = true; // Logger.warn("Don't leave debug assertions on in public builds"); // } if (!test) { throw new Error(msg || 'assertion failure'); } } const { keys: objKeys } = Object; function assign(obj) { for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { let assignment = arguments[i]; if (assignment === null || typeof assignment !== 'object') continue; let keys = objKeys(assignment); for (let j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { let key = keys[j]; obj[key] = assignment[key]; } } return obj; } function fillNulls(count) { let arr = new Array(count); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { arr[i] = null; } return arr; } let GUID = 0; function initializeGuid(object) { return object._guid = ++GUID; } function ensureGuid(object) { return object._guid || initializeGuid(object); } const SERIALIZATION_FIRST_NODE_STRING = '%+b:0%'; function isSerializationFirstNode(node) { return node.nodeValue === SERIALIZATION_FIRST_NODE_STRING; } function dict() { return Object.create(null); } class DictSet { constructor() { this.dict = dict(); } add(obj) { if (typeof obj === 'string') this.dict[obj] = obj;else this.dict[ensureGuid(obj)] = obj; return this; } delete(obj) { if (typeof obj === 'string') delete this.dict[obj];else if (obj._guid) delete this.dict[obj._guid]; } } class Stack { constructor() { this.stack = []; this.current = null; } get size() { return this.stack.length; } push(item) { this.current = item; this.stack.push(item); } pop() { let item = this.stack.pop(); let len = this.stack.length; this.current = len === 0 ? null : this.stack[len - 1]; return item === undefined ? null : item; } isEmpty() { return this.stack.length === 0; } } class ListNode { constructor(value) { = null; this.prev = null; this.value = value; } } class LinkedList { constructor() { this.clear(); } head() { return this._head; } tail() { return this._tail; } clear() { this._head = this._tail = null; } toArray() { let out = []; this.forEachNode(n => out.push(n)); return out; } nextNode(node) { return; } forEachNode(callback) { let node = this._head; while (node !== null) { callback(node); node =; } } insertBefore(node, reference = null) { if (reference === null) return this.append(node); if (reference.prev) = node;else this._head = node; node.prev = reference.prev; = reference; reference.prev = node; return node; } append(node) { let tail = this._tail; if (tail) { = node; node.prev = tail; = null; } else { this._head = node; } return this._tail = node; } remove(node) { if (node.prev) =;else this._head =; if ( = node.prev;else this._tail = node.prev; return node; } } class ListSlice { constructor(head, tail) { this._head = head; this._tail = tail; } forEachNode(callback) { let node = this._head; while (node !== null) { callback(node); node = this.nextNode(node); } } head() { return this._head; } tail() { return this._tail; } toArray() { let out = []; this.forEachNode(n => out.push(n)); return out; } nextNode(node) { if (node === this._tail) return null; return; } } const EMPTY_SLICE = new ListSlice(null, null); const EMPTY_ARRAY = Object.freeze([]); export { debugAssert as assert, assign, fillNulls, ensureGuid, initializeGuid, isSerializationFirstNode, SERIALIZATION_FIRST_NODE_STRING, Stack, DictSet, dict, EMPTY_SLICE, LinkedList, ListNode, ListSlice, EMPTY_ARRAY, unwrap, expect, unreachable };